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"Damn, look at this,"

Doyoung took out a box of guns and some extremely dangerous weapons-rare ones, coming from the western agents years ago-giving it to the others to see, no touching since they didn't want their fingerprint to imprinted on those stuff.

"Woah, what the fuck is this? It seems like it's been decades, bro." Yeji took out one-with her gloves on. Jennie examined the weapon with her gadgets and tools, wanting to know stories behind the guns.

"Ah I see, these are the things the cops used to keep, a result from an attack caused by crazy drug dealers in Korea, 1993."

"God, how did they got these things. Too dangerous and what the actual hell, there is a bottle of acid, am not sure whether it is still reacting or not." Lisa carefully took away the acid with the lab tool they had, setting it inside of the test tube.

"Let's just leave it there, or any of us would break it."

"How crazy drug dealers can be, shit's crazy."

"Actually, the aunt of J-"

Doyoung immediately stopped-halfway-with a panic flashed before his eyes. Every eyes now stopping at the one, he awkwardly chuckled while backing off to run to any lab in the headquarter.

"Doyoung, aunt of who?" Jennie eyed him up and down, reading his mind. He thought he was messed up, even if he asked for Jungwoo, it will be very useless.

No one knows, but he knows.

"Well, did I say aunt? I said mount, yeah mount of Japan. Yes, oh what was the name again? Ah yes, Mount Fuji. Have you guys ever been there? Oh I would love to, haha."

"He's weird," Yeji laughed, along with the other female agents. "He is, and sometimes acting sus. I am eager to know but now look at him, malfunctioning."

"Hey, Yeji. So how's Jangmi's condition? Is she good? Getting better?" Jungwoo came to the front, with coffee in his right hand, left stirring the remaining coffee powder on top of the water.

"She's getting better, but there's visitor."

"Oh, who?"

"I guess it's Donghyuck, since I saw his car parked at the Pyo's area. I mean I don't think I should be bugging in so I let them having their lovey dovey times."

Jungwoo pouted-scared, worried, a little bit of jealousy? Well maybe-but he does know how Donghyuck is. A flirt, sometimes a gentleman, a caring person, a loving one. He could put his trust on him as long as he could keep an eye towards Jangmi.

"Don't worry, I told them to not to create any mess. I'm sure Donghyuck would understand."


"You bad kid!"

Jangmi-sitting on the bench with chocolate in her hand-was laughing seeing Donghyuck playing with a random kid at the playground. Since the weather is suddenly getting better, he took her out after-well, cuddling-an hour, waiting for the clear sky.

"What's your name, boy?" Jangmi took turn to play with the boy.

"There's no use, he's too shy to talk." Regardless of the lack of words, both Donghyuck and the boy continued to roam around, creating mess and of course, pulling those kids pranks on kids.

"Hey, Hyuck, I think you should stop now. People will think you're the dad of the kid."

"And you're the mother,"

"Ah, well here he comes, Mr. Casanova."

Man was taken aback, offended for sure. "I used to be a playboy, okay I might sound super duper proud but you can ask my members."

Jangmi admired his smile-from the very start, especially during the play times with those toddlers, she fell for his sweetness and a tiny bit of his naughty behavior. It screams Lee Donghyuck pretty well. While the opposite gender of her was busy taking a look at the adorable one, sometimes she's just too boy-ish with her style, sometimes she be looking like someone's soccer mom and most of the times, you could mistook her as a minor. The variations of her style had him falling and falling, stumbling again and not wanting to get up.

"I'm not going to classes till you're better, I heard your mother said they'll be out of the town for straight two weeks, Jung Jangmi, freaking two weeks."

"And I'm used to it...? Oh come on, I've been raised this way, it's not something you need to worry about."

Grabbing both her hands, circling them around his waist while the other hand playing with her dry hair, Jangmi was too stunned. Decided to let out her remaining unsaid words as the air coming out from her mouth, his lips were only inches away, she would not going back to home going crazy-Jangmi still hadn't get any of kisses, not yet.

"Please be healthy, please be safe, I know we are too unclear but I hope you listen to what I just said, you know. I don't want to lose you,"

"Gosh, Hyuck. Who said I'll leave-"

"Lee Donghyuck?"


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now