Chapter 33

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AN-Got my technology back so here's another chapter!

Nezuko quickly ran to Muichiro's side. So many thoughts came to Nezuko's mind. How did this happen? When did this happen? Where did it take place? Who did it?  Nothing made sense. It seemed like Tokito was dropped from the air and dragged himself here.

Nezuko lifted Muichiro's free arm, checking his pulse. It was light but it was there. He may be able to survive if he quickly gets treatment! 

Nezuko took her sword and cut a piece of her bright pink haori, dropping the sword she quickly wrapped the cloth around the big slash mark that can be seen. It seemed like Tokito had been in a brutal fight. His clothes were all ripped and slashed. Small slashes can be seen on his arms, face, neck, and just everywhere. His clothes were all dirtied with blood, dirt, and grass.

Taking off her pink haori, she placed it over Tokito's body, shielding him from the light wind. Nezuko grabbed her sword and picked Tokito up, running to who knows where.


What's with all this place? Mitsuri thought upon stumbling into the messy sight of debris scattered everywhere. There seems to be a fight that had happened here. Nezuko?

As Mitsuri looked around, broken wood, shattered glass, disturbed grass, and sword marks were on the trees. Everything seems to be completely destroyed. Was the fight this intense?? Nezuko seems fine though...

Mitsuri walked around, jumping and stepping over the debris. A pot? She picked up the beautifully made pot. It's super pretty!! I wonder if I can take it?? I should ask the villagers though.

Mitsuri walked over to a large empty space in-between the forest and the debris, placing the pot onto the grass. There may be more items that need saving!! Mitsuri was about to jump back into the debris when she suddenly heard something.

"Hyo, Hyo!"

Mitsuri quickly turned around while leaping backward.

She was face to face with a pale white abstracted, grotesque humanoid figure with a muscular upper torso and no arms.

She quickly unleashed her sword from its sheath, bringing the sword in front of her.

"Hyo, Hyo!! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Gyokko," the demon said, "May I have a moment before I kill you?"

Silence was the only reply that Mitsuri gave.

"Would you like to look at my artwork, my dear guess?"

"Art?" Mitsuri questioned. I guess demons also have hobbies. I mean killing people every day won't be so fun, especially if you live for 100s of years.

"LET ME SHOW YOU, LET ME SHOW YOU!!" Gyokko exclaimed with joy and excitement, "I recently made this and I have to say it's the best one I have done!"

Glopping (is that how you spell it?) noise can be heard behind Mitsuri.

Mitsuri quickly moved to the side, keeping her guard up.

It was another pot.

When did that get there?

The pot has something emerging from it.

The 'artwork' completely emerged out of the pot.

Mitsuri eyes shook, and her breathing became heavy. Her heart dropped into her stomach. Soon rage filled her veins. She tightens her grip on the sword. HOW DARE YOU!!


"Muzan-sama." A demon with 6 eyes said, kneeling in front of a ruby-eyed man.

"It's about time that the Demon Slayer Corps finally fall," Muzan stated, "My nephew and his little friends have been bugging me about this throughout the generation and since Inosuke finally got his hands of the Spider-lily. My plans can finally progress."

Inosuke? He find the spider? How?  The 6-eyed demon thought.  To think I haven't run into him while searching for the Spider Lily is unbelievable.

"Before he turned into a demon he liked to play outside in the forest near the village he was raised in. He became very well inform about a variety of plants. Because of his knowledge, he was able to find the Spider Lily but it took him quite a long time to locate it." Muzan seemed to have answered the 6-eyed demon question.

"Back to the main topic. I called you here because I already consumed the Spider Lily and I need servent that is to my liking which is for them to be a full demon, starting with you."

"May I ask a question, Muzan-sama?" The 6-eyed demon asked, his head facing the ground.


"Why aren't you starting with your nephew and his friends?"

"They already became full demons for a very long time. Enough questioning. Are you ready?" Muzan asked, his ruby-red eyes became cold as he glared at the 6-eyed demon.

The demon nodded.

"I'm not going to lower myself to you so come up here," Muzan ordered.

The 6-eyed demon stood up, walking up the steps leading to Muzan. A few steps in front of him was Muzan. I've never seen him this close up before. The 6-eyed demon said.

"What are you looking at?" Muzan questioned, his tone was cold, sending shivers down the 6-eyed demon back.

He quickly bowed down.

After a moment, the 6-eyed demon felt a sharp pain entering the middle of his forehead. He quickly tried to surpass the pain by clenching his fist.

Soon he passed out.

"You should've tested on someone else first," A voice behind Muzan said.

"Hmm?" Muzan didn't bother looking back, his only focus was on the body of the unconscious demon, twitching.

"I'm saying you should test on some other demon first and then test it on your moons. He may as well die and if you're not careful he can surpass you in strength."



"Are you doubting me?" Muzaned asked in rage. Viens appeared in his neck from clenching his teeth.

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