Notice Me

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Y/n's POV

"Baby, when will you be coming home? Ky misses his daddy." I pouted.

I told myself beforehand that I knew what I was going to be getting myself into when I married Diggy. He was already on tour during the time of our wedding. I can't believe he almost missed it because his flight had delayed for at least an hour. Then with Ky. He never gets to see his dad. Only what we are able to see on TV.

It could be months before he gets home, or the next day. I don't keep count anymore. "I miss him and you too babe. It's just that my work has to come first right now. I'm on the top of my career."

"So your career is more important than family? Is that what you're saying?"

He heavily sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. These endless Skype and FaceTime chats aren't doing us any justice. I just want my husband back in my arms. Cuddling him every night and knowing that he's safe. Having someone help me raise Ky. He needs a male role model in his life and all his father tells him to do is 'Get this work'.

Who tells that to a four year old boy?

"Y/n, I never said that! You're twisting my words around. Of course family is important to me."

"Oh really. Because your sons birthday was yesterday, and you didn't even call. I was the one who had to hear his crying for over an hour because you didn't even bother to call, or answer my messages! Just face it Dig, we aren't in this together anymore. It's all about you."

I gnawed at the inside of my cheek, waiting for him to retaliate some more. To say that he was a good father, and sometimes fathers forget. Anything to get him off the hook of being in trouble.

Water leaked at the side of his eyes as he gently spoke. "I'm sorry. Can I see him?"

"Hold on."

Ky ran upstairs as soon as I pointed to the screen. I knew that was going to happen. "He doesn't want to talk to you. Just give him sometime, he'll want to talk by tomorrow."

"I can't skype tomorrow. I have an interview, then I have to perform. It's going to be hectic."

"I'll just talk to you later, then. Tell your wife of a career I said hi."

As I ended the call, I felt tiny hands on my leg. "I don't like Daddy. He don't like me either." I had this conversation with him before. Ky believes that the only reason that Diggy is gone, is so that he can stay as far away from Ky as possible it's not true, but it sure as hell feels like it.

"No he doesn't baby. Daddy is just tied up right now, that's all."

"He make you sad."

I couldn't lie with that one. I'm frustrated. Mentally and sexually. We haven't even had time for sex. The last time we ever got close to doing it was four months ago, but Ky peed in his bed and then the moment disappeared.

"I don't mean to make mommy sad." Jesus?

My neck turned around too quickly, almost giving me whiplash. What the? How in the? I thought he was in Paris right now, not in the living room. "What are you doing here? I thought-"

"I lied. I know I'm messing up, I'm just trying to make things better. Ky can you give me and mommy sometime alone for a sec. I'll be in your room in five minutes to take you out for pie." Ky's face lit up in pure excitement as he ran towards the stairs. "Five minutes daddy!"

I chuckled a little turning my focus to Diggy. "Can your husband get a kiss? It's been months."

"Exactly, Daniel. Months. I'm sick and tired of you leaving us for your job! It has to stop, and I'm not saying quit your job. I'm saying spend more time with us. As your family, we shouldn't have to compete for attention with you work." His hands grabbed on both of my hips, directing me in front of him. Our breaths mingled silently together. Eyes dead locked in sync.

"There is no competition. It's just us. I promise."

"Are you sure?"

Lips danced on mine in a desperate attempt in convincing me. At this point, that's all I need to be convinced. His kisses bring me life, and I can't live without them. "I think I need more than five minutes." He grunted.

So naughty. "Maybe when you get back?"

"Or now?" He answered for himself, backing me up against the table and swiftly turning me around. Ass to dick position is the best, and he knows it. "Babe, not now." Without warning he pulled my skirt up to my hips and massaged me through my panties.

"Daddy I'm ready!"

"Can you give Daddy one more minute?" He pleaded

"No, come on Daddy!"

"Seems like someone has a date." I whispered. My legs wobbled to gain it's own control, but managed to stand up fully. "Go baby, I'll be here when you get back." I heard an onslaught of cuss words and growling behind me, but I knew he wasn't going to say no. "Your ass better be ready too."

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