40. Tempestas : prt - 3

12 3 1

"The storm took him away like a fall wind taking on tree's leaves..."

Continuation :

They all stood there.... raising their swords in the air.... getting ready to attack..... The thunder rumbled above them....The waves started to get bigger and angry corresponding to the vicious storm. Soon the horrific rain started to pour down on them. The men without any warning, in a blink of an eye, charged on both of them. Even though the charge was fierce and strong, Agust and Hobi were able to block it and defend themselves. Now they both fought back in full energy, swinging their swords in full speed, attacking each of the men. In course of their fight, Agust was separated from the group to the starboard side and fought with a tall man who looked like he was the head of that group. The head assassin showed no mercy as he tried to plung his sword into Agust but thankfully Agust escaped in a small distance. He defended himself pretty fast and was able to collect himself before the assassin's next move. The assassin showed some skill moves but Agust was no less to him. He was well known for his swordmanship in Ukiyo. They both fought fierce letting their sword meet each other. The storm raged through the ship and the big waves making it unstable for them to stand. The ship rocked very strong in the storm. Thunder and lightening were striking here and there. The fight was going on in this worst weather. Hobi was fighting other assassins even he and others were completely getting wet in the terrific rain. At the time, He successfully was able to kill one of them by stabbing in his abdomen. He swinged in the sword skillfully, his years of lessons helping him, giving them severe blows here and there. The assassins did struggle to get a hold of Hobi's moves as first they were not able to see in the rain and another his moves were unpredictable. Sometimes in between he used his hands and legs to punch or knock of them therefore to keep some distance away so that he doesn't get hurt. On the other hand, Agust was bit struggling to handle the man as he was taller than him and bigger. He was trying his best to get rid of the man however the man had took advantage of Agust's height. Agust was able to wound the man's right leg yet it was not enough to slow him down. Now the man got closer to Agust as he pushed him to the side, mounting on him and tried to slash the sword in his throat. Agust being cornered was striving to get out of his hold with his sword, pushing him hard but he was too stronger. While this, within a matter of seconds, to both of their great shock and horror, a big lightning hit the main sail of the ship, starting a fire. Agust took this chance as the assassin was distracted of the fire and pushed him down to the deck. Hobi to saw the main sail lit in fire and searched his friend who was on the other side. Hobi had no chance to look at his friend clearly as again the assassins attacked him moving further away from the sight of Agust. By again, he was able to kill another one, leaving only two at his tail. Soon to their growing distress, the burning sail fell on the deck of the ship spreading the fire through. Agust tried getting to the other side yet to his vain, the fire has grown wild. Hobi knocked off one assassin into the raging ocean while he fought with other. His mind was now more occupied off saving his friend who on the other side. Agust yelled through the fire, "HOBI!!!" Hobi was able to hear his friend's scream among the chaos. He punched the assassin down and looked through the fire to see his friend strangled on the other side. Soon the crew members came up to see the fire beginning to consume the ship. One of them shouted, " we need to get of this ship! NOW!!!!" and all the crew ran down to get the passengers out. Agust can see what was happening on the other side and he quickly yelled to his friend, " HOBI! GO HELP THEM!!! I WILL FIND A WAY TO GET TO THAT SIDE SOON!!!" Hobi heard his friend and without a second thought, he ran to the lower deck and started departing all the passengers out with the crew. The ship had three rescue boats. One can hold upto 40 people. There were already about 150 people in the ship including children. The crew members were able to get the boats ready inbetween the monstrous storm that was getting bigger and bigger as the minutes passed. Hobi helped each passengers to get in the boat. Agust was finding his way out of the fire that have now spread all over the starboard side. The passengers were in the portside. They were able to get in 50 people in the first boat and it was pulled down into the ocean in the middle of the blustery rain. The small boat as it landed on the ocean, trembled in the big waves. The next set of passangers were getting in the next boat and were about the same number as the first one. It was to lowered down. Hobi was supervising all as he made sure they get in and land the boat safely into the ocean. Now the last boat was filling up with crew and remaining people. Agust came safely to the portside and joined them. As everyone got in, Hobi said, " come! let us get on!" When he finished the words, suddenly someone grabbed Agust from behind and pushed him down. Hobi turned quickly and saw the head assassin again who was about to stab Agust who was lying down. Hobi quickly defended his friend and attacked the assassin. Agust stood up fast and helped his friend. As the fight was going on and the people looking at them, out of blue, one woman started to scream in panic searching, "where is my child?!! MY SON?!!" But the crew members ignored her screaming as no one was willing to get of the boat. Hobi heard the woman scream and turned to her while Agust was fighting the assassin. Agust to heard the scream and he shouted to Hobi, " I CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS!!! YOU GO FIND THE BOY!!" Hobi hesitated first but ran to the lower deck again. The fire has now consumed almost all of the ship and the ship has started to sink into the violent ocean. The woman cried as the last boat lowered. " WAIT!! THE TWO MEN AND THE CHILD!!! THEY ARE STILL IN THE SHIP!!" people shouted at the crew. One of the crew answered, " WE ARE LOWERING THE BOAT SLOW!!! THEY WILL COME!!!" Hobi searched through the rooms at the abandoned lower deck and finally he found the little boy in a room, crying and scared under a bed. He said in a soft voice still shaking, " come on... Don't be afraid... I will get you to your mother..." And lifted him in his arms, holding him tight and ran to the upper deck. Agust as he fought against, to his dismay, he dropped his sword in the fire as it was knocked off his hand. Right now he was defenseless and only option is to fight with his fists. He dodged as the assassin tried to plunge forward. Hobi who came up, stood there looking at his friend struggling. Agust looked at his friend standing with the child and shouted, " GO HOBI!!! I WILL COME!!!" Hobi was scared and he shouted back, "NO!!! NOT WITHOUT YOU!!!!" Agust kicked the man and screamed, " GO!!!" Hobi quickly thought of something and said, " WAIT!!!" and looked below to give the child so that he can go back to fight but the boat was almost down in the ocean. Hobi sighed in disquiet and climbed down carefully with the help of the rope that was pulling the boat down. Agust fought back and knocked off the sword from the assassin's hand and punched him to his jaw. That jerked the assassin a bit. He fell to the ground. Hobi now reached the boat which was wobbling in the ocean and handed the child to the woman. Just as he was about to go up, his foot slipped and he fell into the ocean. Thankfully the people saved him and got him in the boat with them. Hobi recollected himself from the sudden fall and stood up again to climb the ship. He have to get to his beloved friend. His heart broke as he saw the little boat floating away from the ship as the waves were rocking it. Hobi, tears started to swell in his eye shouted in fear, "AGUST?!!!!" Agust who now knocked down the assassin, looked at the boat getting away because of the waves. As he was quickly about to climb down, The assassin who regained his consciousness again, caught him from behind and stabbed him with his secret dagger he hid, in his hip without a fraction of second. Hobi looked at the scene and screamed more, " AGUST!!! NO!!!!!" Agust, now shocked, was bleeding profusely and was taken back. He didn't expect that. He leaned on to the barricade as he was not able to stand in shock and the wound was hurting bad but still he was managed to attack him and push the assassin with his remaining strength into the raging fire who scummed to his death. At the minute, Agust again painfully looked at the boat as his legs were trembling in pain and his heartbeat getting faster. He was clenching on to the barricade as the fire surrounded him. His vision was getting blurry and the ship rocked as it sank in. He stared at the small boat with tears in his eyes, getting away far and Hobi painfully screaming his name which he could hear only the muffling. This is it... this is his end... Agust sighed tasting the blood in his mouth as he was about to get unconscious. Faces of his mother, his lover Cara, his brother, his home city all came in his mind and a small smile curbing in his lips with it as he inhaled sharp. With that, he closed his eyes and fell from the ship, into the ocean unconsciously. Seconds after he fell, the ship sank completely as the fire took it into the raging ocean...

"Agust?!!!..." Hobi screamed as the chaos unfolded in front of his eyes... The ship sank as it burned and the storm raged through the ocean... All he could do was scream his dear friend's name but.... None heard him.....

Agust disappeared into the ocean....

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