31. The red mountains

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"A man is not what he thinks but what he hides..."


She still can't believe what happened that day. The Sun was about to set from a tiring day as she watched it took its leave through the window in her room. She was pacing right and left in her room, her mind occupied of million thoughts. She still not able to process the catastrophic incident that started with Vantae's kidnap to her childhood friend's imprisonment to her son-in-law's bloody promise. She sighed as she stopped near her window and looked at the setting sun. This is something serious than it should be. what baffeled her more was why Agust behaved like that? she knows that Agust is a very calm and patient boy who thinks carefully before taking any desicion. But today it was completely different. She was able to see Agust with this much anger and rage. It made her more think of why Agust has to be in much anger about that Astrologer? Does this mean that the Astrologer is a fraud? has he done more evil things then she had thought? Already she too hated Astrologer and his nonsense principals. She to knew what happened to Lady Cecile's second son that she grieves till this day. Vantae was a spoiled one but Lady Cecile loved him more, equal to Agust. His kidnap was really a bit shock to everyone and most devastating to his parents and brother. She did hated Vantae but she was to worried for him. After all, it was not his fault that he was grown like that.

As she was staring at the sun set, she heard soft heel steps approaching her. " Mother?", Cara called in a gentle voice as she stood behind her. Lady Muriel turned to see her daughter standing behind her. Her face bit dull and sad. Lady Muriel walked forward and cupped her face in her palms and kissed her in her fore head. She knows how much this affected her daughter. She was supposed to be happy as she was going to start a new life with her beloved. But the fate was cruel to put a devastating problem in her way. She wrapped her daughter in a warm soothing hug and her mouth was muttering comforting words in her ears. Cara hugged back feeling the warm embrace and engulfing in it. But her heart was longing for her lover who had gone far away in search of his brother. She wanted to go with him in his search but she had to stay because she promised to look after her mother-in-law. She wanted to hug him and not let him go but that would have been an idiotic act done by her. She wanted stop him but she couldn't and shouldn't. Tears welled up her eyes and she eventually buried her face in her mother's broad shoulders. Lady Muriel felt that her daughter is crying, she patted her back gently and lulled her. Then she broke the hug to look at her daughter's pretty face which was now tears striken. She rubbed her tears off her cheeks and said, " Stay strong, my blueberry... everything will be alright... your love will return with victory and you will live happily as you wish..." Cara without saying a word nodded to her mother's encouragement.

Lady Muriel gently smiled at her and said, " Now listen, whatever happened today... it is not something normal... if you have seen or sensed it... you would definitely know.. there is something that had been hidden well... I don't think Agust was angry for no reason... definitely there should be something that made him infuriated... I know something is there... something...", Cara listened to her keenly and said in low voice, " I too think that mother... I know my Agust well... he is always right... what makes me more confused is that.. when Agust and His father were fighting, The Astrologer was oddly calm like he wanted this to happen. Like he was expecting this..." and raised her eyebrows. Lady Muriel's face turned serious now and her mind was rewinding of how everyone reacted to the incident. And her daughter was right. The Astrologer was calm... like oddly calm. This made her head more spin and suspicion now surrounded her. She said, " yes... now I am thinking about it..." and Cara looked around her and again laid her eyes on her mother and said in a cautious voice, " what if this is his plan?" As she said this, a silence fell between them. Will this be one of his plans? It can be.

As they were in silence, the room door was opened to reveal Lady Nirsa and her son Noble standing there. Lady Muriel saw them both entering and walking towards her and both gave a bow to her. Lady Muriel nodded and without her acknowledge, she hugged Nirsa warmly. Nirsa to hugged back and felt the warm embrace. Then they broke the hug and Lady Nirsa said, " maybe Cara is right..." this took Cara little back that Lady Nirsa was able to hear her comment. Lady Muriel looked at Cara and again at Nirsa. Muriel sighed and said, " apologize us for talking in secrecy". Lady Nirsa shook her head and answered, " No.... nothing to apologize my lady. I think you both have point. I would like to admit that, that man who has called himself the Astrologer is not a saint but and impured devil who came to snatch everyone's happiness. I despise him for what he did to me and my life!! I would never forgive him..." she said that last sentence with a determined voice as of she was ready to kill him that moment. Noble calmed his mother down and Lady Nirsa softly smiled at him.

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