34. Selin

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"Oh Selin.... you have the most beautiful and most dreadful stories to tell...."

The sun raised beginning a new day and new stories to be told. The sun now shined bright letting its rays fell on the earth. Moon flickered his eyes open as the sunlight hit him. He gave a low growl and woke up to see outside the carriage to realize it was already morning. He got up and sat straight still yawning sleepy. He stretched his arms leg and smiled licking his lips and remembered sleeping in the shoulders of his fairy yesterday night. His eyes widen a bit as he felt embarrassment spreading his face and quickly turned to see his fairy only to find that he was staring at him that moment. Swiftly a blush was seen across his face as his cheeks turned a bit pink. Well he was not expecting his fairy to stare at him... 'wait, was he staring at me while i was sleeping in his shoulder?', Moon thought as his eyes were now facing the ground. Moon quickly shrugged the thought off and coughed. Joon found his human's actions cute and he chuckled at him. "What?", Moon asked back as if he didn't know the reason behind Joon's chuckle. Joon raised his eyebrows and played along, "nothing". Moon gulped a bit and to avoid his gaze, he looked outside. He can see some people coming behind the carriage. "Did we reach?", he asked his eyes still fixed outside. Joon looked at the direction where he was seeing and answered, "yes. soon in a minute". Moon sighed. He then averted his eyes and again let it fell on his feet. He bit his lips and said fidgeting his fingers, "sorry, I slept in your shoulders". Joon who was staring at him gently said with a small smile, "it did not bother me. I am glad that you were able to sleep peacefully". Moon then looked at him and nodded with a small smile. He indeed slept peacefully in his fairy's shoulder. Then his gaze fell in front of him. The seats were empty and the three men vanished. His heart beat quickly at the sight of the empty seat in front of him. 'where he went? where are they?', his mind screamed. Joon noticed his human's reactions and asked with concern," What happened?". Moon pointed to the empty seat in front of him and said, "they are gone!" Still not understanding what he meant, he asked again, "who?" Moon looked at his fairy and said, "th-the two men and one unconscious man..." Joon then understood who his human was mentioning. He said, " they might have got down earlier". Moon gave a sad sigh. He suddenly felt a quick worry in his heart. He doesn't know why. Joon was bit puzzled and worried at the same time. He asked in a careful way, " what happened? everything alright?" his voice soft like cotton. Moon stayed silent not answering. He didn't want to bother his fairy by saying his unwanted worries. 'well who are they to me? why I should be bothered about them. I should not be sad...', Moon mentally said to himself. So he said in little smile, "nothing just I was curious..." Joon nodded still looking at his face. He was sad and it can be seen. Joon then turned his gaze away knowing if he asks further his human won't say anything. He rolled his eyes thinking why humans are so complicated and hard to understand. 'ah humans....', he mentally sighed. Suddenly the carriage hit with a bump and to his surprise, Mochim's sleepy head now fell on Moon's shoulder. Moon was startled at first and then he noticed the sleeping person on his shoulder. Joon peeked to look what happened and found the scene. "it's alright. nothing to worry...", assured Moon to Joon. Joon nodded as he saw the sleeping boy on Moon's shoulder. He was sleeping with a small snore which sounded like a little bird. This made a smile on Moon's face.

The Lady woke up to the sudden lightness in her shoulder as if a weight was shifted off. She woke up with a jerk like a realization hit her and saw Mochim's head on that boy. She panicked a bit and quickly woke up Mochim. Mochim woke up and breathed some air like he was woken from a deep sleep. But Mochim was still in trance. The lady looked at Moon and Joon and apologized, " I apologize for the disturbance. I hope you didn't feel uncomfortable". Moon shook his head with a gentle smile and said back, "No, no... you didn't discomfort us... it was alright with me..." The lady sighed giving a small smile back. From his words, she understood that he was a good person. Mochim sat upright looking straight forward. He couldn't say anything only if someone tell him to say anything. Joon looked at the position he was sitting and he doubted whether the boy was in some trance or something. Because he himself has used it on people. But he did not want to get nosy in other's job especially when he has his human with him. He then remained silent.

The carriage suddenly stopped at Selin's check post. Two soldiers came forward and looked inside the carriage. One of the soldiers enquired the details of the passengers inside. After some people, the soldiers came to the group. First they enquired the lady. The lady answered their questions without any hesitation. She told her name was Rosa longborn (her real name). She introduced Mochim as her Son and gave them his name as Raeden Longborn which was an obvious fake name so that the officers don't doubt them. Then their gaze turned to Joon and Moon who were sitting beside them. Moon was bit scared as they stared at them. Indeed the soldiers looked strong and tall with spears in their hand. He looked at Joon like 'what now?'. Joon quickly thought of something. If they find out, they will surely take his human away. One of the officers enquired, " tell us your information boys..." Before Moon could blurt out, Joon rushed in and answered them, " well... My name is Namu... and this is my friend, Galarius". Moon widen his eyes hearing his fairy. He was telling a big fat lie to save them. The officer noted down and asked, " what is your family name?" Joon quickly thought and said, " that... uhm... my fa-family name is fair... fairlan... and his family name is...." Joon struggled to think a family for Moon. He was not able to come with a name. 'how these humans form these weird names?!', he screamed in his mind. The officers looked at them. One of them asked, " why are you thinking? we just asked your family name..." Moon realized Joon is bit struggling to answer which is definitely leading the officers to doubt them. Quickly before the officer could ask anything, Moon interrupted them saying, " Namu... y-you don't remember m-my fa-family name... it is... Gitton... yes... Gitton..." he gave a nervous smile to the officers as he said that loudly. The officers looked at them weirdly and then noted it. After that they allowed the carriage to go.

Moon and Joon sighed equally in relief when they moved away from the post. The lady looked at them in confusion but shrugged it off. Moon looked at Joon and said teasingly, "really? Galarius? that is a weird name..." Joon gave a subtle laugh and answered, "I can't find any suitable name for this pretty face..." This made Moon laugh vibrantly. "Atleast you could have chosen a name like... sun, forest or likewise", Moon said. Joon looked at him his eyebrows raised and said, " well... you humans have weird names and i always wonder why they can't keep simple names... so I struggled a bit to form one for you." Moon grinned at him. In fact, he too found it weird of why some people have very odd names. He then said, "you know... you could have said my real name" Joon looked at him in surprise and asked, " you have a name?" Moon nodded and said, "it is not a complicated name atleast". Before Joon could ask what his name was, the carriage stopped indicating that they have reached the city. Moon asked, "why we stopped now?" "we have reached our destination", answered Joon and got up from his seat. Following him, Moon got up and they both got out of the carriage along with other passengers.

Lady Rosa and Mochim got out of the carriage and looked around her still holding hands with Mochim. They were now in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Selin...


Selin is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was know as the crown of the ocean, The city of seven seas, The shining gem of south. The city is also known as the priceless possession of King Sillirion as this city led him to the conquest of the west and brought him more wealth and luck. This city is also known for its trade routes through caprien ocean that separates the southern continent and the western continent. The city holded more historical importance as it was under many famous kings and other many who tried to take a hold of it. Many kings failed to conquer the city as it was well guarded by its landscape of steep cliffs and swifty waves. Even though the city was located in a more low steep and its port was built at a location of low tides. The port of Selin is the biggest port of the southern continent allowing hundreds of trade ships, passenger ships, trade ships and other small boats to visit the port every day. Here, the other side of the world is connected to the south. May the deeper side of the south (ukiyo) was separated by the river Thetis, But for the whole southern continent, Selin was the gateway to the other world.

Oh Selin.... may their life starts from you...

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