Cancelled Plans

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Cancelled Plans

Y/n's POV

"Diggy, can you get the baskets from upstairs? I need to start washing the clothes." I yelled from the laundry room. I've been cleaning all day, and all he's been doing is messing around and making my job twice as hard. "Why can't you get em baby? I was just about to go to Spin's house to play some ball."

"But we have dinner plans after I get done! Did you forget about that?" I heard his steps approach me, getting closer and closer until I saw his pouted lips and sad face. "Don't do that, Dig. You promised that we were gonna go out tonight for dinner. Just the two of us." Since the other times we tried doing it, he had other plans. 'Oh, I got to go to the studio.' Or, 'I promised my mom that me and you would babysit Miley.' Excuses after excuses. "How about, I bring down the baskets and then I'll go for a while, then be back in time to take you to dinner." He gave me a smirk and enclosed his fingers with mine.

He better not be dissing me again. "Okay, but make it quick." I sighed, giving in. "Thanks, babe!" After running up the stairs and back down, he gave me the last two baskets and gave me a soft but lingering kiss on the lips. He's only doing that because he knows that if he messes up, then I'll be somewhat lenient on him. "Bye baby!" This is going to be a long night.






I can't believe him! He stood me up again! No more of this shit, I'm fed up with it. It's been past three hours for Christ's sake. He can't even stick to simple dinner plans with his girlfriend. What happens if we get married? Will he stand me up on our anniversaries too? I'm not going to stick around to find out. Wiping a tear from my eye, I went back into the laundry room to get the folded clothes. "Baby, I'm home." You ignorant piece of shit! I don't even want to hear you right now. Why am I talking to myself?

"Hey, sweetie." I felt his hands grip my sides and pull me to his chest.

"You did it again." I whispered. I'm not in the mood to argue. Time for the short worded answers. Never will I do the silent treatment. I can't stand to see a grown person, give another grown person the silent treatment. Be mature for once.

"Did what........ Oh shit, dinner plans. Y/n I am so sorry. Time just wasn't on my side today. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow." He tried to turn me around, but I held my spot gripping onto the dryer. "It's alright, Diggy. You don't have make it up to me. I'm done trying with you." "What do you mean you're done 'trying with me'. Are you breaking up with me?"

No. I just need to things to be different. There I go talking to myself again. Stop! "No, I'm just done trying to do special simple things with you. I can see that you have a lot of more important things to do, than spend just a little quality time with me." I know Diggy tries, but sometimes just trying isn't enough. We haven't even had a real date for about two months. I feel like we're just friends with benefits, that live together and have sex every weekend. Nothing special.

"I do want to spend time with you, baby. I just have other things I need to do first." Still, he tried to get me to look at him. If he saw me, he would see how broken I am by this. He doesn't need to see that side of me. The weak side. "Look at me."

Surely enough, I turned around and met his worried gaze. "Do you even consider us to be in a relationship? Be honest with me, Daniel."

"Of course I do. I don't say 'I love you' to just anybody. Those are special. And they go to my special baby." His thumb swiped across my face, ridding it of any tears. "I bet I can make it up to you though." His lips connected with mine and he picked me up, putting me on the edge of the dryer. "Right here?" I gasped out. This was a first. Wet lips skipped to my earlobe pulling and nibbling on it. "Yep."

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