Out of My League

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Y/n's POV





"Let's go mustangs!"

Why am I even here? This is too much excitement going on in one place. People being sweaty and rubbing against each other. Not to mention the yelling. I wish basketball was more like tennis. Calm and collected, and shouting and cheering when something actually does happen. I could be playing my guitar right now, but instead my friend "who I am reconsidering as of this moment" drug me down here.

Only to see a guy she knows she can't have. Michael Davidson, star basketball of the Foothill Mustangs and considered one of the finest boys at this school. Lies, plus he's taken. Something about him going out with a girl from another school. "Oh my goodness, I think Michael just looked this way!" Jalaya whisper-screamed in my ear. He is not all that. I prefer Malcolm X. Man of great wisdom, mostly a man. I don't date boys.

"Jalaya, shut up. He has a girlfriend, which means he's taken." This girl needs to understand boundaries. There's only one minute left, and the teams are tied, that is my cue to leave.

Once I stood up, the whole crowd stood up with me, as if I was that interested in this game. "Where are you going?" Jalaya asked. "I'm going to hide out in my car until everyone leaves. Then I'm going to practice my dance routines. So, I'll catch you later." Body heat ran all through the room as some guy from our team shot a three pointer. After he shot, he looked at me and smirked, giving me a wink.

Ha! That was a cute attempt. I left, rolling my eyes at him. I've been hit on by most of the guys here, even Michael when he was single. Turned down all of them. I'm not the girl they should be wanting a relationship with. I would never pay attention to him. My priorities always come first, which include: my grades, my dancing, and my guitar? The crisp winter air cooled down my body instantly, sending chills as I walked outside.

Time Skip

Finally, I thought they would never leave. Hopping out of the car, I walked to the gym door and opened it with my personal key. Well, let's just say I stole it from Mr. Bear. The man had like six of them, so I was just helping him out. Anxiousness took over me as I bolted to the control panel. Usual nights, I would plug in my phone and get started, but the basketball nearby was calling my name.

I play just in case I wanted to try it in college. "{Your Last Name} has the ball, and the crowd waits to see her miraculous moves!" My voice echoed. "She jukes left, she jukes right, she jukes left and right and heads for the three point line." Getting in position, I bent my knees and shot the ball. "And she makes it with a swish!" I pranced, doing my victory dance, the Nae Nae. "It's all over folks!"

"That was awful." A voice laughed out. My whole body tensed up. It was a male voice. Cautiously, I turned around and saw that boy who winked at me earlier. He had on a different pair of basketball shorts and no shirt. Jesus, the abs. Wait, no! Don't give in. "What is awful? The fact that I have more skills than you?" He shook his head and walked closer towards me. "No, that Nae Nae. It needs work." I still kept my distance from him, no matter how hard he tried to advance to me.

"Well thanks for the input. You're leaving now right? Because the door is right there." He cringed at my morbid hostility. "Is that anyway to treat your future boyfriend?" He asked. Wait a minute.

"I don't date boys, sorry."

"Well, I can make that work. I'll see you on the weekdays, and your girlfriend on the weekend." Pig. "That's no what I meant." Can't this guy just leave me alone. I know I look like a victim, and trust me, I am. That doesn't mean he has to come and try to talk to me. "What are you doing here anyway?" I interrogated. He sucked in one of his rosy pink lips and drew a shallow breath.

"I could ask the same thing. But to answer your question, coach said I could stay here for a while. My parents are going at it, with their divorce and all. So I'm just chilling here till things cool down. Now what about you?" That's sad. I guess my reason won't amount much to him. Lie? Should I? I don't have anything to lose, but I don't lie. And I'm not starting now.

"I was going to practice my dance routines in here. I don't have enough money to go to a dance studio. And don't ask how I got the keys to this place. I don't want to interrupt what's going on in here, so I'll just leave. Night...." The pause signaled for him to put his name. That, however didn't happen.

"Don't go." Is he begging me to stay? We don't even know each other like that. I don't even know this guy's name! While frozen in thought I felt his presence press up behind me. His arms engulfed my sides and he rocked me back and forth. "Wh-what are you doing?" A large chuckle ran out his lips. Is he planning on raping me? I tried to get free, but to no avail. "I'm tempting you to stay. Please, just for one night. That's all I'm asking." The desire in his voice was shielded by the desperation.

I sighed and whispered, "I don't even know you."

"Then get to know me." His words although very well spoken, aren't going to convince me today. Maybe later, if we ever talk again after this. But not now. "I'm sorry, okay. I don't know you like that, and to be honest I'm not looking for a relationship. Let's just give out names for now. For all we know, we could make awesome friends in the future."

"My name is Daniel. Last name not included." He has a sense of humor. "Well, Daniel, last name not included, my name is Y/n. {Your Full Name}. Now like I said before, I'll just go. Maybe we'll see each other later. Don't I have Calculus with you?"

His impenetrable grip never ceased to give way. I guess he's not taking no for an answer.




Part Two? Or good as is?

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