Chapter 9: Worth the Risk?

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Lisa's POV

"We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of all departments as of January to October and the related consolidated statement of operations...."

I pierce my eyes on the presentation of the balance sheet for the three quarters this year but my mind drifted back a month ago.

I left him in his container house and finally put an end to my delusion but for the whole month I've been hearing his voice all over again in my head like guilt is forcing me to go back and tell him it's okay.

That he is worth the risk, but how can I be so sure that he is? When the man himself wasn't sure of his own feelings.

"Do you not like me?"

"I thought you feel the same..."

No, I already fallen in love with him. I knew it deep within me for these past weeks. I knew I love him now. Not as an idol, I look up to, but as a man. Him as Jeon Jungkook.

"It's not their life to make.. I choose who I want to love..."

I'm such a liar. To make an excuse about his fans will not support him if he ever dates me, it's not about his fans. Being dragged and threatened by his fans is the least of my worries.

They ain't gonna do anything about it, in fact they would be more shock than hate, in my perspective. Imagine a kpop idol being in a relationship with the richest person in all Asia?

No stupid fan would threat an influential person like me. That's basically baiting a fish over a hungry cat,

It's a death trap for them.

And also, I decided to continue living the name Kwon Lisa at least for two months, cause I'm not that stupid. I know that building was his newly built building and the original rental fee of that huge apartment wasn't 300 hundred won, the room he showed was actually the biggest room and has at least 900-1M rental fee and other dues are excluded.

How did I know? They forgot to cover the rental fees guideline and his name as the building owner on the last part of the contract. And it would be weird if I leave the place just because of some stupid love problems, if it can be called a love problem.

But it's all over, I know everything we had shared before was just temporary enjoyment? Happiness?

He doesn't deserve being deceived, he deserves everything in the world. And me? I'd go back to the same workaholic person I was. Succumbing myself to reports and codings, just continuing the life I made in this lifetime.

"The 57% balance of accounts receivable was $50.6 million and the remaining 43% was the external parties of $30.4 million." "That's it for the report for the three quarters Vice Chairwoman Han....."

"Vice Chairwoman?"

"Ms Han?"

I was startled when they all looked at me with a confused reaction. I never get lost in such an important presentation every quarter ends but I already read the written report last night so it's no matter.

"Give me the written financial report for the last quarter, and send the inventory list to Ms Kim so she and I can double check on it" I composed myself, sitting straight.

"Yes Ms Lisa, I already have it prepared" the presenter said.

"Very well then, this meeting is adjourned" I said, standing up from my seat and going back to my office.

As soon as I entered my own office, I went straight to my interconnected closet room and change my dress to a much more comfortable clothes. His Hoodie to be exact, a black fitted pants and Adidas shoes.

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