Cheater || Part Two

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Y/n's POV





One Month Later

Voicemails everyday, roses on the front step, deliveries of special chocolates. He gave it all to me, and my heartaches because I'm tired of being away from him. He's committed to making a change for me, for us. I laid in my bed listening to his soft words, then boisterous sobs, then raged yells, ending in sighs of defeat. Some of them went like...

"Baby, I know you told me not to talk to you, but I had to. I had to tell that I love you and I'm waiting for you. You probably still hate me, and I completely understand. I didn't mean to hurt you and I did. You're my baby, and I sacrificed it all for one stupid night that I should've taken back...."

Then as the voicemail went on, he got more deep and started blaming us being apart on me. "Why didn't you just stay with me? I.... I could've made it better! Don't fucking ignore me, baby. Yo ass better not be with another guy right now. I bet he won't be able to love you like I can! Dammit Y/n answer the damn phone!......"

And at the very end, it was his I'm sorry for yelling speech."I didn't mean it baby. I shouldn't have done that, since you're already mad at me. Listen, call me please Ma. I love you."

I felt everything he felt.

Love, pain, anger. It was all in that message. Maybe I should call him. Tell him that I miss him, and I accept every single one of his apologies and sincere tears. Another part of me just wants to let him go. Saying that he fucked up once and he might do it again.

A knock on the door tore me from my thoughts. Who comes at three in the morning? Let me get my trustee bat just in case, and phone still in the other. I prodded down the stairs in my tanktop, pajama shorts, and hello kitty slippers until I reached for the door handle.

"Who is it?" I interrogated. This person is about to get knocked the fuck out. Who in their right mind shows up this late, and it's snowing!

Another hard knock boomed the walls. "Look, I'm not opening this damn door until you tell me who you are!" The silence was torturing me. What if I have a stalker that finally decided to make a move on me? Nahh, I sound like a white girl in a scary movie, but I'm still skeptical. My phone vibrated in my hand about a minute later.

Dig: Open the door Y/n!

Diggy? What the hell is doing? My fingers frantically pulled the locks, and opened the door to see a shivering Diggy. Snow mounted on his head, the jacket not covering him well enough from the storm. Bloodshot eyes with tears leaking out, and lips almost a violet purple.

After taking him inside, I turned the heater up more and lit a fire. Diggy streaked into nothing but his pants, putting the rest of his clothes in the dryer.

"Daniel Dwayne Simmons III, what in the hell is wrong with you? I know you did not just come over here and wait in the fucking snow blizzard just to talk to me!" He sighed, and looked the other way. So he did all this, went through all this just to be silent? That's not going to sit with me. "You're in my house Daniel. If you want to stay, you have to give me some answers."

With a rough, whispery tone he said, "I had to see you."

"Why not choose a better day and a better time, idiot?" His eyebrows creased together from all the chastising he was receiving. "Can I have some hot chocolate?" Did he just seriously ask me that?

"Daniel this is serious!" He matched the same tone I had, scooting closet to the fire. "I am being serious! My toes are going to fall off. Please, babe." I flinched. I love it when he calls me that, and he knows I can't resist when he says that. "Fine."

I left him in the living room and sulked into the kitchen, taking a pack of hot chocolate out of the pantry. Cold and silken hands slid up my legs as I stirred the contents together with milk. I didn't speak. Couldn't speak. It felt to good to have his touch on me. "Have you thought about us?" He murmured while nipping my neck.

I breathed a ragged gust of air, trying to find the proper words. "Every single day."

"Do you want to pick up where we left off?" The part where he tried to seduce me, or the part where he tells me that he cheated? "Depends. Are you going to be faithful, and honest with me?"

"I'll be anything you want me to be, baby. Just take me back." Not saying anything, I turned around and kissed his lips, holding on to his brown mini-afro.

"Okay. Just as long as I'm the only girl you fucking with. Got that?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"You got it, Ma. You mine. Only mine."

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