43. A letter

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"Love is made of pain to give happiness..."

Continuation of Orchid :

Ukiyo :

Cara was sitting beside the window of her chamber. Her mind was still in confusion even after it is been a day visiting Lady Cecile. The most confusing for her was the strange red haired boy. Why he have to appear out of nowhere and say those things specifically to her? Does he knows something? She was creeped out first but then confusion catched her of who and why this boy has to come to her and say that? She still remembered fresh of his deep blue eyes that she never seen before and his smile that gave creeps and comfort. His hair was like that of a sun with deep red but it's end bit orange. The look will creep out anyone who would not be familiar. The thought of the boy revolved around her more than anything that day. It is been one day, still his thoughts never left her mind. She gave a big groan to the thought of him and where she can start her investigation from. She has convinced that there is a secret which has been well hidden. She and Noble have partnered to find up the truth. They first had an idea of searching Nissaris's room but it was so risky that she herself rejected it. Noble was searching for other ways but because of their not-from-this-city character, they had no idea who they can trust or ask anything they need. Then they planned of asking the wounded man they saved but he was not yet out of his unconsciousness. At the same time, Cara was also growing anxious because she did not receive any letter from Agust or her mother. The growing anxious was one side, confusion on another side, both made her frustrated and overthink. She gave a small sigh and decided to go and visit the wounded man who was kept in a secret room in the mansion.

Mansion contained a lot of secret rooms that were beneath it. These rooms were made for the family if they were to hide during a war or any worse situation. Cara came out of her room and glanced carefully on both sides of the hallway to see whether anyone is there. Then she tiptoed silently through it. She had a cautious eye on her surroundings as she stepped down through the main staircase and then turning left that led to the basement. The basement had a narrow stone steps leading into darkness but still Cara was able to see through with the help of a lamp she found near the doorway of the steps. She lit it and started to go down, the darkness grew more and more and finally she reached the underground where the staircase led to a big tunnel full of rooms. She wondered in what situation they built this. The place had a foul smell of oldness and a bit of eeriness to it. Cara turned behind her to see whether someone is following her and then walked ahead to the room. She felt bit guilty to keep the man in this dark place but she had no choice. First she did decide to keep him in her chambers however that is much of a risk as her room was always visited by servants. She reached a wooden door and opened it where she saw the man lying in the bed still unconscious. The door opened with a creek sound that echoed through the tunnel. She did not step into the room, just checked from the door side whether he was awake or not. But the man was lying peacefully in the bed. She sighed in defeat and closed the door silently and walked back to her chambers.

After she had reached her room safely without anyone noticing, she sat on her table thinking of something and quickly grabbed a paper from her drawers and started to write a letter to Agust. Even though he did not write him, she will write for him. Thus She started to write as following:

'my love, this is your Cara. I hope you are doing good wherever you are and I am good here in Ukiyo. Your mother, your brother and everyone else are in good health to. I visited your mother and had to witness her good health. She awaits your return with your dear brother. So do not be worried about us. I know things are hard for us and that would have made you hopeless but I hope you have the same courage and determination you had when you told me to wait for you. I will wait for you till the end of time, my love... I will wait for you to return with victory and soon I am awaiting the day when we become one... My dearest, My world... Things here are weird. I and your dear brother Noble has sensed something wrong going on. Do not worry about this. We will try to find out what is going on here. You focus on the mission and find your brother and how is Hobi brother? I hope he is in good health as same as you. I was relieved when he said he was coming with you. He is the best partner for this mission you can ever get. Just remember this, I am hopefully waiting for you and I love you...Take care my love. Let you return with victory....

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