6. Timoria (a new one)

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"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves"
- confucius

Narration voice: (this will be a little intro chapter)

Far we have seen three characters, in which two are the souls of this fairytale and the other one is one of the 'colors' of these souls... well, a soul can't be just mere, right?..... it needs some 'colors' to make it more allure.....
the color that I have already applied to the souls in previous chapters...... is Grey. 'what an odd choice of color to be applied first!', you might have a thought and also have got confused because I haven't mentioned it in my previous chapters. But if you have read the previous chapters very carefully, you might have an idea about why I chose Grey as the first. And the colors I mention here, are not real colors, its an emotion that is portrayed by a character in this fairytale...
Now, Its time to add another color...... what color it might be....
the next color I am gonna apply is black. What?! Why? You may ask. Because I had already applied a sad color first. Then why again....

But let me tell you this, Don't think that all bright colors represents happiness...

It's a fact that I believe, its fine if you don't want to. But trust me, if you think it, you might get a spark of what I am coming to say.... I will leave it to you.....

Black is a color that represents mystery, seductive, power, elegance and sophistication. It also represents guilt, aloof, mourning, fear and anger. Its a color that is commonly associated with evil and darkness. Black is the absorption of all colors and absence of light. Black hides, while white brings light. It creates a barrier between itself and other colors, hiding secrets and mysteries within itself. Black is mysterious. But we are gonna focus on anger along with mystery...
Usually red means raging anger but the anger that black represents, is an anger for revenge. What kind of a vengeful anger does this character has? And what is the reason behind it? What story is this character will be telling us? What impact its going to have on the two souls?

Like I said in cryptadia, we have to reveal the knots.... one by one....

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