1.Hospital of lost children

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"Sometimes you think that you want to disappear... but all you really want is to

Narration voice:

' Have you ever wished to be a butterfly?... to have colorful wings like it? ..... To fly freely spreading your colorful wings like it?..... but before think these.... have you ever took interest in it? In its journey? Inits growth? Or wondered how it flies with their delicate wings in this big world?
For me, I am so taken back by their courage to face this world even they know that the tomorrow is not promised.... and at the same time I am ashamed of me who is incompetent, who is not brave, importantly who have no tomorrow.... I want to be them. But the only thing me and the butterfly have something in common is


If you ask what is happiness, the first word that leaves everyone's mouth is 'ukiyo' .
And why is that you may ask.... first let me tell about the city of ukiyo. Then you decide....
Ukiyo.... the city where the sun rises with happiness. The city where only happiness exists. The city where all sadness is forbidden. The city where people live long enough to see their family prosper. All peoples dream city that they wish hard to visit so that they can experience the taste of pure happiness. But when you enter the city, the suffering in your life might run away from you seeing the city. You enter into a euphoric state like you are floating in the clouds of ebullience entering into another dimension where you want to stay forever. It gives you the moment of merry that your soul wished for and makes you realize you are right in heaven. If a visitor can feel these things, think about the people who live there. They are the most happiest, healthiest and peaceful people ever, one could say. They are indeed very happy people who spend their time partying with neighbors, attending balls and wearing colorful gowns and suits as black and white are considered to be sad colors. They wear flower crowns to indicate their happiness. Each colorful flower crown for each occasions. Only the people of Ukiya get to wear the blue rose wreath which is very unique and rare to show that they are Rare people on earth and they took pride on it. All the festivals celebrated there is full of happiness, dance and music to go with the occasion. The city streets are always decorated with colorful flags and decorative flowers to keep the mind free from stress. The weddings that happen in Ukiyo are the grandest even if it is of a poor family..... and you may ask about the death as it is a sad event. But this is Ukiyo the city of happiness. Here even the death ceremony is celebrated colorfully with happiness.... that sounds absurd right? But Ukiyo people believe that the deceased person will start up his second life as soon as he is dead. So to give him a farewell, their family conduct these parties to make their soul happy and wish them good for their next life. So we can't argue them....
So on whole the city is true meaning of Happiness.....
So you want to go their right? You might have pictured it in your mind right now....
Fine about it cause all of us dream.... right? But wait... I am not finished yet....

Before dreaming all of these, I want to remind you of one thing.....

Every good things have a bad side.

Confusing right? What can the city of happiness might be hiding from us? Want to know?
'Hospital of lost children '

Wait did you said 'Hospital?!' , you might think...
Where out of nowhere came a hospital in the city of happiness?!
Well the truth is always bitter.... this 'Hospital' is the real reason for Ukiyo's happiness. The cries and depressed moans behind those ugly brown walls are the reason for the laughter and smiles that can be seen in Ukiyo.... the dull white color uniform they wear is the reason behind those colorful gowns those people wear....

Well how is that? It all started with a cunning promise to make Ukiyo the world's heaven. The deadly promise that become an important ritual for Ukiyo's happiness. It is more deadly than killing....
The ritual of making children orphan.

That might be shocking for you.... but as I said that is the truth that is hidden behind all those colorful lights. Well what happens in this ritual?
When a baby is born in Ukiyo, before naming him/her, the parents should visit the chief astrologer who predicts future accurately. This is for to see the future for his or her whether they would be happy and healthy. But if the baby will be faced a sad or sick future (mean if they fell ill or get disease), the baby should be given to the hospital and the parents should announce that their baby is born still to the society by gathering others. The baby will be considered dead and it is forbidden from city. The most painful thing is that most parents don't hesitate to do this or worry about the child. How the world has changed!!!!

Even to avoid the children to know about the city, the hospital is hidden in a dense forest which is impossible to reach. The city and the hospital is separated by thus forest. Only handful of people knows the way to the hospital.

The children in the hospital wear dull white hospital dresses to show that they are born to be sorrow. They are given medical assistance for their diseases but treated without love. If Ukiyo is the meaning of Happiness, this hospital is the meaning of sadness. The children here are meant to be sad they can't laugh or enjoy which is forbidden to then. If they laugh, they would be punished. Their faces are haunted with sadness and dark that stays forever. To control the number of children coming to the hospital, the children who turns 18 should commit suicide the minute they turn 18. Their bodies would be burned together without any mercy. So the children had limited life there. They are living in hell even before death. But for them, the death is the only way they can escape from this hell.
Well I don't think Ukiyo is the city of happiness... it is the example of what a blind goal can do.....

The Boy Who Had Purple Hair Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon