39. Tempestas: prt - 2

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"Storm approached...."

Continuation :

" Agust?!!!!..." The boy screamed as the chaos unfolded in front of his eyes.... The ship was burning and the storm raged through the ocean... All he could do was scream his dear friend's name but.... none heard him...."

Moon shot out of the bed, sweating profusely, taking quick breaths in panic. What kind of a horrific dream is that? And who was that boy? It was definitely not him or his fairy.... And.... why it was like in a ship? Are they in danger or.... someone else? He was confused and scared still breathing heavily. With panic striken, he looked at the opposite of his side, only to find the other bed empty. Again panic just heighten as his heart raced faster seeing the empty bed. 'Where did his fairy go?', his mind thought and quickly he stood up from the bed and walked out of the room without noticing that he was bare footed. He opened the door and stepped at the empty hallway looked at both sides, searching his fairy. As he couldn't see anyone at sight, he thought of going to search his fairy as he closed the room door behind him. He was getting more and more anxious and rubbed his face understanding he slept a bit longer than usual. Maybe all tiredness got a hold of him. Now his bare feet walked along the silent hallway to the staircase that followed the upper deck. He was almost tiptoeing as he climbed the stairs up to the deck. Just as he reached the upper deck, the cold night breeze hit his sweaty face and body which gave him bit chills. He first stopped to look at the whole deck which was somewhat visible under the star-studded night sky. He squinted his eyes for a better look to see whether someone was standing there. Then he started to roam at the deck searching his fairy. To his relief, he found him leaning to the starboard side, staring above at the stars. " you are here....", Moon said till a bit anxious, walking towards Joon. Joon turned around hearing the small voice and a smile randomly showed up his way as he saw his human approaching. " sorry... I thought you were sleeping so I came here to look at the beautiful night sky..." , Joon apologized immediately knowing his human would have worried about him going missing. Moon now got a clear view of his fairy as he now stood facing him and all he did was sighed... In relief. Joon looked at Moon who sighed heavily and moved to the side to stand beside him. As he came beside him, Joon could sense that his human was disturbed... again. He could still see the trace of sweat running through his neck and half of his back being soaked. " are you alright?", Joon asked in a soft tone. This question has become a common one between them these days. Moon closed his eyes hearing it and again took a deep breath inhaling the cold breeze. He started in a slow tone, " I...had a bad dream..." Joon formed an 'oh' hearing that and enquired, " what kind of a bad dream?" He thought it might be about that 'sword' thing. Moon looked above at the clear sky and the stars that shined bright and continued in the same tone, " I... saw a ship going down.... and.... someone got lost in that..." Joon stared at his words and stood there in silence. It is not about the sword. " I saw a-a boy... Calling out a name...crying and desperate... But no one heard him... And the-the ship was burning... in flames as it went down into the ocean... It-it was too scary to handle..." He again panicked as he remembered the dream. Joon looked at his his human getting panic, came closer to him and rubbed his back to calm him down. He said, " It is alright... It is just a dream.. don't consider it... We are safe..." Moon sighed heavily and looked at him... and again to the oddly calm ocean. The ocean was oddly calm like... very calm.... before storm and he had a storm in his dream. Something was not right. His heart was scared of something. The silence... it is making him more scared. Joon stared at him as he inhaled sharply. Just he was about to say something, out of blue, they heard a firm voice, " you both? What are you doing there?" Both heads turned to look behind them and saw one of the crew members standing there with a lamp in his hand holding up to take a better look. Joon noticed that he was a crew member by his clothing and turned around quickly answering, " just having some air, sir!" The crew nodded and said further as he stood some distance away, " it is better you go inside, there is going to be a great storm approaching soon..." Moon froze in his place... A storm... He gulped a bit hearing that word. Joon looked at the sky in doubt and asked back, " a storm? Are you sure? The sky is clear..." The crew hearing that, walked towards them. His face was now visible under the light. He said looking at both, " if the sky is this clear, it is going to be storming soon. You can never predict a weather in the middle of the ocean. Anything can happen". 'anything can happen ' the word echoed in Moon's ears who stood there without moving an inch. The crew continued, " it is better you both return back to your rooms" and turned around and walked away, not looking at them. Joon as he saw the man disappear from the deck, turned around to Moon who was standing there like a statue and said, " we better listen to him. It is oddly calm out here. Let us go back. Come on..." And pulled Moon's hand gently forward. He still didn't see the fear spreaded out in Moon's face. 'what is happening?', Moon thought still processing of what he just heard...

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