8. Tacenda

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" He began to count his days from then."

Hospital of lost children:

Moon was sitting on the floor, staring at the plain ash colored wall. He has nothing to do during the day time. When it's night, he usually stares at the sky from the window and spends his loneliness. so he has nothing to do and as usual he stared at the wall. While during his staring time, He found so many interesting things in his room. One day he found a group of ants carrying a dead fly across the room. He had no idea what were those but he was both terrified and surprised to see it. The other day he found some sparrows trying to fly into the room but the windows were closed. The other day, he found some cracks in the plain ash wall. All the time, he found something interesting to think. These small things made him more and more curious to know the outside world.

That day was going fine as usual, until some people dressed in black rushed through his doors and grabbed his arms and dragged him out. He panicked and shouted, "Leave me! Who are you?!" But they didn't seem listening to him. He was forcefully dragged into an open area and pushed to the ground. He fell to his face with thud. He slowly looked up and found his beloved nurse being tied up to a pole. His eyes widened in horror. He quickly looked around him and found every one surrounding them. 'What is happening?' His mind raced fast and he couldn't process what's happening. But his gut was saying something terrible was going to happen. When his eyes roamed around to seek an answer, it landed on a man infront of him who was wearing a black drape that Magicians wore. Moon's eyes showed fear and he started to breath heavily. The Man's face was covered by a black gold mask. He looked like the devil himself. He showed some signs to his assistants to do something and they started to do what he said to them by sign. They brought woods and kept it under the nurses feet who was tied up to the pole. The Nurse said " please don't!! I am sorry" All understood what going on and gasped in fear but Moon couldn't understand what was happening. He just looked at them with tears filling his eyes. After the arrangements, one of the assistant s, handed the man with a fire torch. Taking it, the man came forward and said in loud, deep voice," hear me, clear!! This is a place where only sadness should exist not happiness. You know what will happen if you disobey the laws. Even knowing the consequences, this woman here had disobeyed it and fed this kid with love which is forbidden and a curse. Before it's too late, i came to know this disgusting thing that's happening. And I have decided to show what will happen if anything happens like this once more!" He quickly turned around and walked to the nurse and said "Let you be the sacrifice for the sin you done!" And litted the fire on the woods beneath her feet. The fire started to burn and she started screaming for help. Everyone looked at her with sympathy, terrified and scared. Slowly the fire started to catch on her dress and the pain of being burned alive made her scream louder and louder and it echoed through the walls of the hospital.
Moon was seeing all this, kneeling in the ground, eyes filled with tears, terror and horror and his throat blocked with sudden shock. He saw her scream and burned alive infront of him. But he couldn't do anything. Tears ran through his cheek like stream and his lips shivering in fear. 'No'... a small air of sound escaped from his mouth. So much pain surrounded his heart while she completely burned in front of him. Her voice stopped after a while and everyone watched her become ashes. Now it's just burned bones.
The man walked to the completely broken Moon, kneeled and whispered to him. "It's all your fault." And went away with his assistants. The black dressed people came to grab Moon, who is completely shattered to take him to his room again. While they grabbed his arms, Moon fell unconscious to the ground and his eyes totally blacked out.

When he opened his eyes, he was in a bed and bunch of machines were attached to him. He sat up in shock and saw around him with his big eyes. He doesn't know where he is and he was still not over the scene he saw. Tears again conquered him when the scene flashed again infront of him. He felt guilty and sad in his heart and felt iy will never go away from him. Suddenly he coughed very loud and in a minute,his eyes widened. He saw his cloth covered in blood. He quickly wiped his mouth and took a look at his hands and realized he was spitting blood. Moon then came to a realization that he has started to count his days..... and the sky started to pour down.

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