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His overflowing aura and confidence had all people in the house staring, as if he is the main character that people had been waiting since the first minute they entered the house. Doyoung welcomed Donghyuck by doing their handshakes, along with Jungwoo holding a light alcoholic drink in a wine glass. The warm greets drew the Kim's parents attention since it was their first time seeing Donghyuck-technically Doyoung's new friend-face to face. He bowed a perfect angle before introducing himself, holding out the right hand to Doyoung's father.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim, before I introduce myself, I apologize for being late since I assume some of the guests are already heading home so-my name is Lee Donghyuck and I am Doyoung's friend from the campus. Different classes, but we still hang out oftenly." Doyoung and his parents were astonished, what a distinguished gentleman showing up in a black jeans with a white shirt, covered in a denim jacket-matching tone with his jeans. Plus, he is a known person, by looking at his beautiful melanin, the whole South Korea would recognize the public figure and a genius person to be born.

"Great to know you, Donghyuck. It's a pleasure to see you here, since we always saw you on the screen-but that's because of Doyoung, he is a big fan of you and your E-Sports activities,"

"Father, no. Don't embarass me, he's now my friend okay, no one can beat our level." He immediately wrapped his arm around the younger's neck, pulling him into the living room area as Jungwoo gave him a cup of coke. He greeted all of the agents member and surprisingly-no awkward moments at all, it is Lee Donghyuck, why would you be scared of? He is the pride of youth they said.

The gaze of the brown eyes averted to all the corners of the house, and Lisa got it. She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes making the person jolted awake. "If you wonder where Jangmi is, she's with Yeji upstairs. No worries, she's maybe eating the soup Doyoung made."

"It'd be better if you sit down and eat first, don't feel anxious much about her, we are like her sisters though." Rosé convinced the purple haired male to line up at the dining table, take some food and rest himself at the couch so he wouldn't be so in rush when it comes to Jangmi.

"Alright, anyone wanna play beer pong?"


Jung Jangmi took forever to sleep, which leads to a situation where Rosé needs to take over the babysitter role-she's intimidated by her, it always helped when it comes to sleeping. It was 9 where all of them were already packing things up, cleaning the mess and chose to stay in for the night-all thanks to Doyoung's mother. Somehow the house wouldn't be too empty without them, they lighted up the house's mood, including the owner.

As Rosé's hand crept around Jangmi's bangs, a soft triple knocks echoed into the room. The person behind it stepped in-no longer in denim's attire, just plain white shirt and a black tracksuit. Rosé flashed a smile, stood up from her seat to leave the two giving what they both needed the most.



"Make sure to talk to her about her health, okay? We don't want her to be in this state no more." The male chuckled, reassuring the older one that everything will be fine. "It's fine, I know how to handle it. Thanks for looking over her!"

The door went shut, the dim light coming from the table lamp made the room's mood was extra cold and cozy, comfortable enough to lay back after having a whole day of working and rushing here and there-that's the kind of feeling. Without wasting any moment, he went closer to her face-so close he could feel the breath coming out from her nose and how many freckles were there on top of her nose bridge. It may seems like he already saw it numerous times, but seeing her getting the sleep she might need, it is oddly satisfying-at least, to him.

Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now