Just Keep Trying

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Y/n's POV


"Babe, it's not that bad." I sympathized.

Actually it was pretty much all bad. Me and Daniel have been trying to have a baby for almost a year now, and at first we thought it was me. Maybe I was infertile and my regular doctor just didn't bother telling me, or didn't think anything of it. Well three doctor appointments later and we still came up short. So we checked again. My doctor said I was completely fertile, all my eggs were in good shape. No problem.

My little trooper on the other hand was not so lucky.....



Three Months Earlier

"How are you guys this afternoon?" Dr. McHarly asked, walking in. His white coat and hidden blazer always made me think something was going to be wrong. I hate doctors. Hospitals too. People die here, I know not in the next room but somewhere in the building a soul has been given away.

"No luck Doc." Diggy murmured lowly. His daddy clock is ticking. I've never been with a guy that has wanted children so much, it was too cute. Walking around in stores, he would always find his way to the baby section. Coming up with baby names out of the blue. Rubbing my tummy while he thought I was sleeping. You can only find a man like that every so often.

I softly kneaded his palm into mine, staring at the linoleum print on the floor. Dr. McHarly had pulled out some files and reviewed them over again, doing his standard procedure, and looked away with a sighed. "I just can't see what the problem could possibly be. Mrs. Simmons' body is fully ready to have children, no complications whatsoever. Maybe it could be the male that I'm not thinking of."

Diggy's palm started to gain more perspiration, his heartbeat racing. "What do you mean by the male? What could be wrong?"

"We're probably going to have to run some more tests. Just to be absolutely sure. Nothing to get worked up about. I'm just going to run a few short examinations. Would mind stepping out for a bit, Mrs. Simmons. It will only take a second."

"Sure, sure. I'll be in the waiting room, kay babe."

He looked frozen solid. Thinking about his options. What other choice do we have at this point, it's either him or me. And since it's not me, we just have to assume that it's him. "It'll be alright. Hopefully there'll be no bad news." I assured him with a kiss and stepped out....


Ten Minutes Later


"Hey baby, how did it go?" I questioned as he walked up to me. Pain was swimming all over his face, no sign that something good had come out this visit. What's wrong? Did the doctor finally figure out what's wrong with me? Did he only want to tell Diggy so he wouldn't have to hear my stentorian cries of defeat. I waited for an explanation, but all I got was a, "Let's go." The whole ride home was a silent torture. No words spoken, no hand grabbing to console my thoughts of the worst. Nothing. That's unusual, especially for Daniel.

"What did Dr. McHarly find? Can you tell me something?" I begged as we walked in the house. Nothing. After about a whole thirty minutes of a car ride, I had obtained no information. Diggy strode right past me, going straight to our special liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Hypnotic.

"Daniel Dwayne Simmons, tell me right now!"

A soft whimper slipped his mouth, his internal armor beginning to unravel. I've never seen him so out of it. His eyes tearing, body shaking, lip quivering. "What happened, Babe. Just tell me. Everything'g going to be okay. I promise."

He scoffed, "Promise, huh?"

"Yes, I promise." Tears turned into rage, the Hypnotic that was once in his hand was thrown across the room, shattering and spilling translucent blue liquid all over the floor. Then he grabbed another bottle, tossing it the same exact way as the first. "Daniel, stop! Calm down okay!"

"There is no calming down! I can't have children Y/n! I have a fucking low sperm count. Fuck!" He growled, chucking one more bottle before sliding down to the ground, banging his head against the wall.

"What? A low sperm count?" I whispered.

More tears rushed out, boisterous sobs racked the entire house. I stayed quiet, letting him take out his frustrations on whatever he could find.

End Of Flashback


"Not that bad? You would say that. You aren't the one with the problem! Do you know how embarrassing this is? I'm not a man anymore, babe." His head sunk all the way into my neck, heavily breathing. Dr. McHarly just said to keep trying and maybe we'll have something, but we have not had anything since we were notified about Dig's tiny problem.

"You still have a dick. So technically speaking you still are considered a man." I joked. There was no laughing though. Dig has been bummed for a whole two weeks now. No smile has been put on his face. Even when I tried to get him the mood for sex he just brushed me off and went into his man-cave. We were supposed to turn that into a nursery. I guess that's why he keeps going in there after work.

I played with his fingers, kissing each one with just enough love to appease him. "We just have to keep trying. Who knows, maybe our little swimmers will come through. It's not just going to happen over night. You know that right?"

"Why are you still here? With me?" He groaned.

Did he seriously just ask me that? "Umm, because I live here. Why are you still here?"

"Not like that baby. I meant why are you still with a guy that can't even give you a baby?" I shifted my body, so that I was facing him. A grimace was on his face, while mine was serene and contempt. "Because I married you. You think I married you just because of how much sperm you had? That doesn't matter and it never will. I married you because I love you, and because you asked me to, in front of an entire crowd I might add. Besides that, don't ever ask me again why I'm still with you. Because I'll give you the same answer everytime."

He slightly pecked my nose, resting his face back in my neck. "Baby Jeremy wouldn't want you talking about that either." I murmured. I tried hiding my smirk, but it just wanted to be present in that moment.

"Wait are you saying-".

"I'm saying that we need to buy some paint and workmen's clothes and start tearing down that man-cave of your's. Wouldn't want him arriving into the world with no room, now would we?" Dig was still a little dazed and confused, so I placed his hand on my belly and rubbed it for him.

"I went to the baby doctor today, and she said that I am two months pregnant."

Lips immediately found their way onto mine, one hand caressing my cheek. I could feel his warm tears slide from his eyes and onto chin. "So does this make you feel like a man now?"

"No." He smiled. "It makes me feel like a daddy, and the luckiest guy in the world. I love you."

"I love you too, my little sperm producer."


Author's Message ---> Happy 50th Chapter lol! We've been through a whole lot and I just wanna say thanks for still reading my stuff.

Oh, I have an important message too. I will be posting another chapter of The Princess And The Frog on Sunday. Maybe later today, but if not, definitely Sunday.

Again I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the votes and thank you for the comments. I rally appreciate those!

You guys are awesome! 😉☺️😊


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