9. Dionysus : prt - 1

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"This is how I destroyed you. And this is, how I kept you alive"

Narration voice:

after a long time, its nice to meet you and am excited to continue this tale with you again.....

As in the previous chapters, we started to paint the soul by adding different colors to it. We have painted two colors, Grey and black ( which are odd colours) and what they represented. From this chapter onwards we will begin our journey into the tale with the introduction of the next color.... (The chapters, cryptadia to Tacenda we have seen is a little background for the characters. We will come to know more about them as we go through the tale)

The colour now I am gonna introduce is Orange. Orange as we know is bright colour (which contradicts from previous colors that we introduced) symbolizes joy, youthfulness, energy and happiness. But in the negative side, it also represents stubborn, rudeness, frivolity. From these traits we are gonna focus on stubbornness as the new character would possess it. Stubbornness may lead to disaster and dismay. It's not a pleasant character that anyone would like to have or expect to have. This one here does have a lot of it and a bit troublemaker too. He does creates disaster knowingly and unknowingly. But the thing is.....
What if he was already a disaster or... a disaster that happened to ruin someone's life? What does he have for us?

Let's find out....

4 years later: (after Tacenda)

(Age of the characters will change. To know the ages please refer previous chapters)


The huge mansion was filling with young spirited men and women of Ukiyo for the grand party that was going to be held there. As the Harvesting season was going to start in just a week, Ukiyo people were getting ready to welcome it. So the already merrier Ukiyo got more merrier as they held parties and festivals as a sign of welcoming that whole week. Eventhough they were partying everyday, the youth of Ukiyo were waiting for this night. What's so special in this one? You may ask.
This party is not for everyone except for bachelors, Bachelorettes, lovers, virgins, elite people and for the one who loves wine and food. As it was a party only for youth and It did attracted the youth very much as they were desperately waited for a party where they can be of their own desires.... The desire to find their love, to meet their love, to make love, to be in their own euphoric world, to lose their virginity and to taste the delicious food and the finest wine..... all these desires comes around just as mere desires that night for the ones who came for it , but all these circled around one firing desire for the most who came there and that is the desire to meet the most handsome boy of Ukiyo, Vantae.
He was the most ethereal, most handsome boy of all in Ukiyo. He was an absolute dream prince for the women of Ukiyo. All women were chasing after him even though he was just 16. Women were craving to make him theirs as he not only had a beautiful face but also his family was the richest in Ukiyo and was placed next to the astrologer's position. All elite families were lined up to ask him to put ring in their young daughters hands. But Vantae was.... in real, not so beautiful by heart. He was stubborn, not caring, very prideful and very easy taking. He took well advantage of his beauty and riches. He never cared about others except himself. He had a head weight that no one is beautiful than him and it was true. He also had another name, the Dionysus, for his grant parties and luxurious wines he serves. Oh.... He loves wine.
He always parties day and night, wastes his money on wine and gambling. He loves to buy luxurious things even though they were not useful to him. He was not interested in women, marriage and Love. All he wanted was to party all life and spend his money on his own will. That's why he just played with women and their feelings but never took them serious.

You may ask where all these came from... well, you should have heard a saying ' like father like son'. Yes. This all came from his father. The same man who abandoned his own child for his own pride. When his second son turned into a curse, he was received with a backlash and his pride was hurt bad. He was so desperate to turn this black mark away and bring back his status among the elite society. So within a year he had Vantae as his third child. To his luck it turned out that Vantae had a bright future ahead and he was the one who was going to change the future of Ukiyo (as the head astrologer said). That made his father beam in proudness. He was able to wipe the bad name and his status raised among the people. He gave him all his love and soon making him his favorite child, a spoiled one.

As All women's eyes were searching the mansion to see their heartthrob (for them), Vantae. He was no where to be seen. The tension was building up because of his absence. The banquet was ready to be served as the servants were standing in line ready for the orders. It had all kind of meats and pastries, Wine bottles, golden plates and spoons, beautiful wine glasses and other necessities. The hall were the party was held was decorated with colorful curtains, golden sparkles, roses of different kinds and a grand chandelier in the middle. The place indeed looked like a mix of a royal romantic. As the chatting and murmuring was going on, a loud voice banged through the hall announcing " Behold! Sir Vantae is arriving!" And all the eyes focused on to the main door of the hall. Within a sec, the Dionysus that everyone was expecting, entered. All women squealed in excitement and men were starting to burn in jealousy. Vantae (as always) looked breathtaking. He was ethereal for wearing a red long coat that had golden flowers stitched on it and red silk pants. He had mesmerizing green hazel eyes and pitch black hair that covered his forehead. He had pinkish lips that was decorated with rose pastel. The red color made him standout from others because of his milky white skin and his broad shoulders. He did had a great physique for a teen.

Women started to go crazy as he waved at them having a pride smirk on his lips. He walked passed them who were saying 'vantae please look at me' or 'Vantae marry me!' Those Chants of them reached his ears and he was beaming in pleasure of attention he was getting. He did loved to hear these. He did loved how they chased after him and everyone made him important. As hearing their chants, He walked to the center of the crowd and looked around with his pride smirk. Everyone was cheering him, saying his name. 'I like it!' His mind said, enjoying the way he was worshipped. Then suddenly he shushed everyone to silence. The whole hall went silent, all eyes on him. He held his head high and his eyes still wandering through the people and said with a deep voice, "what a wonderful evening! Aren't we should be glad that we all are able to be present here because of someone?" And everyone wondered who it was. He gave them a smile and walked fast among them and stood above on a chair that was kept aside. He now had a clear view on everyone. As standing tall, his hands waving in air, he said with a pride tone, "he is standing infront of you!" And everyone cheered loudly. He grinned and said " let's not waste any more time.... time is not our friend so let the feast begin!!" And the party started with cheering and laughing. As this was all going on, a figure was watching this from far....

Everyone is watched.

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