32. The Carriage

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"Everyone is beautiful in someone's eyes...."

River Thetis :

The boat rod silently... with four of them in it....

The sun was setting as it gave a beautiful golden glow to the mighty river. The boat rod silently as only the cool evening breeze sound was heard. Everyone was seated in silent as they admired the beauty of the resting sun. Moon looked at the sun set with 'awe' in his eyes. This is the very first beautiful thing he has seen in his life. Also the river was shining as if the gold was flowing in it which made him reach the waters and caress it with the flow of the boat. The water was cold which made him shiver a bit. With a gentle smile, he played with the water letting his hand flow with it. Joon turned around to see his human caressing his hand in the water. This put a small smile on his face. He asked in a gentle manner, " What are you doing?" Moon turned around to his fairy with a bright smile and said in a low voice, "I was just playing with the water" and continued what he was doing. As Moon turned back again to the water, Joon took his time to notice his human's features upclose. His human was indeed beautiful with sharp jawline, plump rosy lips, long sharp nose and a pale flawless skin with his fluffy puppy hair. He also noticed his chocolate orbs of his doey eyes that stood out as his best feature. Even though he had ethereal features, he still looked skinny and bulimionic and his waist was tiny like it can fit into a small hole. Inspite of this, he had broad shoulders and long hands and fingers. He was about his height. As he was looking at him, suddenly Joon was little taken back by the marvelous beauty of his human as his skin glowed in the golden shade of the sun. He looked breathtaking which surprised him a lot. Quickly Joon thought it is inappropriate to stare too long, so he diverted his eyes to the other direction awkwardly. He knows his human is innocent and pure who was raised in the shadow of sadness for no reason... maybe there is.... but he shrugged it off and continued to look at his opposite direction to avoid blushing over his himan. In his opposite he could see the lady and the blindfolded boy sitting in absolute silent. He took a glance at the boy who was sitting with the lady. even though he can't see his eyes, he was able to look at his other features like his bleached blonde hair which was left uncombed. His lips were plush rosy lips and he had a honey tone to his skin but he was glowing. He was wearing a normal clothing and his hands looked tiny in them. Joon again now diverted his gaze from him to his front to avoid staring only to his eyes landing on the man whose face was hided with a scarf. He could see only his back portion of his body which gave some insight that he was lean like Moon but had a muscular figure with broad shoulders which was similar to his human. Even though the head was covered in scarf, he could notice some skin of neck exposed and little bit of the hair color can be seen. If Joon was right, the boy had black short hair. The skin on the neck showed him that he was pale skinned to just like his human. 'That is odd... some features of this man matches my human... what a conicidence....?', Joon thought and rolled his eyes. He loves to observe everything around him especially his co-species, Humans. Humans were very different and interesting according to him and his elder fairy had taught him so much about them which made his curiosity of studying humans more. He is definitely not a freak but just he loves to learn new things about them and their complexity of nature. They never fail to surprise him till that moment.

As he completely drained himself in his own thoughts, Moon called to him. He then came back to the reality hearing his human's voice and looked at him. "what ?", he asked. Moon pointed out to the approaching shore and said, "i think we reached the shore..." Joon looked at the way the boat was going and he can see from far they were about to reach the shore and it was already night and stars have started to shine bright. The boat reached the shore and everyone got off. Joon helped Moon to get off the boat safely as they were followed by the lady and Mochim. The seller and his henchman have already got off first and got into a passenger carriage that was heading to Selin. "Now what?", asked Moon as he looked around him. Joon said looking at the carriage, "come we can take that", and grabbed his hands to guide him there. They both walked towards the carriage. The lady held Mochim's hand and looked at the direction of the carriage where she could see the purple haired boy and his companion are getting in. "Come on", she said in a gentle voice as she led Mochim in the direction of carriage. when they approached it, she could see some familiar faces inside. First she got in and then she helped Mochim to get on. Mochim took his steps carefully inside the carriage and he sat near Moon. Moon now looked at them and quickly leaned to Joon to ask, "look the same people are coming with us". Joon rolled his yes and said, "this is a public transport so yes... they might have want to go where we want to for different purposes. so do not worry about it". Moon nodded and remained silent in his place. He then can see that the same two men with the man hidden his face in the scarf sitting in front of them, facing them. Moon bit his lips in nervous as he saw the men staring at them which made him uncomfortable. He wanted to say it to Joon but he did not want to create a fuss. So he remained silent. Soon to his relief, both men stopped staring at him. One was closing his eyes in sleep while other was looking somewhere else. Moon sighed in relief. As he sighed, his eyes fell on the unconsious man. To his surprise, the scarf that hid the face was slightly got off, revealing some part of the man's face. Moon looked at the man keenly. And to his more surprise, it was not a man it was a boy of his age or should be little lower than him. He had a pale skin and dark hair that hided his fore head. Moon's heart was hit with familiarity. He had a sudden urge to hug that man and never let him go. 'What am I feeling? This is unusual', he thought as his eyes were on that man. He never fekt this sudden rush of feelings as something really familiar hit him. But he cannot understand that. Suddenly the Seller noted Moon staring at Vantae and turned to see the scarf was little revealing. He quickly corrected the scarf on Vantae's face with some panic and stared at Moon. Moon took a sharp breath like he was got caught and gulped tried to look casual and diverted his eyes somewhere to avoid the firing gaze.

Soon he realized that the carriage was already riding off into the dark forest. Then he turned to see his Fairy dozing off tiredly but still he was manage to keep his eyes open hardly. Yes the fairies should sleep in the morning and work at night. But Joon was roaming and travelling like a human with his human for one night and day. He was so tired and the sleep was surrounding him even though he wanted to stay awake. Moon chuckled a bit looking at his fairy and whispered to him, " put your head on my shoulder". Joon half opened his eyes and said in a low sleepy voice, " no am not tired... just..." and his sleep again conquered him. Moon giggled at the sight. Then he took some moment to look at his fairy. His fairy had some handsome features like full thick lips with heart shaped face which was complimented with his ethereal purple hair. He had a sharp jawline. His honey skin was a good highlight of him. He was not thin like him had a body that has been formed by strong work. A body for a fairy. Without his acknowledge, Moon's cheeks turned little pink. He realized he blushed as he stared at his sleeping fairy. ' oh.. I shouldn't stare at people. That is weird....', and corrected his throat and turned away.

After some time, he was tired too as he yawned and his eyes just becoming heavy. He looked around him and everyone was asleep including his fairy. Then he to decided to sleep as he put his head on Joon's wide shoulder and drifted off.

The Seller after correcting the scarf, he stared at Moon and gave him a threatening stare. After Moon looking away, the Seller turned his look to his henchman who was sleeping. He rolled his eyes and thought they will reach Selin tomorrow morning. Then to his surprise, he too drifted to sleep.

The lady was all tired but she couldn't sleep. She looked around the people in the carriage and sighed. Everyone is asleep including Mochim who was sleeping in her shoulder. They will reach Selin in the morning and from there she should find a way to communicate to him for guidance. She sighed as she had a big responsibility ahead and rested her head in the walls of the carriage. Soon she was taken by the sleep....

"Well... the blood has met each other... to the surprise... there are three..." said the figure which was watching from afar watching the carriage go...

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