42. Butterfly

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"His death became a cocoon for him to become what he truly was...."

Continuation :

"My name is... Moon".

Moon answered unconfident. Hearing his human's name for the first time, Joon saw Moon in a bit surprised manner and his eyes looking at him in pure wonder or more joy, hearing the name specially associated to his whole existence. 'So...it is Moon?' Joon thought in his mind. Hobi stood there, confused hearing it. Did he hear 'Moon'? Can a human have a name like that? It was his first time hearing a name like that. Moon stood in absolute silence with tears, knowing his name was not his actual but given by a nurse who took care of him so that he can just be called by, waiting for the stunned man infront to say something. His eyes were looking at the floor not facing the man. Hobi instead did not say anything and stared at him blankly with his swellen eyes. Has this boy really has no one? Moon felt his sadness is getting more stronger and decided to broke the silence saying," I-i am sorry sir....about the h-hug... Seeing your sadness made me sad to. A-and I.. I did not want you... to be alone...". Moon looked at him with his teary eyes. Hobi's tears dropped again through the same wet cheeks of his, hearing a stranger being kind to him. 'Alone' the word added up more pain as it echoed in his hollow mind and it was like a hurtful remainder of how his rest of the mission is going to be. Hobi can't resist but hugged Moon and cried bitterly in his arms like a child. Moon, bit taken back by the man's actions, hugged him back without a thought and embraced him in his wide shoulders. Tears he took a control off now escaped of his eyes. They both cried in each other's shoulders, one being loud and another being silent. Hobi cried more murmuring in agony, " Sorry.... So sorry..." he apologized to Moon as he would to Agust for not saving him. Moon hearing those, hugged him more tighter. The scene was too sad to watch. Joon stood there, without a word, as time passed, more heavier his heart became. They do not know each other completely though they found solace in each other's embrace. Hobi could not stop his crying as the boy seemed more nostalgic and too kind to console a stranger who lost his dear friend. However, this embrace felt more guilty to him as if he have to answer this boy about the loss. Why is he feeling more guilty? Moon felt the heaviness in his heart. Unsaid sadness adding more torment than ever. Hobi broke the hug, his legs giving out as knelt down and sobbed holding his chest tight as if it was paining. A metal thud was heard when he knelt down on the wooden floor. Moon stood there, tears running like river from his eyes, seeing the man break down in front of him. He slowly knelt down to his level and kept his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Hobi lifted his teary gaze, said in the crying tone, " sorry... I am... I-i do not know... What I am suppose to do?... I-i..." He broke down more. Joon stepped near to them and stood behind. Moon wipped his tears off and said looking at Joon, " I will bring some water" and rushed out. Joon helped Hobi to lean on the bed as his sobbing turned to low mufflings. He looked at Hobi's devastated face and him getting bit dehydrated because of all crying. He looked pale and too tired like he can faint any time. Joon seeing this state, started to ponder on the thought whether he can use his magic to comfort him or not because it can turn in a good way or way worse. But he cannot see Hobi like this. After a more careful thinking, he decided to use it as his state was becoming bit worse and Hobi will not stop crying soon. Joon sighed and kept one hand gently on his shoulder and said in a calm voice, letting his violet eyes glow, his misty dust slowly surrounding both, " let your sadness be replaced with peace and happiness " as he said this, the violet magic tried entered into Hobi's heart. But it did not enter into his heart and vanished. Joon was shocked of why his magic did not go inside him. Confused first of why, he then recalled one thing that his fairy mother had said to him during his training,

'remember Joon... You can heal anyone you wish... But... First they should have the wish to get out of their whatever situation that is causing them sad, angry or pain.. if only of their wish, you can heal them or else the magic would not enter into the heart like you can't enter through a closed door without it's keys....'

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