19. The Black Dahlia

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" Not all questions got answers. But a revelation behind them".

Same night of Petunia : prt - 2
(This chapter and previous chapter takes place at the same night.. like different occasions on the same time)

Hospital Of Lost Children:

He was staring at the same grey wall of his room as usual. This was his only entertainment or hobby he had for 17 years. Staring at the wall, noticing insects, cracks and other things. His other entertainments included sky watching day and night, folding his bedsheet and cleaning his bed, looking at the ceiling, talking to himself sometimes and questioning about the outside world. He had nothing else to do but never got bored of it. His wondering about the outside world grew and grew but he sadly knew he would never get to see it. His death is nearing soon and he is waiting excitedly for it. Sometimes he thinks about death and how peaceful it would be to just escape this cruel reality. As all these were running through his mind vaguely until somebody opened the door with a bang. Moon stood up and his eyes widened in fear. It was the man who everyone feared and the nurses called 'Master'. But for him he was more of a nightmare that scared him so much. He will never forget what he done four years ago. In fear, he trembled against the wall. The man with the same gold mask approached him, dragging his black cape behind him and said, " well, well... looks like this Bastard here has not given enough punishments. Look how happy he is!!" The last sentence was louder and harsh that it echoed through the room. The nurses who were standing behind him jerked a bit when they heard it. The boy started to tear up, tears rolling through his pale cheeks fear engulfing him. The man came closer and grabbed his cheek forcefully and said in a harsh voice, " it's time to show you sadness again" then he slapped him hard such that his hand print got on his cheek. Moon didn't want this but he can't escape from this. The man dragged him to the bed, laid him face down and ordered the nurses to pin his hand to each side. The men who was with him, tore moon's shirt open so that his bare back can be easier for the whip to hit. As the shirt ripped open, his pale skiny back was revealed. The man with the golden mask was handed out a whip that was full of thorn and he started to whip his back. Moon screamed in pain as the whip tore his skin each time. It created severe injuries to his back and blood was spilling all over floor. The nurses who were holding him, the other man and other nurses who were watching this had nothing to say. They just stared at the horror like they didn't care. Betseth the nurse who was taking care of him stood there with a pain drenching her heart. She controlled her emotions tightly and hided her face so that no one will notice it. She was thinking how could they treat a sweet boy like him with this level of cruelty. After, the horror show, the master whispered to Moon who was panting and crying in pain, saying, " well these marks will remaind you that you are just a piece of useless being and no one wants you. You will never be loved." and left the place with others. Moon laid in his bed, mess in tears and blood flowing from the wounds of back. There can be seen some thorns in the wound, pricking more of the wound. Moon cried and cried in pain until he blacked out.

Everything seemed like falling for Moon. He had to go through these sufferings more and more as he was reaching his last day. But even though he knows all these would happen he still doesn't know why he shed tears. Didn't he got used to this pain? But he couldn't help it. As he slumbered through the pain that was itching his back, at one point he couldn't feel anything. Like all the pain vanished somehow. He felt his torn skin just stitched itself back and he couldn't feel any pain. Is this magic or just the sleep doing it's work? He didn't know. He slowly opened his swollen eyes and saw his back was against the soft bed and he was laying straight like someone lifted him and placed him in the soft bed... 'soft bed?' He questioned. 'My bed is not soft, is it?' With those thoughts he slowly got up and touched his bed. It was so soft as a feather. But how? He couldn't understand. Then suddenly he checked his back for the whip wounds and to his great shock, those are vanished and his back looked like it was not whipped an hour ago. All the torn wounds and angry mark are gone and this shocked to his core. He shot out from bed in fear and looked around in panic. How this happened? Did I dream of that horrible incident or am I dreaming now? He couldn't understand. Then suddenly gentle breeze hit his bare back and gave him chills. He turned around to see the window wide open again like it was yesterday. Moon walked quickly to the window, leaned outside and saw if there was someone. But he didn't saw anyone. He then turned his head inside and started to feel his heart racing faster. Why? He had no idea. As he was thinking , he felt someone's gaze on him from the corner. He slowly turned his head to the room's corner and his eyes widened in fear. With a scream, he fainted and fell to the ground.

Darkstone :

The sun rised revealing a new day. After the last night incident, The boat reached their destination, the Darkstone which was known as the Gateway of South. This city was the entrance of the south. From this city, Ukiyo would take a half day journey. The city is known for its trade and skillful sailors. The woman, as they reached the port tied the boat in the port and let the boys get out of it. Mochim and Pangi got out of the boat and set their foot in the land. Then Mochim turned to the woman and thanked her. Then he asked, " after all this time, I didn't ask your name, may I know it?" The woman looked at him suprised. She was hesitant to say her name after all that happened. Pangi knowing what she thinks, reassured her saying, " don't worry. You done us a great favor by giving as a ride. That's why we wanted to know your name. If you don't want to say. Its alri - ..." before he finished his sentence, the woman said, " My name is Iithia." Mochim smiled at her and said, " thank you for your ride, Iithia".
Pangi too bowed at her as sign of thanking. She bowed at them in return and saw them walk away from her. She looked at Both of them walk far into the crowd and vanishing. She sighed and thought about the last night events. Who are they and What are they upto? Her mind was curious to know that. But following them may lead to some danger. She didn't want to get into trouble again. So she shrugged it of and planned to go to her home.

Ukiyo :

"Vantae, we are getting late!", shouted Nissaris from the front hall. They were about to go to the banshir hall where the elite meeting was happening for further discussion. Nissaris saw Agust walking towards him and Agust bowed to him and said, " Good morning father". Nissaris answered him with a 'mm' and continued to look at the staircase waiting for Vantae to come. After some minutes Vantae appeared and Nissaris said, " there is my boy! Come we are getting late". Vantae jogged to his father and said, " sorry father. I was bit busy in decorating myself". Nissaris laughed and said, " it's fine my boy. The future king has to look after him". Vantae chuckled and look at his brother who was standing behind his father. His brother was Rolling his eyes. Vantae smirked at him and said " we shall go now, father". His father nodded and three of them walked to the carriage. Nissaris got in first, followed by Vantae and then finally Agust. The bright red carriage rode off from the mansion.
As the carriage went through the cities streets, the people bowed to it in respect of their new King. Vantae was grinning all the way and enjoying his attention. Nissaris smiled proudly of his son. Agust sighed in despair when he saw their reaction. He thought how heavy their head is with pride.
But all the thoughts vanished when he saw the same boy his father mentioned as 'clown' was playing with some small children in the street. He looked through the window of the carriage, as the boy smiled brightly with children showing them magic tricks. He looked so happy. While the carriage drove, Suddenly the boy looked at it and smilingly waved at Agust. Agust, without any acknowledge, waved back at him. The boy smiled and the carriage passed swiftly. Agust then drowned in his thoughts, asked himself,

Why does it look like he knows me?

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