Bad Boy

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Y/n's POV





My sides hurt! I looked around and saw on Diggy's alarm clock that it was only 6 am. What day is it? Saturday, that means I don't have to go to work till 1 pm. I hadn't noticed that me and Diggy were still on the ground. His arms were cradling my waist, his nose pressed against the margin of my neck. I could feel his slow breaths. How am I going to get out of his hold?

My hands feebly grabbed his wrists and gently removed them, one by one. But, as soon as they were both off, they went right back in the same position.

"You have got to be kidding me." I whispered.

A second time I was more successful, but when I was completely out of his hold, I just wanted to lie down and got back to sleep in his arms. I sighed, and smiled looking at the way Diggy's body coiled together, trying to find me. I kissed his forehead for reassurance and went to the bathroom.

The cold tile pressed against my bare feet and created shivers throughout my whole body. I closed my eyes feeling myself starting from my thighs. Some parts were a little bruised, just minor stuff. Moving up I yelped silently touching my swollen private parts. Leaving that part behind, I went to my waist and put a small amount of pressure on it.

"Ah." I moaned in silence. Not in pleasure, but full agony and pain.

I looked at myself in the huge mirror, and made a gasp. I didn't look like myself. I was a new person, but also with some flaws.

My breasts were swollen, I had purple marks all along my neck and my hair was frizzy with small sweat drops still formed on the ends. My lips enlarged, probably from sucking faces. And through all of this, I still had a shine of happiness on my face. It was with the guy I love, and I couldn't ask for it any other way.

"What are you doing up this early baby?" Diggy asked rubbing his eyes, closing the space between us so that my back was fully pressed against his chest.

I was quiet, taking in last nights experience. Our fingers entwined, making one another feel safe and loved. I can't believe I'm already used to being naked in front of someone, especially Diggy. A small chuckle ran out of my lips as I pressed my head fully back; smelling the scent of axe and some of my perfume.

"I'm always up this early."

I thought he was going to say something back, but instead he pressed his lips against my neck and lightly sucked his way to my shoulder. I quivered and snapped my eyes shut.

"Diggy, I'm a little sore. Like everywhere."

He stopped and backed away for a second. I took that advantage and turned around meeting his gaze. They held worry and pain. He keeps blaming everything bad that happens to me on him. When it's not his fault at all. I chose to do this. It was my decision.

"Can you walk?"

I scoffed. "How else did I make it to the bathroom."

"I'm not laughing." He said bluntly.

There he goes again. Being over protective Diggy, saving me from all the dangers of the world including a speck of dust.

"Why so serious? You need to get out of the habit of blaming anything that happens to me on you. It's not your fault. I'll tell you what you need to blame on yourself. Blame yourself for making me feel alive for once in my life, or having a sense of pride. I don't care what I feel like right now, because last night me and you both know that we were too in the moment to care about anything that was going to happen in the future."

"Why do you have to be right, right now?" He said, taking my hands in his again.

"I'm glad I'm right. Now I have stuff to do today, and I need to leave right this minute. Down side once I'm gone, I probably won't be able to see you until Monday at school."

His eyebrow arched in confusion. "Can I get an explanation as to why I won't be seeing my girlfriend for two days?"

"I have to visit my dad this weekend. It's a monthly thing."

My mom doesn't like when I go over there just to visit, but hey he's my dad and he knows me way better than she does. I only get to see him on the weekends though. I don't even know the reason why my parents called it off. Mostly my mom was a kill joy to my dad's everlasting buzz on life.

"You want me to drop you off over there? I have nothing else to do with my day."

"Umm, I'm not sure. My dad probably won't like me getting dropped off by a boy, and me not coming up with a good reason why. The "chief" is very strict."

He laughed. "Why do you call him the chief?"

"He's the chief police of the city."

A grim look rose on Diggy's face, and I could tell something was wrong. Sweat formed on his palms and he looked everywhere but at me. Is there something that I need to know?

"What is it Diggy?"

"Your dad is Chief Y/Ln?"


His head lowered and he shook it. Like he's doing it in shame. I need to know what's going on, or what's causing him to look like he's about to puke.

"Me and your dad aren't on the best terms. Let's just say I got called in his office almost every week and when he sent me to jail for a week I..."

I finished his sentence in disbelief. "Peed in his shoes. That was you? The boy who smoked weed in front of the hospital, the boy who spray painted on the mural of our mayor, the boy who had sex with a girl that you had to sit next to in the back of the cop car. It was all you?"

I didn't want to believe it. He did all those senseless crimes for what? My dad talks about him every time I visit, and how if he screws up one more time he's going to jail for ten years. I wonder he got off the hook for all his crimes.

"I had a troubled life before I met you."

"That has nothing to do with it Daniel. You're a criminal, do you know what my dad says about you? All you do is cause trouble, everything you do equals trouble. And above it all you don't even tell me about it."

"It wasn't necessary!" He yelled.

"It is necessary to tell me how you have a cabinet full of records that will all result in ten to twenty years in prison!"

A knock on the door made us both turn our head. Taylor peeked her head through the door and said, "Diggy, Chief Y/Ln is here to check on your progress."

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