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"He was born in purple.....and they hated it"

Narration voice:

Born different - you might have came across this word many times in your daily life or you might have seen the person they are referring to be born different. Why are they called like that?...... Can be because of their difference in physical or mental health from normal people or their out of box thinking from others...... it can be anything to make them different. But is being born different is a curse or a blessing? For some it is a blessing for some it is a curse (you can decide your thinking)..... there are two kinds of people in this born different category as i mentioned in the above line. I am not going to talk 1st type - physical uniqueness here (you can understand). I am going to talk about the 2nd type - people who think different from everyone (peculiar, odd, strange thinkers). These are the one who stands alone from the crowd. These are the ones who observes and think deeply of their surroundings. These are the one who sees the world in a different perspective that seems absurd to normal people. But if you see clearly, these people always shine the brightest among others and radiate others with their uniqueness...... these people often shows us that life can be lived in a different manner..... but we are born normal which means we have to think normal and do things normal and that makes us think that these people are cursed or useless..... to be honest, that's the 'spell' that our society has put on us.... "act normal or you will be considered a stupid, weird or strange person".... but one day I believe that we can break this spell... but first let's see whether he can break this so called 'spell' for being different in this story.....


It was a full moon day. The moon appeared to be little bigger than usual that night yet it doesn't seem to bother anyone. The moon proudly showed of her face to the earth and to the creatures in it. She was stealing every ones heart as she shed her beauty on them. Stars surrounded her like beautiful diamonds that meant to highlight the beauty more. But she not only came up to show her beauty, but also to begin new chapters for some people.......
"The moon has risen! The lilies will bloom now!", a bold voice echoed among the fairies as they were gathered together in the middle of their village. There was a commotion between the fairies as soon as they heard this. "Let's fly to the cave. It's time" said the fairies among themselves. One by one they started to fly to the cave of lilies which was known to be a sacred place for them. They flew to the center of the cave, which had a big opening (like a stadium, not that big... but small as it is a cave.... you can imagine it) where the moon and the stars can be seen clearly. The lilies were in the middle so that the moonlight can hit them directly. They were big enough to carry babies. As all gathered around, they stared at the big bell shaped lilies carefully. The lilies were glowing as if they are going to reveal something and are ready to bloom at any time. When the moon light fell on the flowers, they gracefully bloomed one by one. Beautiful fairy babies with golden yellow hair were revealed from inside as the petals bloomed. They all looked like little sun balls, glowing with yellow pixie dust. Each fairy choose one and took the baby under their custody. They were all happy and welcomed the new born with a happy song. As the babies all were born, the last lily took some time to be opened. all were eagerly looking at it as it bloomed slowly. As it bloomed, everyone gasped at the sight. It was a fairy baby with ombre violet hair, glowing with violet pixie dust around it. Everyone was shocked to see it, cause this the first time a baby with different hair color was born, especially violet. The fairies hesitated to touch the baby fairy just because it had violet hair. And there was a great confusion began among the fairies as they don't know what to do with it. They informed this to their chief and soon he reached the spot. "What happened?" The aytigin enquired the fairies. They showed them the baby and aytigin had no idea what to do. Some fairies suggested to leave the baby here but the aytigin was a kind man. His heart was not letting him to just abandon the baby. So with a strict voice, he commanded, "One shall look after this one. I shall provide them with whatever they need". But no one came forward to the offer. All fairies hesitated as they thought if they take the offer, they might get bad luck. After few moments of silence, the aytigin asked, "is no one willing?"......... "I am!", a kind voice came among the crowd. An old fairy came forward and said "I shall take care of the baby" and everyone gasped at her. She was a wise, kind and a calm fairy and she is known to be the healer of them in their village. Her face spoke experience and her voice spoke about her patience. The aytigin was happy that the kind healer came forward to take the responsibility as he thought she was perfect for this. He gave a nod to her in approval. She walked slowly to the baby and gazed at it. The baby looked so beautiful and serene in its sleep and glowed like the moon itself. She carefully took the baby in her arms and smiled at the softness the baby's skin gave. She then whipered to him in hushed voice, "don't worry, I will always love.... "

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