18. More Ferarum

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" He had something that others where not ready for "

Same night of Petunia : prt - 2

The boat was sailing peacefully in the moonlight. The breeze was gentle and the moonlight glowed bright. Mochim and Pangi were asleep in the boat and their rider was sitting looking at the sky and noting down something in her small diary. The gentle breeze caressed her white hair that she braided, revealing her beautiful black skin in the moonlight. She really enjoyed her work as a boat rider. Eventhough her father was a head of a tribe, she didn't hesitate to stand on her own feet rather than depending on him. She loved traveling in her boat that she made by her own hands through the mighty River Thetis. She always feels close to the mighty river as if they became close friends. She kept her note down and put her hands in the river and caressed the waters with it as the boat moved. Although she was enjoying the ride, she was well aware of the route and all the dangers it contained. She was concerned about one thing everytime she traveled and that was about the river thugs who loot or kidnap people by hitting their boats. After looting, they will kill them or capture them as their slaves. This problem has been there for many years. But no one can't do anything about the thugs. Even the knights of Ukiyo tried to bring them down but the thugs always slipped away from their plans. Thus the problem was unsolved for many years. This was the only thing that made this journey scary and unsafe for those who wanted to travel to the south but they had no other way as this was the only way they could reach the south. Going through the forest would take several days as the forest surrounding the lands of South was very dense and rumored to be having dangerous creatures roaming in them. Thus river was the only and faster way of transportation for the other lands to the south. The thugs took advantage of this and robbed people without any mercy. As she was thinking and caressed the water, she saw a ship approaching them from far. She quickly stood up in her feet and watched closely to find what ship it was. And to her shock and fear, it was the thugs ship that was approaching them in a full speed. She quickly took control of her boat and she tried to make it turn back. But wind suddenly became to strong which allowed her boat to travel in the direction of the ship. She put her all strength to turn the main sail and to her efforts the boat started to turn away from the ship that was approaching.

Mochim who was sleeping, opened his eyes to the sound of wood creeking and got up to see their rider trying her best to turn the boat. Mochim quickly walked to her and asked, " what happened ? Why are you turning back?". The woman panickingly said, " the thugs! They are approaching us!". Mochim turned his vision to forward and saw a ship approaching them very fast. Then he realized that she is trying to save them. He ran to the other end and woke his friend up. Pangi woke in a hurried manner and asked, " what happened?". Mochim said, " we have a danger ahead of us" and pointed to the ship that was approaching very near. Pangi got up and said, " oh no.. the river thugs. I read about them. They are very dangerous. What are we going to do?!"
Mochim quickly thought of something. The boat rider tried her best to sail the Boat in full speed but it was too late the large ship engulfed them and the thugs from it jumped into their small boat and captured three of them.

Three were escorted to the thugs ship. Mochim and Pangi's belongings were also shifted. They tied the boys together and the woman separately. One of the thug said, " let us see what is in their belongings!" They searched through their belongings and found a bag full of money and some antiques. " only we got this much?! Is there anything else?", cried one thug. Others who were ruffling though the belongings said, " nothing! Others are just useless things !", in an angered voice. Then they informed it to their captain. The leader had a eye patch and he looked very ugly. With anger, he walked to Mochim and others who were now tied and kept by the thugs. He looked at them and their clothes and said, " well, well, you don't look like a commoner, aren't you? Huh? Then... where are you hiding your money? Say it... or you will be thrown to my hungry dogs.. SAY IT!" Mochim and Pangi didn't say anything. The woman shouted, " Leave them, you Bastard! They don't have anything to offer you!" The Capatin turned his vicious gaze towards her and walked to her. He slapped hard her right in her face and said, " how dare you speak against me, you brat! Well.. maybe they don't have anything to offer to me but you.. have something to offer to me... isn't it gentlemen?" Everyone laughed and said ' yes' in unison. Mochim realized what they were going to do to her. He quickly shouted, " Hey... you want money, isn't it?" The crowd and captain turned to him and he continued, " you are right.. I am not a commoner.. I do have something precious to offer you... let me of this rope and I will show it to you." The captain again paced towards him and said, " Don't you dare try to outsmart me.. if you tried.. your friend and this lovely damsel here would be seeing some horrible things". " I am not. Let me out and I will show you". Pangi remained silent and he does know what his friend means 'precious '. They untied him and Mochim stood straight to the captain and stared at him. The captain said, " Now show me where it is" Mochim looked around him and said in low voice, you want to see it, let me show it..." and shouted " Kazeem!" and suddenly there were dark clouds that surrounded the boat. The river started to get angry. It shook the ship and the crew started to struggle to stand. The woman couldn't understand what was happening. Pangi hanged on to something near him. Mochim then put his both hands in mantra sign and swirled them around to create more dark clouds and make the waves more messier. The captain shouted struggling, "attack him!" The crew threw themselves at him with heavy swords. Mochim with his sorcery pulled out a sword of fire from his hands and fought with it. He slayed them all like mad beast and none of them left alive. The woman was very much shocked and was suprised to see his fighting skills. Pangi on the other hand went near her and untied her. He asked, " are you alright?" The woman nodded and both stood in a safe place and watched Mochim, slaying everyone. He showed no mercy to them. Atlast The captain was the only one standing there with fear crawling in his body now. His whole crew was dead within a minute and he was all left alone. Mochim sharpened his eyes towards him and took steps ahead to the captain. The captain ran to the lower deck of the ship and locked himself in his room. He was so scared in his life for the first time and he knew very well there is no way he is escaping that. As his thoughts ran through his mind, sweating and gulping his saliva in fear, looking at the door.... hearing the footsteps nearing. Suddenly the foot steps stopped and for a minute there was a absolute silent. The captain neared the door with slow steps and kept his ear to door to hear the steps. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and when he looked down, he saw the sword, piercing his stomach to his back through the wooden door. The sword was pulled back with a force leaving the captain fall on the ground and drown in his own blood. The door opened revealing Mochim standing there with a bloody sword in his hands, his eyes glaring at him like fire. The captain fighting for his life looked at him. Mochim crouched to the ground and said to him, " this is the precious thing I want to offer you... Death.." the captain after hearing this let his last breath and died. Mochim stood and looked at the body for a few seconds and moved from there.

He went to the above deck and saw the sky and the river came back to its normal phase and found his friend and his rider standing there, both having different expressions on their face. Pangi was smiling of relief, on the other hand the woman was terrified and shocked at the same time. Mochim walked towards the woman who took some step back as he approached. Mochim said," Do not be scared that i will not hurt you". She looked at him with fear in her eyes. She found that his eyes were violet and they were mesmerizing but at the same time filled with emptiness. She don't know whether he was good or bad or she can trust him or not. That time her heart was racing in fear and her mind in thoughts. But some of her parts said he was a good man. They both were staring at each other and Mochim read her thoughts and said, " I know what you are thinking. But I want to assure that I won't hurt you. Instead I want you to keep this as a secret that you won't enclosure to anyone. If you trust me, you have to keep this locked up in your heart. Will you?" Pangi looked at her. She don't know what to say. But for know all she wanted was to escape from there. So she nodded agreeing to keep that as a secret. Mochim gave a small smile, made the bloody sword disappear into his hands in front of her and walked to his friend. She looked at him still standing in shock and confusion. They both chatted something amd He turned back and called, " come on. Let's continue our journey, shall we?" And pointed to her small boat below. She fastly nodded her head as if she was enlightened of her small boat and quickly walked towards them. Mochim and Pangi with the help of the ladder, climbed down to her boat. As she was about to climb down, she once again looked at the deck in front of her which was full of dead bodies. With gulping her saliva, she too climbed down to her boat.

After getting in the boat, Mochim said to her, " row the boat more far from this ship". She then rod the boat further away from the ship. After going more further, Mochim told her to stop the boat. She stopped and asked, " why?" He said, " we can't leave a trace". And pointed both his hand towards the ship that was far off. The woman and Pangi saw the ship, suddenly breaking into two and sinking into the mighty river. Then Mochim turned to both of them and said calmly "now we can move".

The journey continued again and Mochim and Pangi sleeping again after the chaos. But the woman couldn't. The events were running through her mind, she just prayed that it should all be a dream and this journey to end soon. With fear in her eyes she looked slowly at Mochim who was sleeping and asked to herself,

Who is he?

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