Wake Up Call

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Daniel's POV


"Good morning beautiful." I hummed in the nape of her neck.

A long lingering scent of her favorite perfume Velvet Sugar wafted through the air, getting a part of my body to twitch nonstop. She's not getting up any time soon. Not because it's five in the morning and the sun hasn't even came up, but because she just got home an hour ago.

This is her day; Y/n wakes up around twelve in the afternoon. Does her morning ritual, you know the standard stretch out of bed and grumbling while going downstairs into the kitchen to warm up the half fresh pot of coffee I make for her each morning before I leave. Then while catching up on Empire, even though the season's over, she finishes her coffee and goes back upstairs for a shower. Starts her hair, which roughly takes about an hour and a half, then finally starts to get dressed.

By then it's around three and she's headed out the door, working a five hour shift at the local daycare and an eight hour shift working at a midnight diner twenty minutes out of town. After she's done, I hear her slam the front door shut, too tired to even care about waking people up and begins to trudge upstairs while taking her clothes off and leaving them on the steps as she goes. Even mentally and physically exhausted as she is, Y/n takes another shower and redoes her hair for the night, sneaking under my arms and holding me whispering 'I love you' before going to bed.

She's where the term superwoman originated from. My baby does it all.

I smiled inwardly, gently riding up my long white T-shirt she had on and felt the warmth of her stomach. A low moan erupted from her lips as she leaned more into my touch. She's going to hate me for this, but I have to wake her up. I promised Nessa me and Y/n would be there bright and early to help her set up for Angela's baby shower.


She tossed around, scrunching her eyebrows as a warning signal for me to get away before I get hurt. Believe me, I've tried this before and let me tell you that I've promised myself I would never wake her up as long as I live. Unfortunately I have to break that promise.

Sorry self, but it's time to toughen up. My fingers pitter pattered along her skin, reaching her unclothed chest.

Bras make her extremely uncomfortable. She's just a loose person like that. So whenever she comes home the first thing she does is take off her raiment cleavage prison.

Y/n shoved my hands away from her soft flesh, pulling my face up to hers so I could stare in her bloodshot eyes. I would be lying if I said this didn't turn me on, because it does. Anything she does makes my dìck spring to life.

"Daniel. Leave. Me. Alone." She snarled, eyeing me down.

I puckered out my bottom lip, putting on my best pleading face. "Baby, I promised Vanessa we would help for Angie's baby shower. You need to wake up for me."

"Listen to me carefully. This is one of those rare days where I don't have to go to work on both jobs. I'm tired and I will tear off your face if you attempt to wake me up again. Got it! Next time don't volunteer me at five in the morning." Damn that didn't work.

I sighed, kissing her forehead and hopping off of the bed. "Fine, I'll take a shower. And if you aren't awake by then, I won't go easy on you."

She yawned, laying her head back on my pillow. "It's your funeral."

Y/n's POV


Daniel's shower escapade is being the absolute death of me. I just need sleep! From baby barf on my favorite comfy shoes and crying infants to a diner fight that resulted in the police stopping by there is nothing else I want more than a couple hours of shut eye.

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