Know Thy Enemy

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Y/n's POV

"Onto the weather report, with Y/n Y/Ln. How's this good ol' November day going to turn out?" God, I hate that man. Daniel thinks just because he got promoted to be the anchorman he's the new mister big shot. He knew that was my promotion to take. I've been busting my ass around this newsroom for over six years, doing nothing but inaccurate weather reports and getting coffee and donuts for those in higher stature. He was just the regular behind the scenes guy that fixed people's ties or fed them lines whenever they tripped up and stumbled.

Everyone thought that he was suppose to be an anchorman from day one. Women swooned over him, and all the men envied him. He seduced his way to the top. Mostly with Ms. Sanderson, head division director of all NJB News. She essentially picks out who gets to be in front of the camera. If you weren't what she was looking for, you were assigned to mop floors or do other shit that wasn't in any part of the job description. Yet, they usually take the position, because it pays the bills. Daniel was destined, and his little flirtation devices bumped him up even more. Giving her lustful glances, accidentally bumping into her to say hello. He was good, too good.

And now he treats me like I'm his servant, a royal peasant that has to obey his every command. When I have more experience? When I've been here four more years than he has? When I begged and pleaded on my knees to get this weather position after the girl before me got fired for smoking weed in the men's bathroom?

This business is fucked up, and downright disgusting. And after you stay, it eats you alive then spits you back out, because you weren't its type of flavor. That particular flavor just so happens to be Daniel.

"It's not good Daniel. Forecast for today shows extreme blizzards coming from New York's aftermath. Today is the time to stay inside, and avoid any type of driving. Just sit snug on the couch and drink hot chocolate until it breezes over. Highest temperature that we'll see today will be around 10 degrees Fahrenheit if we're lucky. Chesterville valley will be getting the overall impact of the storm, leading down into Dexter and ending up right in the heart of Trenton. Tomorrow will be somewhat better, just make sure you all have an umbrella handy. Back to you Daniel."

Once the camera panned off, he began laughing. Talking about a current topic of a boy sticking a glow stick in the microwave. How can that fake actually fool people? He's nothing but a job stealing man whore. "And that's all for this morning. See you tomorrow with more news from all of us at NJB news and have a Happy Thanksgiving." He gave his signature smile, and lifted up his coffee mug to the camera, taking a sinful sip. That signature smile has given us the highest ratings in the state. Mostly every female in New Jersey turns on their televisions at six in the morning to see him. More money in our paychecks is how I look at it.

"Aye, baby lighten up. You get way too tense when the camera turns on." He chuckled walking up to me. Who couldn't feel intimidated by him? Even just by his taste in words turns me on and I hate it. I'm his personal marionette. He pulls all of my strings and enjoys it. When he says hop, I jump. When he says run, I sprint. When he says speak, I yell and I'm tired of it.

"And you get too cocky when the camera turns on. What's the matter? Big business still filling up that egotistical dick of yours?"

"Well it is a big and long dick to fill."

My cheeks burned turning a bloody red color, my mouth slightly ajar. "Don't be so full of yourself Mr. Simmons. And don't tell me how to do my job! I've been here longer, I know the ropes better than you."

"And yet, you still couldn't get a chance to be an anchorwoman, what a shame." I grimaced at his mocking boo-hoos of sorrow. "I don't need any sympathy from you. People like you don't even deserve to be acknowledged, let alone promoted. You're a sham. An ass kisser. Ready to be anybody's bitch when they tell you to so you can have a higher status."

"That hurt precious. I'll make sure to tell that empty anchorman's position all about it."

Empty anchorman's position? When was it ever open? That seat was never filled, only a dust collector. Sanderson said that we didn't need another anchorman, because of the extra dialogue that we would have to create. "Anchorman position?"

"It's nothing really. Sanderson just decided it was time to have a female anchor next to me to boost ratings nationwide. You don't know anybody that might be interested in the job would you? Because the last time I spoke to her, she said she was desperate." I sucked my teeth, pulling him over into a corner. Everyone had gone out for brunch, leaving us and the custodians in the filming room. The smell of work and coffee overpowered the rest of my senses, but it wasn't affecting my hold on his shirt.

"Nice grip."

"Daniel, I'm not asking you as a friend. I'm asking a woman in the business that's tired of being stepped on. Please, tell her that I want that spot. Please." He started pulling on my strings again, making me beg. The only way he was going to say yes was if I begged him. A jubilant grin plastered his face, teeth glimmering in success. I can already smell the aroma of a plan brewing in that evil mind of his.

In a dark commanding voice, he looked me directly in the eyes and murmured, "What's in it for me?" What's in it for him? Nothing. It was for me and me only. What is he getting at?

"A new coworker who would be so ecstatic to work alongside you." Well, I would be even more enthusiastic if he wasn't there. He would return to being that little friend of mine. The one who gave me coffee, just the way I like it. Sometimes adding a pump of caramel when I was upset. The guy that helped me with my lines after work so I would remember, that first week when I was stepped up to weather girl. The guy that would smile and watch me work, waving at me behind the camera to get my attention. I miss that guy. Now he's nothing but a pompous jerk that doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.

"Not what I was thinking about. Me. You. Brunch at Mimi's. Saying no means no position acknowledgement, saying yes means maybe." And so the marionette is jerked to say yes. She can't say no, because master has sewn her mouth shut. I gave a slight nod, taking my eyes away from the glare. "And if your prescription of weather happens to be true, then that means that we should leave now, before the road is too icy to drive on."

"I hate you. You know that right?"

"I thought you wanted a promotion? Kissing up to me is the only way. See how it feels like to kiss someone's ass for a change." Was this revenge? Is he plotting against me? Because it feels like he is. Not only am I being manipulated, I'm being the central topic of a devious scheme. There probably is no anchor job. Maybe he just wanted to get me all alone in his car and drive to a nowhere near town forest and kick me out, then drive off laughing.

A nearby custodian, eavesdropping on our conversation gave a tiny chuckle and continued to mop the floors as we made our way to the elevator.


Author's Note: Comment if you guys want a part two! If so, I'll be able to give you guys the second part on the weekend.
Also.... My sis from the same miss BasicJetsetter just posted a new story called, "Love Will Find Us". Pretty please go check it out for me. Like it, vote for it, comment on it! Thanks guys!

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