Horny Honeymoon

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Y/n's POV

"Baby, please can you at least give me a hint?" My voice had curiosity but loads of excitement in it.

That heart melting smile appeared on his face and he just held onto me, kissing my lips to silence my question. Every time he kisses me I just want to have full out sex with him. It doesn't even have to be kissing, it could be just rubbing my hand and I would feel aroused. I love how he does that.

I let his lips go in search of air and started to kiss down his neck.

"Mmm." He moaned out.

"Now will you tell me where we're going?".

"Never. But nice try baby."

A gust of air came out of my lungs in exasperation and almost gave up. But then I thought of doing the impossible. I knew I was never going to do it, but I'm desperate. My hands slid down his chest and onto his pants unbuckling the belt.

"You are so evil. But nope, I'm not going to tell you."

He always wins. Fine but I'll get him back. My retreating hands went back on my lap and I went on another seat. Feeling like I had to my eyes took a quick glance over at him and saw that he was staring directly at me, burning my pupils with his beauty.

"Come back here." He demanded.

A fiery smile landed on my face and I turned my head the other way.

"No thanks."

Success! Diggy hates it when I ignore him, I guess there are some things we can use against each other. Sooner or later, one of us is going to have to cave in. Most likely it will be me.

Silence took over the situation, knowing that we weren't going to say anything. My body told me to cave just so I could be back in his embrace, my mind did otherwise. The inner battle with myself is not helping me whatsoever.

After a while the air got colder and the only cover we had was near.... Diggy. Sucking in a gust of fear I got up and walked over there. To my surprise Dig had fell asleep. This was going to be easier than I thought. Reaching towards the cover, my body was suddenly pulled down onto his lap. Dammit he's good, but no fair. He cheated.

"Don't ever ignore me again." He whispered nuzzling his nose in my hair.

Breathlessly I said, "You cheated."

"I know, but it was worth it."

"Tell me!"

He knows I hate secrets, yet the day I'm the most happy is the day he decides to hide something from me. So mean.

"Be patient baby."

"You know I hate secrets. Please tell me already." I whimpered out.

I tried to display my best puppy dog face, that didn't get me anywhere. Sighing, I laid down on his chest and messed around with his fingers.

As tired as I was, I tried my best to stay awake and figure out where we were. A couple minutes later my eyelids closed shut and put me to rest.....

Hours Later




"Wake up baby." Diggy said kissing down my neck.

I moaned out in a yawn and opened my eyes to see that I was on a couch in a house. Where in the hell was I? Off in Lala Land dreaming about Diggy.

"Where are we?"

"Hawaii." He said smiling.


Wow this is going to be amazing, but a part of me was still upset that he kept it from me. Pulling him towards me I pecked his plump lips and tangled my fingers in his hair.

As punishment once he was fully into the kiss I pulled away and smirked. A look of despair that set on his face as I got up.

"Baby?" He said getting up too.

I hate when he does that. Thinks he can put on tears just to get me to come back, which he know I will. It's like he knows all of my weaknesses.

"Yes." I said calmly, but not looking his way.

Coming behind me he whispered, "I thought you weren't suppose to ignore your husband on the first honeymoon."

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just punishing you for not telling me where we were going."

"But we're here now, and surprising you was better than telling you."

A retaliation was going to flow out my mouth but instead was replaced by a moan when he placed his lips back on my neck and gripped on my hips.

"Daniel." I moaned out.

Turning me around his lips found mine and my body was forced on a nearby wall.

His hands cascaded down my body like a smooth river, onto my thighs and rubbed on them. It was a nerve racking experience for me, even though we've already had sex before. He has never done this. Hiding all of his moves until we were actually married I guess.

My hands went up wrapping around his neck, making sure they stayed there. Diggy's free hands pulled me up onto his waist. I love this new position we were in.

"You've been holding out on me." I moaned pulling on his hair.

"I got a lot of tricks up my sleeve." He said smiling.

His lips ventured out going down my neck once again. A few minutes later he held onto me while taking us into an elevator. How big is this place? When we got out of the elevator my eyes landed on a beautiful queen sized bed with rose petals on the floor and chocolate hearts on the bed.

Getting down I looked around, sighting a huge balcony. Looking out I saw the sea with the moon slightly hovering over it. My head made a turn to see Diggy looking at me with cautious eyes. Seeing if I was going to like it or not.

"Babe, did you do this?" I asked walking back towards him.

He shook his head yes and said, "Do you like it?"

"I love it and I love you baby. This is amazing. But how long are we going to be staying here?"

"For about two weeks."

"I get to have my baby all to myself for a whole two weeks." I gleamed with joy.

Usually Diggy is always working so I don't get to see him as much. Whenever he gets home, I'm either past out on the couch or in the bed. We never had time for each other.

Stretching his arm out he took my hand in his leading me to the full sized bathroom with a tub, shower, two sinks, and a whole lot of walking and counter space. I want the bathroom remodeled like this. There was already water in the tub with bubbles oozing slowly down the sides.

"I'm gonna make us something to eat, but I want you to relax and take a nice warm bath." He said taking off my shirt.






Part two depends if y'all want one or not

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