28. Enouement : prt - 1

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" Life is funny...."

Continuation :

(This chapter is happening at the same time of the chapters Eris : prt 1 & 2 and Neikea)

Darkstone :

"Oh, where are we?", exclaimed Moon in wonder. Joon said, " welcome to Darkstone - The Gateway of South" Moon looked at him with a questionable look. He clearly didn't understand what he said. Joon understood and said rubbing back of his head, " oh sorry... I didn't realize you don't know what it is..." Moon giggled. After hours of tired walking through the forest, they finally reached Darkstone. Moon and Joon were now walking through an alley which had no people at that time. Moon looked around and said, " This place looks different and more noisy " and looked at the end of the alley where he was able to see crowd of people walking here and there and a lot of yelling going on. Joon chuckled at his comment and said teasingly, " well it will be different for a person who stayed in his room all his life.." Moon gave him a side eye. Joon laughed and said, " alright, alright, I shouldn't have said that". Moon shooked his head and took some steps forward only to be stopped by Joon. " What? ", Moon questioned. Joon sighed and said, " You can't go out like this..." Moon looked at himself when Joon pointed out. Yes. He was right. He was still in his Hospital clothes which were very dull and dirty. This might doubt people. Moon looked at Joon with a look of ' What to do?' Joon understood him and said, " Don't worry, I can change it". Joon with the help of his magic, changed Moon's clothes. With his magic, Moon's clothes and his looks turned good. His clothes changed into a medium light yellow loose shirt with a night brown waitcoat that was held together by a big brown belt that had a bag hanging on it's side and pants that had the same color of the waistcoat. He was completely surprised of his new outfit. Also his ruffled fluffy hair was also fixed like it was well combed but still it had it's fluffiness. He broke out in a big bright smile and checked out his outfit excitingly. He said in a excited voice, " oh my, this looks very different. I feel very... new". Joon fondly smiled. Then he changed himself similar to Moon's outfit. His color combination were cream yellow and dark brown. Moon looked at him excitedly. Then he pointed out, " what about your wings ?" Joon formed an 'oh' and then made them disappear. Moon asked in surprised, " you can do that?" Joon replied " yes. I can make it invisible not disappear. So don't worry. It is still there". Then again Moon looked above his head. Joon asked, " What?" Moon again said, " your hair?" Joon replied, " I am not changing my hair. I love my hair..." Moon sighed. " Shall we go now?", as Joon walked forward, Moon asked, " wait! What if someone recognize me?" Joon stood still for a moment and thought about it. Then he came back to him and spelled something on Moon. Moon looked at him puzzled. Joon said, " this spell will not let anyone recognize you. Now you can come safe with me..." Moon flashed a quick smile and together they both walked out from the alley.

Soon they met with a very busy street. He looked around at all the shops and people going here and there, vendors yelling to sale their things. He never saw so many people in his life. It was very new too him and little bit terrified of the new surroundings. He was looking around in wonder of the tall buildings, colourful items hanging in the shops, people chatting here and there. And apparently he can see people staring at them... no at his fairy. They were staring at his violet hair as it stood out of the crowd. Some were murmuring something about them. Moon uncomfortably murmured to Joon, " they are staring at you.. and talking something..." Joon listens to Moon's muttering and looks at the people. They were staring at them. Some people's looks were not good. Joon said, " it is alright. Don't worry and Don't look at them". Moon nodded in response and stopped looking at those people. He turned his gaze to other side and continued to look around the place as they walked. It was all new to him and gave him a big smile. "You boy, don't stand in the way!", yelled a man from behind as he was pulling his cart. Joon quickly moved Moon to the side and apologized behalf of him. The man looked at them weirdly. Moon slightly opened his mouth and in wonder he asked, " what is that?" Joon replied, " it's called a cart which is used to transport heavy things.." Moon formed an 'oh' and looked at the way the cart went. Joon said, " Come on let's go..." and led the way through the crowd. Suddenly the crowd got more and more. Joon said, " just grab the hem of my shirt so that you don't get lost, alright?" Moon said yes and grabbed a bit part of his shirt and moved along with Joon. Joon led the way and often checked on Moon who was following slowly behind. Moon was coming behind him looking around like a wonder child but held onto to Joon's shirt tightly.

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