Teasing Games || Part One

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Y/n's POV

"Mm. Daniel if you don't stop! We have to go, right now." I groaned pushing away my horny husband. I'm not usually complaining at all when it comes to him being sexually pent up, but when were about to visit his parents house that's when I put my foot down.

"My parents can wait a second, baby." While he was speaking, he hitched up my dress revealing a generous amount of my lingerie that I had underneath. "If you don't stop right now I will make sure that you get none when we get home. All the makeup off, and this uncomfortable ass thong that's riding up my ass. All gone, now quit it so we can go." His bottom lip poked out as he feigned dissapointment.


Time Skip

"How's the job Y/n?" Mrs. Simmons asked. I loved being here, having dinner with the family. With Miley being the only child left in the house, it probably makes their day too when they find out that one of their children will be stopping by. "It's going real well, besides the extra tax proposal debate on the merchandise, everything is peachy. How have you guys been?"

"We've been well. It's kind if sad, you know. Everyone is parting and going separate ways but other than that it's just same old, same old." Conversation died down from that moment, the only sounds that were heard the clinking of forks and deep sighs.

I have to think of something. "Mrs. Simmons, I love this lasagna. Next time I'll come over earlier and help you so I can learn how to make it." Her smile radiated the gloomy atmosphere. "Girl, if I tell you how to make it, I might never see you guys anymore." We all shared laughs around the table, until Rev spoke out. "So when are we going to see some grandchildren? Little Ava does need some cousins."

Diggy laughed and placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing it tenderly. He knows what that does to me. "Trust me dad. Um we're working on it. Have you heard from Nessa lately?"

As they were talking amongst each other I felt his hand travel up my dress. I shot him a look, but he pretended as though he wasn't doing anything. He is so getting punished when we get home. His fingers teased me as they traced the lining of my panties. Heavy pants escalated out of my mouth when he pushed the thong aside and prodded his thumb on my clit.

"Y/n are you listening?" Rev asked. No, because my vagina is being tormented without my consent. "I'm sorry, I was..... I was thinking. What were you saying?" I'm actually handling this fairly well. Usually right now, I would be whimpering and letting the moans slip out. "I asked if you wanted to go bowling with us next weekend. I didn't know your job schedule so I'm just seeing if it's alright with ya."

A light echo of pleasure betrayed me, coming out of my sealed lips. I tried my best to conceal it with a cough. "Yeah, of course I'll be able to join. I'm always off on the weekends, so it's no problem."

Mrs. Simmons noticed my quivering form, before anyone else at the table. "Are you alright sweetie? You seem a little jumpy." Diggy chuckled at my dismay, taking his hand away and leaving me wet and horny. That's alright, I'm about to get him back. "Yeah, I was just a little cold that's all." She slowly nodded, still apprehensive of my actions. Hold it in, no matter how much you want to cry out, just hold it in!

"Mom, is there dessert in the oven still?" Yes, if they leave I can go to the bathroom and relieve myself!

"Oh yeah, my banana cake. Joey can you help me take it out and cut it. I'll let you taste the frosting." He was up after the words 'I'll let you". "Your mother treats me so well. Y/n take notes. Closest way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Diggy raised his dry hand in agreement. "Amen." Once they left, I turned my attention to him. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You really just fingered me with your parents right across from us." I whispered. "Damn right, and if they weren't here I would fuck you on this goddamn table. Should've just gave into my wishes when I asked you too. Now you have to suffer."

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