29. Enouement : prt - 2

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" Life is funnier...."

Continuation :

(This chapter is happening at the same time of the chapters : Eris 1 & 2 and Neikea)

Mochim was lying on the floor in a fetus position, still tears streaming down his cheeks. He was very sad and guilt striken. He was supposed to finish what he promised to his sister but now everything seemed crushing down. His mind also thought of his beloved friend Pangi who would now desperately be searching for him alone in the forest. He was grieved of his 18 years of plan coming down crushing. This is not fair. This was definitely not fair. Why he have to suffer?What he had done? Why the good have to suffer when bad enjoys everything. Anger was building inside him but he couldn't do anything. As a result, his fuming anger was turning into stream of tears that saoked his face along with the cold wooden floor. His world is now dark and lonely. Lonely.... after a long time he felt that feeling. He was so concentrated in his revenge that he forgot his emotions and buried them deep. Now all of that are showing up again when he is low and his heart was wrenching in pain of it. Even his mind was playing games with him by reminding him of his happy childhood that added up to his pain more. Slowly his mind blurred and drifted back....

' "Mochim wait!", his sister called him as little Mochim ran in little steps, giggling. Finally Katara caught him and lifted him up, swinging in circle. They both laughed merily as they played and fell on the ground together with a big laugh. Katara continued to tickle her brother who was lying beside him. Mochim laughed and said in his small voice, " stop... Katara.. it is ticklish..." and laughed more. They both laughed and played until their father joined them. "What are my favorite beings doing?", he said with a big smile and sat down near them. Mochim got up laughing and said, " papa, Katara... is tickling me..." and hugged his father. Katara to got up and said, " we were playing papa." Their father fondly smiled at them and seated his son on his lap who was smiling brightly at him. Katara to came near to him and sat with them. Their father continued, " well, I thought maybe I can join you both in your play. Can I?" He was pleading them with puppy eyes. Katara chuckled at her father's expression and said in a joyous manner, " papa, you are always welcome!" Mochim to nodded quickly responding to his sister's words. And without a warning, quickly Katara started to tickle her father. Her father fell on the ground with Mochim and they all laughed together. Mochim joined with his sister and they played and giggled all along....'

Mochim cried bitterly now as the memory flashed in his mind. He has failed. Failed as a son. Failed as a brother. He has failed to do the promise. Now what he Can do?! All his dream was burned. He has no power. No sight. He lost his friend. And he have no idea who kidnapped him or done this to him and don't know what they want. Every minute passed like a hell to him and he was scared for the first time in his life.

"He is inside", said the lady to the hooded man. He was the one who intervened Mochim during the fight. He said looking at the direction of the hut, " I want you take him to the Island of sun where you will meet who you need." "Island of sun? I heard it only in the stories. So it is real that it exist?", said the lady who was confused and her eyes widening a bit hearing that word. The man said, " you have no idea what can be possible" and gave a smile that can be seen despite his face was hidden. The lady thought for a moment and asked, " how can i reach there? I don't know where it is and i doubt any men would know this". The man replied, "Don't worry, I will guide you there and protect you on your way. Just stay strong and always be hopeful". The lady sighed and gave him a nod. The man said, " first you have to reach selin. Then from there you will be noticed of what to do". The lady nodded.

Then she went inside the hut as the man stood out. She saw Mochim lying on the floor in fetus position moans of crying can be heard. That showed her that he was still crying. He was totally broken and looked like a broken doll. The lady looked at him with pity in her eyes. 'all for good..', she thought in her mind and encouraged herself a bit. She walked slowly to him, crouched down on her knees and gently touched his blonde messy hair from behind. Flinched by the sudden touch, Mochim shot up straight and said in panic, "wh-who is this ?! don't touch me!!" and backed himself away by dragging himself along the floor. The lady tried to calm him saying, "no, i am not going to hurt you. Just, you need to come with me". Mochim hearing that shouted, "NO... I am not going to come with you anywhere!!" The lady reached out trying to calm again Mochim, " please... you need to come with me.... we cannot stay here... it is dangerous..." Mochim still tears streaming in his eyes, attached himself more to the wall to avoid her touch. He hugged his knees tightly and sticked his face to the wall. He said crying, "i do not want to come with you! even if it is dangerous! Please leave me!!" the lady sighed seeing the stubbornness.

At the same moment, the hooded man entered the room where he saw the lady crouching down to Mochim who was refusing to come with her. The lady turned around and saw him stand behind her. She stood up, facing him, worry spreading through her face. The man understood, sighed and walked towards Mochim his steps being careful. Mochim was crying bitterly. His whole face was red by the continuous crying. The man now crouched down to face Mochim and called him in a soft deep voice, " Mochim..." Mochim now startled by sudden deep voice realized it was not the lady but someone else. "wh-who i-is it!!??" again his body shivered in fear. The man continued, " everything will be alright and soon you will know". Then suddenly he snapped his finger. The moment he snapped, Mochim stopped crying and oddly he got silenced. now he sat straight, his empty eyes looking at the floor, tears dried in his cheeks. The man got up and commanded, "get up". Mochim without saying a word, got up and stood straight. The woman now stood beside him and looked at him in shock. The man turned to her and said, "I have kept him in trance. He will listen to whatever you say. This magic will last until you reach the island. once you reach there, he will be back to normal." the woman nodded as he finished his sentence. He looked at Mochim and continued, "now you may leave as soon as possible..." the woman gave a quick nod and grabbed Mochim's hand gesturing him to move with her. She ahve alreday packed everything needed. The man stood there and looked at them leaving the place. The lady got Mochim on her horse and then she sat behind him. Before she can go she gave a final glance at the man who was looking at them and gave a determined nod at him and rod off from there.

After some ride, they finally reached Darkstone. The lady gave her horse in one of her friends staple to take care of it until she returned. Her friend asked where she was going but she told she was going to visit her far relative and it will take some time for her return. After that she started walking towards the river port with Mochim. Mochim's eyes were blindfolded. Some were staring at her but she was not bothered by it. Mochim walked silently as the lady led him, holding his hand. For others eyes they looked like mother and son duo which was a bit relief for her. Some gave sympathy looks on them as they noticed Mochim was blind.

They both reached the port and saw a passenger boat was arriving and already people were waiting. The boat came and all people rushed to get a seat in the boat. Fortunately, she was able to get a seat for both of them. She got a seat next to two boys in which one of them had purple hair. It was odd for her because purple is very unusual to be a hair color. She also noticed another boy sitting next to the purple haired boy, often peeking on them and whispering something. She was looking at both of them through corner of her eyes. They don't seem harmful but she have to be careful. She then glanced at Mochim who was sitting very silently. She sighed and holded his hands tight. When the boat was about to leave, it was suddenly stopped by three men in which one man was unconscious and the other two were holding him. The unconscious man's face was hided with a scarf. She looked at them in a confused manner. The men who were carrying the man looked bit dark and had thug like appearance. One of them said, " let us in this boat. Our friend here need to go to his home. He is not feeling well". The boat rider replied, " look the boat is full. How can you come in this boat?" One of the men urged him in a threatening voice, " quick this is emergency!" At that moment, a kind man offered to give his seat and he said he will come in the next boat. Following him another two men gave their seat to those three and got off from the boat. The three men sat infront of the lady and Mochim. She stared at them and wondered about them but shrugged it off.

Then the boat rod off silently... with those four of them....

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