24. Verseluft

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"Both woke up to a new chapter but with different consequences...."

A long chapter:

The Forest :

' He flew among the clouds finally away from the hell that he was bonded to. The suffering he had been experiencing for half of his childhood ended, just like a long winter night. This all felt like a dream - a sweet one, a very sweet one. He held on to the fairy tightly as the fairy swiftly flew across the sea of clouds. How unexpectedly the creature he feared is now carrying him away from all the sadness. With train of thoughts his eyes closed tightly wishing that it should not turn into a mere dream....'

As the scene of his great escape ran like a film in his dream, he slowly opened his eyes, squinting it and wishing this should be real. He was feeling like he was lying on something different rather than being in the arms of his fairy last night. Slowly the sounds too start to hear from faint muffins to a clear ones. He heard the breeze ruzzling through the leaves and birds chirping. It was new to him as he always woke up to absolute silence. 'Is this true?', he opened his eyes and saw that he was lying  under a tree. This time....He did not wake up from his sleep looking at his room's old wooden sealing rather looking at a tree. He slowly realized, turned his doey eyes and scanned his surroundings and came to a conclusion that he was sleeping under the trunk of a tree and what happened yesterday night was not a mere dream. He woke up from the trunk and further scanned of his surroundings. It gave him a weird sensation in his stomach - a mixed feelings of wonder and fear. He slowly stood up and let his feet touch the grassy ground. As his feet touched it, he gave a slight giggle as the grass gave him a tingly feeling. He looked down with a small smile and caressed the grass with his toe to feel it more. It was cool and warm at the same time. Then he looked up and saw he was in a new world, the outside world. He gazed around in awe of the forest as the sunlight filtering in through the leaves of the tall trees. His mouth hang open and his feet slowly paced looking around the new world he had found himself. He saw birds chirping in their nest, butterflies sucking honey from small flowers and the sky beaming in bright blue. All these things he saw from the window of the gloomy room of his, has now appears so closer to him. The things he want to see, the things he want to feel, the things he thought he would never experience, has come to his reality. He smiled like a small child who just started to walk of his own and explore this big world. He doesn't know what all these things were as he was not taught of anything for almost 18 years. So he had curiosity to know what were they.

He walked still in slow pace looking around and his gaze widen when his eyes fell on a strange flower beneath him. It was a dandelion. It was very new and peculiar to him. He crouched down and looked at it in confusion as it was different from other flowers. First he was hesitant to pluck it, and then plucked it, holding it straight to his eyes and examined it like a goldsmith examining his gold. He was very careful in holding up the dandelion in his hand as if it was very precious to him and looked at it with amazement bleaming in his eyes. To his great astonishment, the dandelion flew in the air as the breeze hit it and flew up far. He looked gasping at the sight and murmured, " oh no.. it flew..." as he was seeing in the direction of the dandelion, his attention was caught by a blue butterfly passing him. It refilled him with more excitement. He again stood up and slowly walked, starting to follow it, to see where the new creature he saw was flying.

He tried to catch it but it slipped away from his catches. With giggling, he followed it saying, "wait.. where are you going?" After following it for some moment, the butterfly vanished and now he was in the middle of nowhere. He turned to look back to the way he came but unexpectedly encountered with a bear that was eating a honey comb. With fear, He stood still, chills through his spin, gulping his own saliva. The bear  growled louder looking at him from it's food and mistaking him for a hunter. It quickly stood on its feet and roared off angrily. Moon scared of the growl, fell to the ground with a thud and staying still in his place not havingthe courage to run. The bear, without a second, quickly charged itself towards him.  He screamed covering his face as it ran towards. "Please help!!" and then to his astonishment, the angry bear abruptly stopped in front of him, standing some feet away. He slowly took his hands from his face which was sweating of fear. He was breathing quickly and with feared eyes he looked at it and noticed that the bear was just standing there, just standing. The angry bear which was going to attack him was standing there not doing anything. He noticed that it was in some kind of trance state. Then he turned back and found his fairy standing there, his eyes glowing in violet aura. He was pointing his hand against the bear as if he was controlling it, leaving it in a trance state. Then he came forward commanding the bear to sit. The bear sat per his command. Joon went near the bear and caressed its soft fur like it was his pet. The bear crouched more to let Joon touch him. Moon was completely stunned of his fairy's power. He sat with his mouth open in awe as he watched the magical creature laugh and play with the bear. Joon turned his look to Moon and saw him sitting in shock. He gave a small gesture to come to him.

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