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It was challenging for Katherine to get used to living in Harry's apartment as his girlfriend rather than his housekeeper, even after weeks of being together

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It was challenging for Katherine to get used to living in Harry's apartment as his girlfriend rather than his housekeeper, even after weeks of being together. They were now sharing a bedroom, sharing a bed, and ultimately sharing their lives together. It was hard for her to wrap her brain around that fact sometimes.

And as the two of them stood in front of the matching sinks in the master bathroom, brushing their teeth together, Katherine couldn't help but think of how domestic and intimate it felt. She could have never pictured something like this even a month ago.

Katherine looked over at Harry out of the corner of her eyes before she quickly went back to focusing on brushing. For a moment, she felt uneasy gazing at him, but realized that maybe she shouldn't feel that way. He was her boyfriend after all. She should be able to look at him without feeling shameful about it.

Her eyes wandered back over to him, admiring the way his pajama bottoms hung low on his hips and how she could see the rippling muscles in his shoulder as his arm moved back and forth while he brushed his teeth.

He was a fine specimen of a man. All taut, sinewy muscles under soft, golden skin. Her hands had traveled nearly every inch of that skin, yet she still felt the itching in her fingertips to continue to map him out. Though she wasn't sure what he would think of it if she just reached over and touched him. She didn't know if it would make him uncomfortable and that was the absolute last thing she wanted.

He was such a reserved person. He did not speak about his feelings very often. It was only on rare occasions that she got tiny little glimpses into his psyche. And it was always on his terms because she didn't want to ever push or pressure him. She didn't know how much he would tolerate. And she wasn't going to let an unwanted touch from her be the thing that put a wedge between them.

"Katherine..." Harry breathed after he spit out his toothpaste.

He didn't even look over at her, he just rinsed his toothbrush.

"Hmm?" She hummed through her mouthful.

"Is something on your mind?" He asked, looking up at her through the mirror.

"What—" She murmured through the toothpaste, staring back at him like a deer-in-headlights.

She would never understand how he was able to read her so well. He hadn't even been looking at her and he just knew.

"I can feel your eyes on me," he told her as he replaced his toothbrush in its rightful place and finally turned to look at her as she spit out the toothpaste.

"I just—" She stammered, feeling flustered.

"You're blushing," he pointed out, and she sucked in a breath and let it out in a sigh. How was he so fucking aware all the time?

"You're putting me on the spot," she said as she rinsed her toothbrush before putting it away.

He didn't say anything in response. He just stared at her like he was waiting for an intelligible response.

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