The Princess and the Frog

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Y/n's POV





"So, umm the baby is supposed to... to be checked?" Daniel stuttered walking next to me.

I hate school projects. Especially when I can't choose my partner. I wanted to be with Nick, aka the finest boy in school, instead I get paired up with the geek that can't take a hint. This loser has wanted me ever since the beginning of high school. We're seniors!

That should've told him something. I mean, sure take away some of the smarts, Urkel pants, and glasses then I would absolutely be attracted to him.

You just have to have a certain social status to be with me. And unfortunately, Daniel still has problems talking to girls and matching his clothes. "Yeah, listen. How about you meet me at my house and we'll continue this later. Because I can't be seen with you around here. I got a rep to protect kid."

He stared at me for a bit, while adjusting his glasses. The look he gave me when I said 'come over' was priceless. He probably has never even been in another girls house before. "I.... I'm...a sure. That sounds cool. What.... What time?"

"Lose the stutter boo. And around five. My parents will be at work, so you won't have to worry about introducing yourself and shit." Ew. I can't even think of him meeting my parents. It'll probably end up with him staying over for dinner. Having intellectual conversations with my father based on politics, and baking tips with my mother. Then after he leaves they talk to me and says that we really go together. As if!

"Yeah, yeah five. See ya." He stumbled.

To make matters even worse, he tripped over his own two feet and fell right in front of me. All eyes were on us. I couldn't breathe. I mean, why did he have to fall right here?

"What a retard!"

"Nigga knows the periodic table backwards but can't even walk?"

"Gravity be like."

Those asses. Before I had the chance to help him up, he got up and bolted out of school. I should've been a little more concerned about his feelings, he's barely surviving high school. He doesn't really need anything to draw attention to him at this point.

Great and he left me with the baby! I thought it was his turn.




Five o'clock



Knock Knock Knock

He can't even show up a little late? I've never met anyone in my entire life that shows up exactly on time. I huffed, and walked to the door. Once I opened it, I saw the extravagant bouquet of wild red roses. How did he know I loved those?

"I got these for you." He whispered.

"Listen, Daniel, about earlier today. I'm sorry that I didn't help you. That was wrong on my part." I tried to be a sincere as possible, but it didn't look like he cared. "Oh, um thank you. These are my favorite type of flowers. I can only get them at the local flower shop though. So expensive these days."

"My, umm aunt owns the store. And...and she told me that you only purchase those." No one has ever payed attention like he has. He probably knows me better than I know myself. I gestured for him to come in, taking the flowers and placing them in an empty vase.

I gazed at the way he looked around. It looked like he was trying to remember everything that was happening. "Nice place."

"Yeah, my parents sure know how to pick them. So, you wanna get started on this assignment. I'm sort of glad that we were partnered together because I have no clue as what to do." His chuckle sent a frenzy of hormones to my brain, saying that for a nerd, that was sexy.

"We just have to communicate for, for umm the first part."

"Do you always stutter? I'm sorry, it just seems like it's a condition for you." His eyes quickly averted mine, cheeks highlighted red. I didn't mean to offend him. It's just something that was in the back of my mind. "It only happens when I... I, I'm around you."

I make him nervous.

Hmm. Time to mess with him. "Take a seat." I tried to sound sincere, hiding my flirty temptations until the right moment. After he sat, I immediately sat next to him, making sure our arms were touching. Did I just hear his heartbeat? Is he really that excited? "Ask me anything boo." Daniel rubbed his sweaty palms together, and breathed out a huge gust of air. Taking his precious time. I know he has a million questions for me. "Future goals?"

"Why did you choose a boring question? UHHH! Alright I'll tell you, just don't tell anyone. I'm in love with pastries, so I want to be a baker. But you have to promise not to tell. Got it!"

He shook his head in agreement, smiling some. "My turn. First kiss?"

"Why did you choose a personal question?" He mimicked.

"Tell me! Was she like a crush, or someone a long time ago?"

"Never had my first kiss."

Silence. I'm stunned. An eighteen year old lip virgin. "Close your eyes." I commanded. He was apprehensive, but willingly put them down. Might as well make someone's day. My thumb and finger aggressively pinched his chin and pulled him into the kiss.

Oohh mint.

Is he alive?

Part two or nah?

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