Pregnant Troubles

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Y/n's POV





"Mommy! Can I have ice cweam pwease?" Marie yelled in the store.

"Diggy, she's asking you."

"I thought I heard mommy. Not daddy." He said picking her up.

"You know I don't like to say no to her, but she just had some cake from that birthday party. Can you just tell her no. You're good at that." I whispered.

"Mommy said no Mar, but you can have some tomorrow for dessert."

After she said the word no she burst out in tears. It hurt my heart to hear her cry but it had to be done. "I hate you, mommy."

I took in her words and just stayed quiet. I dreaded those words, and it broke my heart even more to know that she said it. Maybe the baby that is on the way will love mommy. Yes, I am 7 months pregnant. And it's a boy. Diggy was so happy that it was a boy.

"Marie say sorry to mommy." Dig said putting her down.

She crossed her arms and put on her mad face. "No."

"Okay, then you get no ice cream." He said crossing his arms too.

I hate it when he has to be the strict parent, but in the end she still likes him more than me. Marie wiped her tears and lifted up her arms for him to pick her up.

"No, not until you say sorry to mommy."

"I'm sowwy mommy." She pouted.

I nodded my head and gave a small smile. She doesn't like me, and I know that. I don't know what I did wrong to make me hate her. It all started when she found out that I was having another baby. But I don't get it? Why was she only being nice to Diggy?

Dig looked at me with sad eyes and asked, "Are you okay?"

"She hates me babe. I don't know what I did wrong."

"Daddy, I want up." Marie whined.

He smiled and picked her up, but looked back at me to continue the conversation.

"Baby, all you have to do is talk to her."

"I can't baby. You know she doesn't want to talk to me. Maybe the next baby will like me. Until then, I just have to keep watching you get all the love."

My mood swings almost made me cry, but I wiped the tears away before anybody could see.

At The House

"Daddy, come watch Dora wif me."

"What about me and mommy watch it with you?" Daniel asked from the kitchen.

"No, just you. Come on daddy yur gunna miss it!"

Again I don't get it. I let the tears drip down as I made dinner. It was Dig's night to choose what we were going to eat, and he chose seafood Alfredo. Marie was going to have soup, since she just lost a tooth.

Diggy sighed and sat down on a chair. "Marie come here."

We heard her baby steps come in the kitchen and make there way to him, because there was no way that she was going to come to me.

"Yes, daddy?" She said smiling.

I smiled a little too, she was too cute. "Why are you being mean to mommy. She loves you."

I felt her tiny eyes look at me, but I looked the other way and pretended that I was doing something. These past couple of months have left me crying every single night. Whenever I try to put her to sleep she asks for Dig. When he's at work she turns rebellious and doesn't listen to anything I say.

Just admit it Y/n, you are a bad mommy. Whatever I did she's keeping a grudge on me. All I want to do is hold her and tell her I love her.

She put her puppy dog eyes on and looked up directly into Diggy's eyes. "I'm not bein mean to mommy."

"Then how come when she tries to talk to you, you walk away and come to me. Or when she wants to put you to bed, you call me."

"Because I wove you more daddy."

That put a knife through my heart. I'm the one who carried her for nine months, now she likes him more than me.

"How come you don't love mommy?" He asked putting her on his lap.

"Cause she gonna wove dat baby in her tummy more den me."

Is that why she hates me? She thinks I'll love this baby more than her. See this is why I hate when Daniel gets me pregnant. Bad things happen.

"Well mommy tries really hard to show you that she loves you. Go to talk to her for me kay?"

She nodded her head and wobbled her way around the counter and found me on the other side of the kitchen. My arms stretched for her, and watched her come to me. I picked her up, and tried with the best of my ability to keep her on my hip.

"Mommy loves you." I cried out.

"Why you cryin mommy?"

"Because, I missed holding you, and telling you how much I love you."

"I wove you mommy." She said kissing my cheek.

A smile rose on my face, and I felt more tears come down my face. Drowsiness overcame me so I put Marie down and walked over to Diggy.

"Can you finish making dinner. I'm going to take a nap."

He kissed my lips, only for a second and nodded his head. I've been trying to get him to notice me lately, but it hasn't been working out. When I mean notice me, I mean sexually. He just thinks I'm fragile because of the baby.

Now it's making me sexually frustrated, to the point where I feel that I'm going to burst.

In Bed

"Daniel, I hate when you get me pregnant." I muttered out.


"Because something bad always happens when I get pregnant."

Curious, he asked, "What do you mean by something bad happens?"

"The first time I got pregnant we separated. Now this time Marie hated me, but loved you and I'm sexually frustrated. I wonder what's going to happen during the next one."

Diggy got out of the bed pulling me with him. The cold air took it's chance and wrapped around my whole body making me shiver. All I had on was a bra and panties. It's not that necessary to dress all out for for going to bed.

"First of all the first two things have nothing to do with your pregnancies, and second it's not my fault that you are sexually frustrated. You just want me too much."

I widened my eyes in disbelief at him. He just said that its not his fault that I'm sexually frustrated. That made me see red.

"Okay, since I want you so much how about I just buy a collection of vibrators and dildos and give your dick a break. That only seems fair." I seethed out.

"Why are you getting mad at me? All I did was say the truth, which you obviously can't take."

"You just love to piss me off don't you."

He retaliated and said, "And you must love to put every bad thing that happens to you on me."

"Whatever, me and Christopher are going to sleep." I sad getting back in bed.

"Who the fuck is Christopher?"

"Your son." My voice was in a cracked whisper, trying to hide my emotional tears.

Dig laugh-whispered and said, "Last week it was DJ. Now this week it's Christopher."

"I thought you wouldn't like Daniel Junior so I changed it. But I guess I have to change it again."

Dig got back into bed with me and snuggled his arms around my body. "Christopher is fine. It's whatever you choose to go with."

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you baby. I hate it when we fight."

"I hate when we fight too, but at least we got a good baby name out of it." I chuckled and held onto his hands, falling asleep.

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