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TW: Mentions of drugs, death, abuse

"Fucking quit that thing!" Donghyuck felt a little too grossed out upon seeing his cousin taking a pill or two of the thing, he wasn't fully sober for the past two days, skipping all the classes, cancelling all the meetings with his father and finally, hiding at a place which Donghyuck just find out hours ago. As much hatred he had to him, Donghyuck wouldn't want this cousin of him to die in the middle of the road or something, or even worse, he would cut everything off just to keep his cousin's company.

"Donghyuck, I can't, the life is doing bad to me-to us! To us Donghyuck, ever since your father and grandfather died, we are facing much harder life. Fucking sickening I can say, don't you think of the same thing?" He was wasted, but his words were true, painfully sincere, too much wounds laced on top of his words, all related to them, the family they used to call home. Donghyuck looked up to the night sky, heaved a long, deep sigh before placing his hands under his head.

"Yeah, fucking agree. Life is doing us like some fucking bastards."

Heeseung rolled up his sleeve, exposing the new, fresh and infected wound near his wrist to the cousin beside him. It had Donghyuck laughed dryly, Heeseung flashed a weary smile too, already used to it. As a return, Donghyuck did the same by rolling up his pant revealing the big cut on top of his ankle, luckily covered by a bandage to avoid the blood smearing around his skin. They both feel it, feel the same feelings, they hated it, they hated each other, they cared for each other, they were fucking confused.

"This was yesterday's, father took a wooden stick and yeah," nodded as he leaned his back to the cold wall.

"Mine is from two days ago, right after the classes done. He said, it is quite fun to do so, he didn't know what the fuck we did night before, working like some cunts in front of the big ass computer."

They shared a dry laughter again, the smell of the post rainy day was so calming, the sound of big bikes and busy cars enlighten their mood, the view of the building with bright LED light shone through the place they were currently in, making the mood thousand times better.

"Why did he needs to die?"

Heeseung turned around to witness Donghyuck's side profile, his purple hair blended well with the current color of the light. They knew where this conversation would lead to, and what would be their reactions-either creating yet another bloody fight or just tongue-arguements, throwing words at each other.

"Because he wasn't born for the world's cruelty."

"Why can't it be me?"

"Donghyuck, enough."

"He died because of our grandfather, and our damned grandfather died because of his own fucking actions, why can't you see, Lee Heeseung?! The fact that his insane mind drove us to what us now, drove your father to what he is now. That's not a damn success, fam, we are reaching the rock bottom! Why can't you open your large eyes to see that his death wasn't because of the others, it all started because of his stupidity! Why do you pity him that much? He died and never had the time to see us, neither us, we never see him and what thing that made you fucking believe your crazy father's words?!"

The one who got shouted at dropped into a long silence, he knew it. He knew it would lead to this type of mood again, but his recent words woke him up, hit right in the brightest place in his brain, sober enough to process Donghyuck's words getting launched all over him. He was right-did he ever saw him? Did he knew his grandfather's back story? Was his father trustable?-all of the questions were churning and burning in the frail state of his mind.


He couldn't hold back his thumping chest, resulting him to hyperventilate, letting out the tears that puddled on his waterline. Heeseung never thought of this, either he never realized or he avoided the truth-he never knew. He was so into the rebel 'in the name of Grandfather Lee' things till it eats him up, it eats both of them at the same time. Weren't they too young for this?

"Donghyuck, you were so right, you are the only useful person in this family, I-oh my God, Donghyuck what have we done? What have we done and what have father done? Why was I so into the dead person when I knew nothing about him?"

"Because of the fucked up grandfather, none in this family is sane. And once again Heeseung, quit taking the pills, I care for you, I care for us, I care for mother-you guys are the only thing that matter to me now. Please, please-I'm fucking begging you to take a long rest, go to the rehab, or I will pay everything, I don't care if I have to pay you all of my fucking money to see you sober all day without getting abused by your father."

Heeseung's tears kept on rolling down his cheeks, throwing away the pill's bottle while looking at his cousin, pleading eyes, a sign of gratitude knowing there was actually someone who still looks after him-his father never did, neither his mother. Too much on the money they are working on, he wanted it to get over, he wanted to give it up. He couldn't bare another days of abuse, frail mind, tears and fears.

"Thanks, Donghyuck, thank you so much. I just want to let you know that you don't have to, once I'm ready to go for a rehab, I'll leave this town. How about this, let's end all of these hacker things, can you give it up? For us? I know none of us could stand it anymore."

There was a long pause as he stared into the eye-blinding building ahead of the place, deeply lost into thinking of how they would settle all these problems-finally after years living with so much pain-as soon as possible. Donghyuck then sat up out of the blue, facing the black haired with all hopes, new future is about to start.

"I don't actually know where to start, but all I know is we have to take it slow. Your father, even if he doesn't know about it, he has the eyes around the country. We'll take it slow, I promise we will end things quickly."

"Have you ever think of Jangmi?"

"...I just know she wouldn't be amused with it but, I'm not going to tell her straight away."

"Whatever it takes, we have to settle this down, I know we can do better, Donghyuck." Both of them fell into the serene night, having each other's company for the whole night, no intentions on going home to face the hateful one. More good days are coming, and they didn't doubt it.


Rose & Sun, Lee Haechan [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora