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Jangmi woke up and she saw Mrs. Pyo, sitting right beside her while scrolling through her phone. The sudden wave of emotion washed through her mind, the scene made her heaved a long sigh before sitting up to face the older one properly.


The called one showed her a soft smile, the warm smile that made her wanted to hug the mother for a long, long time. She thought it was odd to see the mother to stay in her room in the morning—except for when there is actually something urgent or important things that will happen on the day. Jangmi guessed things were about to exposed, she was beyond ready for it.

"Mrs. Jung found my number, and she called me..." A glimpse of tear was obvious in her eyes. Mrs. Pyo was in awe, but she knew she was not the original birthgiver of Jung Jangmi.

"Mom, I knew this day will come, sadly..." Jangmi pulled Mrs. Pyo in for a hug, rubbing her back softly before continued to calm her down.

"I know Mother Jung won't ever hold me back from meeting you, right? She's a kind person, she's just like you—both of you are the true mothers everyone wanted to have. Even if we have to separate ways, I'm sure we can still see each other anytime we want, right? I love you, mom. Thank you for raising me well, for teaching me everything I need to know, teaching me how hard life is going to be and was always there for me though it was hard for me to adapt things in my life. I love you forever, mom."

A long hug, added with flowing tears, endless affirmations and love between the daughter and the mother. They might not related by blood, but they knew each other well better than anyone else.

"I love you too, Jangmi. Grow up as a better person, okay? I'll still support you no matter who you will be as long as it makes you happy and makes you feel like the world is treating you right. Don't ever skip meals, don't drink too much coffee—oh, dear, I hate how you love coffee so much—"

"MOM! STOP WITH THE COFFEE THINGS?" Jangmi playfully hit Mrs. Pyo's arm before continue hugging the mother as if she was still in a kindergarten. The love she had for the one who raised her was uncountable and unimaginable. Though she was eager to find out her biological family, the Pyo parents are still everything to her.

"In conclusion, please, take care of yourself, okay? Also, in two weeks, me and your dad will go to Spain for a honeymoon and—please don't be surprised!" Mrs. Pyo's wide smile grew a curiosity of Jung Jangmi who was holding her hands.

"What is it?"

"We are going to do the IVF—I want to have a baby myself!"

The news did made Jangmi teared up, she was beyond happy for her foster parents. After years of growing up with them, she finally witnessed the happiest state of the mother, knowing well they are finally able to grow their own baby by theirselves.



They hugged for a long time, before continuing their day so it would be a meaningful day for the two wonderful women. In less than 24 hours, Jangmi would go back to her biological family's house, mixed feelings arise but her curiosity is always winning.


"Is everything alright?" Mrs. Jung asked Jaehyun who looked disheveled on the couch after cleaning up the room right beside his room for Jangmi.

"Yes, mother." The mother then entered the room, soft brown colored wall, white fluffy couch matched with an oval coffee table in a same color as the couch, short khaki toned makeup table and a queen sized bed. Perfect, just like what she wanted. Jangmi was about to arrive in less than 30 minutes so Mrs. Jung was already preparing for their first dinner as a family together.

"I did a great job for her room, I hope she likes it." The son wrapped his mother in for a light hug, receiving a peck on his cheek as a sign of gratitude.

The bell sound was heard—so does Jaehyun's beating heart. He was beyond nervous to live with someone who he knew and met as a friend of a friend and a girlfriend of a friend. That friend is actually his sister, what a crazy small world do to him.

"Hello, mother! Hi, Jaehyun."

The biological daughter was engulfed in the mother's arms, softly inhaling her sweet scent knowing she's finally home. Jaehyun at the back was staying still, recording every moment with his eyes to keep it in his brain memory card. Little Jaehyun would be so happy knowing that he actually had a little sibling, a sister that is adorable and has the exact same feature as the mother. Later on, he joined the group hug and made the women danced along.

"Thank God, you safely arrived, dear. Put those bags in front of your room, let's fill in our tummy first."

Jaehyun helped her with the luggages and bags while Jangmi ran to the dining table—where the truth once revealed. Funny how she was already here with them, though it took her nights to realized how dramatic was their first encounter. On top of it all, she was relieved that she was originally born into a good family.


"From now on, you should call me oppa, instead." Right, they are siblings.

"Alright then, but in campus I don't want to call you that." Jaehyun then pinched Jangmi's arm, before sneakily stole her food—a slice of steak—and hid behind the mother's back. "No, everyone should know you are my sister."

"Jaehyun, sit down! It's your first dinner and both of you are already arguing like this." Mrs. Jung pulled Jaehyun's shirt to make him sit on his seat, which is right beside Jangmi's making both of them chuckled in unison.

"It's nice to see you in pair, after a really, really long time." Mrs. Jung chose to watch her children eat, like it's the first time seeing the siblings together.

"Mother, if you wonder why are we this close, we're already close enough at school so you don't have to worry. We're not going to be awkward around each other, right, Jangmi?" Jangmi nodded vigorously as a response, too immersed on the food the mother prepared for them.

"Jangmi, just in case you wonder where father is—just so you know he's always at the ministry's places and out of this town, okay—"

"Please, mother. Just don't mention him. I just hope he's okay with Jangmi." The mother smiled, hiding all the pain they were bearing. Honestly, it was hard for her to face the husband especially Jangmi—their long 'lost' daughter—was finally here, in the house.

"It's okay, you all have a nice dinner. I want to take a rest."

"Mother, have you eaten? Please, have some!" Jangmi asked in a worried tone, something was off once Jaehyun mentioned the phrase earlier.

"I did have some earlier, it's okay. You can watch movies with Jaehyun later on."

Indeed, she was beyond happy. But there's much more to discover before finally revealing the truth to her biological parents. Actions must be taken as soon as possible or worst things are about to happen.


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin