Difficult Life || Part Two

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Y/n's POV





It felt as it did five months ago at the beach. "I just wish our baby was still here to see you. It probably never wanted to see me."

"What do you mean?"

"I was pregnant. But I got an abortion. I had to do what I had to do." A tear fell from my eye. I left before he had the chance to say anything else.





"Hey, can we talk?" I can't believe he came here! Superstar has a lot of nerve meeting up here at a junkie house.

"You just couldn't wait till tomorrow."

"No. Walk with me." He said reaching for my hand. One little stroll wouldn't hurt.

I didn't receive his hand, but I did come out of the house and started to walk. "What do you want to know?"


"I've changed. There that's everything."

We stopped at the old park that I used to go at when times got hard. Sadly five idiots got drunk one night and burned it down. All that's left was the charcoaled swings.

"That's not what I had in mind."

"Oh, you want the extended version. Well let me see; after we got separated I couldn't stand my fathers ways so I ran off, I was suppose to go into the sunset with this guy I met. Turned out to be a pimp. That's how the prostitution began. I ended up leaving him and met up with some friends at the crack house. I got addicted to Candy... A month after that all happened. In month two I found out I was pregnant. No way in hell was I going to be raising a baby in a junkie house. With me being addicted to drugs and the father hugging up on his girlfriend and having a wonderful life. So I got an abortion. Now I'm prostituting until I graduate high-school, and get my diploma. That way I can get a job and move on with my life."

Then came the hug. The hug that I thought would solve everything. It didn't. All it caused me to do was shudder and hurry to get out of it. Even though I still wanted more.

I broke the embrace, looking confused. "Don't hug me. You didn't come back."

"So you're mad at me for not staying and trying to find you? Well guess what I did. But you didn't want to be found. So I stopped. If I known that all that shit was going down with you I would've-"

"You would've done what you're doing right now. Absolutely nothing."

We stared. Inspecting one another's passion that we still had for one another. Mine was dwindling down, while his was forever ablaze. "I waited for you, superstar."

"I tried calling."

"What was a 'hi and a bye' conversation going to do? It wasn't going to tell me how much you missed and cared for me. It wasn't going to explain why you left me here and found someone else. Nor was it going to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be okay."

"I'm sorry."

A laugh shot out my throat. "I'm sorry I fell in love with you."

It happened.

He came up to me, and desperately grasped my lips. NO NO NO! He shouldn't be doing this. "Stop."

"Listen I don't care how many other dudes kissed on you. Felt on you. I don't. You were mine forever and a day. To be honest you're still mine, so why stop me?"

"How am I still your's? We aren't together."

"You just can't accept the fact that we were made for one another. I fucked up and I get that; just know that I am trying my best to make it work."

I gave him a sly look. Tracing the word 'hate' on his face with my eyes. It kills me to know he still wants me. It kills me to know no matter how hard I try, I will always end up wanting to be with him. "You're not making my life any easier by being here, superstar."

"Stop calling me that."

"I can't say your name, so that's my alternative. Be lucky I'm still out here talking to you- I could be getting high right now."

A low growl of sorts rose from his chest. "Let me take you back to my house. Nicki has been wanting to see you."

"I don't give a fuck about anyone who misses me. Don't you get it. I HAVE NO ONE! Nobody! And I don't need anyone."

"You don't need me?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I need him so much. Without him I would be dead, lifeless. He's my heart. Can I claim him as mine? No. He has a beautiful model girlfriend that he isn't going to leave, all he's doing is giving me false hope.

"I couldn't live without you. And I'm starting to believe that you somehow already know that."

His hands caressed mine as he spoke. "I can help you. You know I can."

"What if I don't want to be helped?"

"Come see me when you want it. I'll be at my house for a month, then I'm moving out." He sighed.

I took his hands out of mine and started to walk back to the house. But before I left I whispered in a gentle tone, "See you tomorrow."

Part Three? Leave a comment if so!

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