21. Oblivion : prt - 1

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" Fate has a twisted sense of Humor..."

Darkstone : (long chapter)

Mochim and Pangi were waiting for the passenger carriage to take them to Ukiyo. Mochim's heart was beating faster than usual as tomorrow his revenge will be fulfilled. He was happy that his wait is going to end. His mind already played the scenario of what will happen tomorrow :

' Screams were heard as Mochim burned down the buildings. People running for their lives leaving everything behind. Mochim almost wiped out everyone in the city. He evily smiled when the flag of Ukiyo burned to Ashes. The city that took everything from him is now burning infront of his eyes. His revenge is complete. He avenged his father, his sister, his tribe. How satisfying is this.. until... everything became quiet.... Mochim looked around him... his victorious smile vanishing when he saw children, women, drenched in blood. Children crying for help and people crying in agnoy seeing their beloved ones dead... his revenge is complete but off what use? ... he saw his hands, become bloody, flowing with the blood of innocence. What he had done? 'What you have done?!' Asked a voice behind him. He turned around to see a boy standing with bloody clothes on him. 'What have you done?' He screamed at him.. Mochim's eyes widened in horror and .....'

"Mochim?", a voice interrupted his thoughts. He saw Pangi calling him and said, " what happened? Our carriage has arrived. Let's go". And led the way to the carriage along with others. Mochim stood there, breathing a bit heavy. He was after a long time, scared of something. He legs refused to move and he stood still. Pangi turned back and looked at his friend standing still. He called him, " Mochim, hurry up!" Mochim looked at Pangi. What is happening? His mind raced. He don't know what to do until, "Child?", a soft old voice called him. He turned to his side to see a middle aged woman standing beside him with a sweet smile. Mochim looked at her. She said, " Child, I know what you are thinking. Don't worry about it. Everything will be happening according to the plan". Mochim crooked his eyebrows and asked, " Plan?" Then Pangi shouted, " Mochim?" And Mochim turned his gaze towards Pangi who was calling him. The carriage was waiting for him. "Go my child, don't hesitate". Mochim looked at her again in confusion and then walked quickly to the carriage. Before he got on, he turned back to see the lady, but the lady vanished and Mochim searched for her. The coachman shouted, " Boy get in! We have to leave its already time!" in a irritated voice. Mochim got on the carriage, sighing and the carriage rode off.

Mochim's thought were running around the weird lady he encountered minutes ago. Who is she? What plan is she mentioning? Does she knows about my revenge? All were flogging his mind. Pangi who noticed that is friend is disturbed about something, asked him worried, " what happened Mochim? You do not look well". Mochim sighed and shook his head. He itself does not know what happened. Pangi softly gazed at his friend for some minutes and then turned away so that he may not irritate him. As the carriage rode off into the forest, with people murmuring here and there, suddenly it stopped. The passengers looked at each other. "What happened? Why the carriage stopped?" asked a woman who was with her child. " I think we encountered wild animals" said a middle aged fat man. A young man peeped out of the carriage and saw why the carriage stopped. Then he put his head again inside the carriage and informed, " well we came to the check post. I saw two Ukiyo knights standing in front". The people all nodded. "Ukiyo knights?" Whispered Pangi to Mochim.

The coachman got down of the carriage and bowed to the two knights of Ukiyo as they enquired about something. Then the Knights came to carriage, opened it and examined the persons sitting inside. Mochim and Pangi remained calm. Mochim noticed the knights armor that had Ukiyo's symbol in it. Seeing it, his blood started to boil. 'MURDERERS!!' his mind screamed. But he controlled it. The knights turned to the coachman and said, " the way here is now blocked. You can take the other way. It is an order." And showed the scroll in his hands. The coachman bowed them and turned the carriage back and traveled away. "Why the carriage turned?" One of them asked. "I think because of the harvest festival or something else.." answered other. Then everyone nodded to him. Mochim thinking why they blocked the way and quickly whispered something into Pangi's ears and Pangi nodded along with him. Then they slowly stood from their place and walked to the carriages door and jumped out of it silently. The people in it were shocked. The driver did not notice them and drove off . The people on it remained confused but didn't say anything. Pangi and Mochim stood up and saw the carriage going away. Then Mochim said, " Let's go this way" and started to walk with Pangi.

As they reached the check post where the knights were standing and talking something. Mochim and Pangi hid themselves among the bushes and heard what the knights were talking : " well tonight they are going to evade the Marso tribe", said one. The other said, " why are they evading all the tribes?" " It's the Astrologer's order to conduct the ritual." Mochim hearing all these realized that they are going to destroy a tribe like his tribe. He can't let that happen. And what ritual are they talking about? Pangi said, " I think they are going to destroy a tribe. We should save them." Mochim nodded and said, " yes you are right". And got up from the bush, ran towards the two knights. Then he quickly charged on them with his magic and killing one and capturing the other with his paralysis magic. Pangi ran to him and Mochim enquired in a threatening voice : " How dare you continue this filthy work of yours!! . Shame on you! Tell me now... where are they? And what are they going to do?" The knight in a shivered voice said, " I-I don't... don't know... they are going to attack in the midnight.... that is all I know..." Mochim lifted him up in the air, choking him and ordered: " you are going to get me to the tribe village before they arrive. I will leave you or else you will join your dead friend". The knight nodded in fear. Mochim let him down and turned to Pangi saying, "Pangi be prepared to fight!" Pangi nodded with determination in his eyes.

The sun took its rest and the darkness surrounded the forest. Mochim and Pangi with the help of the wounded knight, Reached the village were already the knights were enslaving the people. They were using whips on them, separating men and women and children in different lines. "Separate the children... they are the most we need!", shouted one knight. Mochim hearing this and watching this horror, he remembered his past were the same monsters chased him and his beloved sister. He will never forget that night. Anger fumed his heart. Blood raged with revenge. Mochim said i an angered voice, " Let's fight Pangi!!" And both of them charged towards the knights. They both used their magic to attack the knights who charged against them with their swords. Mochim fought like a beast, showing them no mercy and Pangi along with him. The knights one by one fell down in blood, some ran from there leaving their swords back. Mochim said " Release and take the people to a safer place, Pangi!" Pangi ran quickly and with his magic broke their shackles and led all of them to a safe place. Mochim was fighting the knights with anger and slayed them all. Finally the incharge knight was the last one standing. He doesn't seem to be afraid of Mochim. Mochim holded his sword straight and stood in a charging position. The knight too stood like him. They were ready for a one on one battle. With ferocity, Mochim charged on the knight and attacked him. The knight handled him with struggle but managed his best to defend himself. As the fight went, Mochim took lead and parted the sword from the knight's hand. The Knight fell to the ground. Mochim with red eyes, looked at the knight and when he raised his sword to stab him with all his might.... something changed...his sword stopped. The knight stopped. Mochim who was in pure anger, turned to confusion and try to move his sword inside the knight but then he realized the sword was standing mid in the air. The knight was also frozen in his place. He who had no idea what was going on, looked around to see everything stopped as if the time was frozen. He looked at trees, fire that was burning... everything was still. He sword even after he took his hands away from it, stood in the mid air. He was confused. 'What is happening?!' Then he felt a presence of someone standing behind him. He turned quickly and saw a hooded man standing, his hands behind him. Mochim couldn't see his face as it was covered with the black hood. The man took some steps forward to Mochim and Mochim stood there with a visible confusion. Mochim without showing his confusion, charged towards the hooded man with a blast of magic from his hand. He released it towards the man with a force. The man not flinched by it, handled the magic in his hand like ball and turned it into beautiful butterflies. Mochim was now startled by it. 'Who is he?' He thought. Then again this time used a more powerful magic to attack but again the hooded man made it disappear like a spring breeze. Mochim now shocked to his core, attacked him with his martial arts. The man handled him like a professional and at one point he held Mochim by his hand and rotated him to face him straight. Now Mochim and the hooded man were looking straight to face. Mochim tried to look at the man's face. But he couldn't. The man locking Mochim in his arms, smirked at him and said in calm voice, " Not now Mochim" and kept his thumb on Mochim's forehead. Suddenly the spot where he touched glowed and Mochim screamed and the place got quickly surrounded by a white light.

When the white light was gone, Mochim was on the ground, blacked out. The hooded man looked at him and said, " well... take some rest". And looked up to see the middle-aged woman standing, bowing to him. He said, " Take him with you. Rest will happen on its own". The middle-aged woman carried him to his cart and drove away from there. The hooded man stood there smiling,

"The furious one may not see the world for someday until the rest will take their positions in the plan...."

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