Difficult Life || Mini Story

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Y/n's POV


Her warm smile came about on her face. She gave me hope sometimes, that I'll be able to get rid of that rough patch. She has rough patches too, who doesn't, but she knows how to deal with it better than most people to say the least. A loud beep from the outside out my thoughts away.

Fiji looked through the window and beamed in excitement. I've never seen her this happy before. "He's here Y/n. Let's go!"

I giggled at her enthusiasm for leaving this place. I'm going to miss this place for some of it's sentimental purposes. I found out I was pregnant over here. Diggy told me he never stopped loving me outside here. Yeah, good times.

"Hello! Come on, girl. Time to say goodbye to this place." I took one last look before meeting up with my savior outside.

Immediately, I was greeted with a hug and a passionate lip-lock. The hug was okay, but the kiss is a little too much for now. Without hesitating anything, my lips left his and I gave him one of my 'you didn't have to do that' smiles.

"Are you okay, baby?" His voice had way too much concern. "Quit being stupid, he's concerned because he loves you!" The voice in my head yelled out. I nodded my head and kissed him again, this time eagerly placing my hands around his neck.

He slightly groaned and hooked his hands on the hinges of my waist. Fiji cleared her throat, waiting for us to finish. "Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, I'm Diggy and you are?" She smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for taking us away from here. And my name is Fiji." She looked like she was going to burst into lollipops and confetti strips. Diggy kept his wanting grip on my hips even when I put my bags in the back of his car. This car was a new 2015 Honda Scindora500 , silver on the outside and pure leather upholstery on the inside.

"You know you can let go right?" I whispered snuggling a little more in his embrace.

"I really don't want to. And feels like you don't want to either." I felt his smile on my head. I turned around and coiled my arms around his waist and looking him up in the eye.

"That may be true, but I need to do this alone. Which means no affection or sleeping in the same room. This is gonna be hard, but we just have to deal with it." His eyes held confusion. If I was in his shoes I would be confused too. The one I love won't let me be affectionate and love them for their own selfish purposes.

"If this is still about the whole Jessica thing-" I cut him off. "It's not about her. I'm doing this for myself. I want to try and heal from all this myself, and me being near you, feeling you, touching you...... I wouldn't be able to contain myself. Please just say you agree to this."

Diggy shook his head and his grip loosened around me. No, I was afraid he was going to me mad with me. "I'm not fucking okay with this. Don't you think that you need help in order to heal? What's the point in getting back together but not technically getting back together!?"

"Daniel, it's only going to be for a little while. I promise. You know I don't want to be away from you too long. I love you too much. We just have to take baby steps." His gaze never met with mine, and he fully let me go.

"I got it. No affection. Anything else?" The harshness in his voice made me scared but horny.


"Fine, get in the car and let's go. I have to be at the studio by nine." I nodded my head and got in the front seat. Fiji was in the back looking a little down from what she once was. "Y/n, you have a tear running down your cheek."

Wiping it away, I checked through my peripherals and saw that Diggy wasn't looking at me. He was on his phone texting someone. I know what he's doing. Taking this whole 'no affection' rule to the extreme. "I'm okay, umm it's nothing."

The ride home wasn't that hot either. Fiji and Diggy hit it off really well. If someone got a ride from us, they would've probably thought that they were a couple. Talking about their love for sports and favorite places to eat. Things I wish me and him could've done when we first got together. They look like they would go good together. Maybe we weren't meant to be together. I'm not sure about anything anymore, not like the way I used to be. "Y/n are you okay? You haven't spoken for the whole ride."

"I'm alright Fiji. I'm just in thought right now."

"Come on Fiji, I wanna show you some of my graffiti in the garage." Diggy yelled from around the corner. I hadn't realized that we were already here at the house. I got out the car and carried my already taken out luggage into the house. When I meant no affection, I didn't mean to ignore me and not to talk to me.

"Oh my goodness! Is that really you?" A pair of arms squeezed around my frame until all the air out of my lungs had completely exited out of my system.

"I didn't know you would miss me that much Nicki. How are you?" She shook her head and jutted out her lip. I knew she would find out that something was up with me. "How come you sound so sad?"

"I'm alright. Nothing's wrong."

"Where's Diggy's stupid ass? I know he did something wrong.... Again." I shook my head in disagreement and held her in place. "It's my fault okay. No one else's. He's just blowing off steam right now. I'll just be in the guest room if anybody needs me. It seems my boyfriend and best-friend seem more compatible than me and him ever were."

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