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TW: Mentions of drugs

The day Jisoo hates the most-whether it happened, is happening or will happen-is coming, right ahead her. She bit her nails anxiously as the youngest reached out for the hurting nails, shaking her head as a sign of no to stop her from the awkward silence in the ward. Jangmi, previously sitting on the bed was now standing up, seeing the other agents coming made her realized this could be a crucial meeting among the agents. That sounded not so good, the head agent for Seoul team went within reach of Jisoo.

"Welcome back, dear-I guess. Mind exposing your secrets?"

"Mrs. Kang, I don't think it'd be good to push her to tell us her-"

"And was I talking to you, Kim Jungwoo?" The mentioned one heaved out a sigh, stepping back, eye-siding the greedy, abnormal head agent. Jisoo sat up, hands still playing with each other as a sign of uneasiness since there were eight pairs of eyes staring into her soul, cutting her spirit into two. Her shaky voice did peeved the woman in her mid 30s.

"Just please, fucking open your damn mouth or I'll contact your nearest relatives since your parents never fucking did,"

"I'll do it by myself, no need to shout. So, thank God I'm still alive but I'm not doing well at all, my mother's step-sister is a fucking drug dealer-she freaking uses those shits." There was a long pause before she continued her words. Her eyes glued to the person she had been trusting since the day she was exposed by its own. Doyoung gave her a warm smile, convincing the one to continue the explanation before the reactions worsened.

"Doyoung knows it, even from a year ago. I still hid it from everyone, I'm terrified-terrified of how all of you would do, and react. But, Doyoung found out-during the Christmas celebration, I invited all of you guys and funny how Doyoung saw her snorting the damn cocaine in the bathroom and it fucking leads to a small chaos between the three of us. She is never sober-and it scares me. I am scared of what will she do to me and us, when she finds out who I actually am. Guess it's already written as my fate, she found out I am an agent. It drove her insane, and she was fuming around like crazy-I had to fucking run out of the house but she caught me, while my parents are away, while my cousins didn't know about it. They never did, so do I-never telling them the truth."

The eyes that is as bright as the stars, sparkling and shining making people wonder-how is that possible to see someone as pretty, as patient, as fragile to be in an unbearable pain. Reading her mind is going to make you fell down deeper into a hole that is clearly impossible to get out. The eyes-which was full of crazy shines was now breaking, a river of crystal flow down to her cheeks. She never asked for pain, the useless pain she never imagined of, she even went through it until it is time to give it up.

All of the female agents-excluding Mrs. Kang-gathered around to engulf Jisoo in a warm, large sized hug to prevent more tears from rolling down. The way to tell her she was doing amazing, she is a great person and it was a brilliant idea to stop hiding things from the trusted people who honestly had been always there for her. As a saying goes, good things take times.

"Just so you know, you're the greatest, Jisoo."

"Hey, chin up! You should take a plenty rest before starting all over again."

"Remember that we love you, it's okay to feel bad for once or more than that."


"Mind sharing more to us, Kim Doyoung?"

The bunny-like person choked on the iced chocolate he was sipping for straight 10 minutes, just listening to the friendly discussion between agents after a crazy tragic incident on the noon. He sheepishly smiled, showing the neat teeth of his with an innocent look plastered all over the face, it means he was scared of getting bashed, cancelled, judged and so on.

"Promise me you guys-"

"JUST TELL US!" Jennie and Jangmi's voice became one, Doyoung-apparently, Jungwoo, too-was pertified, indeed girls are crazy over more teas to be spilled. Doyoung scratched his unitchy neck before adjusting the drink in front of him. In other words, yes, he was taking a long time to start a story.

"I'll make it short, okay? So, as what you guys heard from Jisoo herself about the encounter-that time, I was about to go to the toilet when I heard heavy breathing and sound of falling things and it made me feel like 'oh, I should help them'. I broke into the toilet-it was unlocked-and I witnessed with my own eyes, she was snorting that thing."

He took a moment to stop, as all of the listeners were in awe. The story teller-yet again, and again-taking a sip from his drink to open more regarding to their friend before they went back to work.

"And, when I saw that, she was crying-like out of the fucking blue-and that time I was like 'oh God, what should I do?' until Jisoo barged in the toilet because I waved my hand to her. That time, if I wasn't mistaken, Jisoo was in her way to our previous seat. To her step-aunt-or whatever you call it-surprise, she suddenly screamed, and you know what's crazier was how fast was Jisoo to cover her mouth."

Doyoung dramatically sat back down on his seat, put it in your mind, if there is a hot and booming topic, Doyoung wouldn't be embarassed to stand up just to give extra reactions to the stories and feeling the flowing emotions charging his body.

"No wonder she's already good at it."

"I mean, she's been hiding it all to herself-if Doyoung wasn't there, she'd forever in that way."

Every single person stayed in a long silence, they eyed each other way too much, no words, not even a loud sigh, no sound of clinking spoon and glass-plain silence. A silence where everyone craved after such a mind burning session, and it was shoved with more information from different point of view, too much to take at once.

"Will she stay with us? Just like before?" It was Jungwoo's turn to break the painful silence. Receiving a little nod from Jennie, he wasn't amused at all, no one knew what step in the head agent nor the leader's had in each of their sane mind. In fact, her state had them all shivered in fear, avoiding to take a huge risk on one of the agent's family member.

"Let's just say half of the issue is done, everything that will come up next, let's just pray it's not going to grow any worse. Cheers to all of our hardworks!"

Or in fact, there would be more thrilling nerve-wrecking issues to be prepared in their way. No one can predict future, which is steps ahead them.


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now