Chapter 25

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"What are you talking about?" Inosuke practically yelled out, sitting up.

Tanjiro looked at Inosuke and just giggled, "It's not what it looks like, I don't want to overthrow Oji. I want to help him out. Since the demon slayer already knows about our present they will know how powerful we are soon. When they all die I was thinking of making a power system.."

"What are you planning?" Inosuke said, now criss-cross, leaning in, hands in front of his mouth, intertwining each other.

"When the demon slayer corps is gone for good I want to make a power system where Oji don't don't have to deal with the idiocy of his servants, neither do we," Tanjiro started to explain, "The uppermoon can be divided within 3 of us which we get 2 uppermoon each. With that, we will try to evenly place the demons under the upper moon."

"And whatever the demons report to the uppermoon, they'll report to us, right?"

"Correct, the only thing we have to deal with is the upper demon and the only thing Oji has to deal with is us. But I also feel like there should be roles."

Inosuke laid back down, "What do you mean?"

"Like one group is for offense another group is for defense. One group could be the information seeker but that's unlikely because of their lack of human knowledge. And et cetera (etc.). You get it?" Tanjiro asked, standing up.

"I get it now. It's a perfect plan," Inosuke responded, "If you have new info, tell me."

Tanjiro looked down on Inosuke, "Sure, and quit acting like you're tried. We both know that you can't be tried."

Inosuke groaned, "Leave me alone."


"INOSUKE!" Tanjiro called out, "INOSUKE!"

"WHAT?" Inosuke yelled into Tanjiro ears.

Tanjiro flinched, "It's been 3 months so you may have already forgotten about it but do you want to go to the swordsmith village?"

Inosuke paused for a moment, "I have nothing to do so let's go," Inosuke responded.

"Will let's get going!! They're already there!!"


Hantengu slowly crawled into the room where the 2 young demon slayers were located.

As Hantengu's body completely entered the room, one of the demon slayers with long hair and baggy clothing attacked him causing him to jump.

"EEKKKK!" Hantengu screech out, clingy onto the ceiling on the room.

"Stop it!! D-don't bully m-me!" Hantengu said in a wary voice.

The other demon with short hair attacked Hantengu but ended up stabbing the ceiling.

The smaller demon slayer with baggy clothing kicked Hantengu in the stomach causing him to yell out in pain.

The demon slayer with short hair cut Hantengu's head but she has suspected something, "Tokitou-Kun, don't lose focus!"

The smaller demon slayer now known as Tokitou had his guard back up.

Hantengu's head then started to form its own body.

The body started forming its own head.

Now there were 2 demons.

"I'll take the one behind!" Nezuko yelled out to Tokitou.

Nezuko was about to strike the demon behind Tokitou.

Tokitou was about to strike the demon in front of him but the demon in front of him waved a leave-like fan towards the 2 demon slayer, making strong wind.

Destroying the roof of the building and blowing the 2 slayers away.

Nezuko had grabbed onto the edge of the already roof but Tokitou too late and flew off to the forest.

"You're having fun. Took the little bean and flew it all the way out. Right, Sekido?" Asked the demon with a leaf-like fan.

"There's nothing fun about it. I just feel pissed of about everything," replied Sekido, "Same goes for being stuck with you, Karaku."

"Oh-kay, good thing we're apart now," the demon with the fan said, sticking its tongue out.

Sekido grabbed onto its staff and tabbed the ground made lightning go through the objects, electrocuting Nezuko.

A gunshot was fired, shooting both the demons in the head, missing one of the heads.

"Ohhh, dude. This is fun! Awesome! I've never felt that before," Karaku stated, its head hanging by the skin and bone that wasn't blown up.

The person who shot the gun dropped down and ran to Karaku.

"Genya, no!! No matter how strong your weapon is," Nezuko yelled out to the person, "you can't beat them like that!!"

It was too late, Genya had already cut Karaku's head.

"If you slice them, they'll just split!" Nezuko continued, "They rejuvenate and they get stronger!! They let you cut them on purposed!!"

"Kakaka, how delightful. Someone figured us out for the first time in forever!" A demon with wings shouted out, lifting Nezuko up by the leg with its chicken-like legs.

"Genya, don't worry about me!" Nezuko yelled out to Genya but went quiet.

"You are depressingly weak," a demon with a sad expression on its face pointed out.

The sad-looking demon stabbed Genya in the stomach.

"GENYA!!" Nezuko yelled.

"Do you really have time to worry about others?" The demon with wings and chicken leg questioned.

Nezuko looks up at the demon.

The demon opened its mouth revealing a kanji word in its tongue.

Nezuko was ready to put a strike on the demon but the sound waves came out of the demon's mouths causing Nezuko to cough up blood.

The demon let Nezuko go, making her fall. "Haha, nice one. This is delightful!" The demon expressed, sticking its tongue out.

Nezuko landed on the ground and tried to crawl back to the village. Nezuko suddenly felt something grab onto her leg.

She turned around and her face turned into that of a scared one. The demon's leg had clung to her leg.

The leg had the head of the demon that it belonged to. 

It opened its mouth and the sound wave came out.


Tokito ran through the forest after getting thrown out.

While running through the forest he saw a demon and a kid. 

The kid isn't skilled in his craft since he lacks experience. Saving him is a low priority. From its presence, this is just a summon of some demon. I have no reason to stop here. Saving the chief of the village is a higher priority.

Tokito was about to run off but the demon got a hold of the kid. Something inside Tokito told him he should save the kid so he did.

Tokito cut the arm of the summon and the kid dropped onto the ground.

"You're getting in the way. So can you just get out of here?" Tokito asked the kid, gripping on the sword.


AN- I'm back!! It's gonna be a slow update until Dec/17!! I need to get my grades up and Dec/17 is when I have winter break from school!! Hello, people from school!! Hii!!

Also, I confessed to my crush online 3 days ago and he hasn't replied. Does that mean I made him uncomfortable? Or..?

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