2. Panacea of Lavender

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'Help me to trust that there's a beautiful purpose in this broken heart '

Narration voice:

"Do you like lavender? If you like it, which part of it attracts you the most?..... if you ask me I love every part of it..... it's color, it's scent, it's soothing effect.... every single thing I love about it. And you know what it symbolizes.....devotion, purity, silence, serenity, grace and calmness..... but the sad thing is that it also represents distrust as it has poisonous asps hidden in it. They say it was one of asps hidden in lavender bouquet that killed Cleopatra..... the thing I am trying to say here is that, even though we have a lot of good traits within us, one bad trait or thing that we try to suppress, will be focused in other's eyes..... so, is lavender to be celebrated or to be hated?....."


Before this, we were remainded that every light side has a hidden darkness behind it and it might had a sad or pity taste in it...... today let's take about fairytales.... do you love to hear about magical or mythical creatures, yeah me too. But the tale I am going to say is like an ordinary one not so special, nevertheless you can imagine it as how you want no limits for that ..... well..... you know my story is fantasy, so when I say a 'tale', remember,,, it's not a tale to me and you...... but the ones who are living in this 'story' thinks this as a tale that has told to children before going to sleep. They think this tale as a total fantasy story and who believes in fairies right? No one (for them) they have no idea (even us) what's possible out there. So Shall we hear it and know what the tale is about?..... let's start.

Have you ever been heartbroken, once in your life? We all would have been experienced that in so many situations as it differs from each one of us. Some pass through it, some might be taking long to process it, some may be seriously affected by it, some may forget it and move on..... Why I am saying this is that, all the above people are visible to us in our eyes....yet there is another type of people who are invisible to our eyes and those people are the one who are completely destroyed by it..... we never notice them in our life. They can be near you or someone you know...... and why we can't see them? That I can't say. they can be going through some serious stuff apart or that came along their heart break that makes them so calm and dark inspite of the storm that is going inside them which is why they are completely out of our sight to see them. They are not cared by anyone nor somebody look up to them and mostly they have to die alone with that broken heart which is more deadly than any kind of death.... mm... so is there on one who cares about them? In real life, we have doctors and psychiatrist to help. But in this tale it was different,
To heal their broken heart and fix them with happiness, there lived the moon fairies or healing fairies who accompany those people and heal their heart from broken. These fairies are called moon fairies because they visit when the moon is visible in the sky. During the new moon day, they will not come. Usually they come at midnight and sit beside the person and give them sweet dreams to get them into deep sleep. Then using their magic they would heal the broken heart. The fairies before sun rise would vanish from there..... this is the tale that has been believed as tale by the people.... well that's sounds like the usual fairy stories that we read or heard in our childhood. Yet now I think, why or who tells these tales and is there a reason to be told?...... After thinking for a moment, I understood one thing...

each tale out there is told for a reason......

And in my story it's the reason and sole purpose. You know it and me to aware of it.Let's come to the realness of this 'tale'.......

These Moon fairies or healing fairies that are told in the tale are real and are actually called 'Lunettes'. they live in a small fairy town called 'moonbow' which is deep hidden in the callaso Valley. This callaso Valley has many secrets hidden in it and moonbow is one of its secrets. Some people tell that this Valley is a habitat for many magical creatures and they are living happily in there. But no man have ever explored it or dare to go there. The Valley was protected by a flying magical whale as they say and it allows only the moon fairies to get out of the valley.
These Moon fairies as told by the people, visit the heart broken people at night time and heal them from their sadness. Usually nobody has seen these fairies or have any idea on how they look. Some say they are beautiful like moon and yes they are very beautiful and look like humans and can talk in any language. They have yellow hair as yellow is the color of happiness. They have shiny transparent wings which are of mild yellowishvand big enough to lift them up. They are fairies....so like we know, they glow and always be surrounded by golden pixie dust.
And so They not only heal, they also restore happiness in those person's heart. This happiness stays with them until they die. These fairies live in tree houses. They work at night and sleep at day as humans sleep during night and work at day. These are fairies are born by moonlight in bell shaped flowers (like lily of the valley).but how they are born is a mystery. They don't have parents. When a new fairy is born, one of the eldest fairies should take responsibility to grow and teach it their lifeas a fairy.
They work as unity and have a village chief who are called 'Aytigin'. these fairies are soft, kind and caring in nature (they have to be)and are always happy to do anything. They can fly very high with their fragil wings and can do magic besides healing (not big ones but sometimes they can bring a person back from death). But they are forbidden for one thing..... they shouldn't fell in love with any people they heal, if they fell in love, they will turn to moon dust. So the fairies spent their life alone.....

ok... but you may think what's with the lavender thing in the start.... I forgot to say that these fairies should have only yellow hair not any other color especially violet. Why is that? ..... they think violet as a color of 'distrust' or 'betrayal'. The first process of healing is trust. If we trust that the person can heal us, automatically we will start to heal. So these fairies hated that color any other.........

But let's see..... what if their hate and fear comes true....... like in an unexpected way......

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