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Harry guided Katherine into the living room, pulling her onto his lap as he sat down on the couch

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Harry guided Katherine into the living room, pulling her onto his lap as he sat down on the couch. He just wanted to hold her, to be close to her.

"You're very special to me, mon ange. Do you know that?"

"I have an idea," she replied with an impish grin on her face.

"Mm," he hummed as his fingers slipped in the back of her silky blonde hair, coaxing her lips to his.

When she opened her mouth to his, he let his tongue slide against hers in slow and passionate strokes. He wanted the kiss to convey just how appreciative he was for all the effort she put into his birthday. It was his best one, he was certain, in all of his life.

"Mm," Katherine moaned into the kiss and it caused arousal to stir inside him.

Everything she did had an effect on him. Every sound that fell from her lips, every look she sent his way, every word she spoke to him. He was infatuated with her. Irrevocably. Infinitely.

"Harry," she murmured against his lips as he continued trying to taste her.

"Hmm?" He hummed as his lips covered hers again.

"Will you let me give you your presents?" She managed to get out as his kisses quickly descended down her jaw, then down to the nape of her neck.

"Mm," he mumbled against her skin.

"Harry," she giggled as she did her best to press the side of her cheek to her shoulder, effectively shunning his lips from her neck.

"Mon ange," he huffed, his eyes swiftly finding hers.

"Presents," she told him with a bright smile, doing her best to flip his grumpy expression.

"Presents," he repeated with a nod, letting a smile curve up his lips, just for her.

"Um, first, I'll start out by saying I've been... I've been reading a lot. Um, like researching, I guess," Katherine prologued as she looked down to watch her fingers fiddle nervously with the cross pendant on the necklace around Harry's neck.

"What have you been reading?" He asked curiously.

"Um... like, sex stuff..." She told him, looking up into his eyes only momentarily before she looked away again. He could easily make out the blush that crept up her face.

"Sex stuff?" He asked as his mouth turned up into a smile.

"Mm-hmm," she hummed, nodding her head as her vision met his again.

"And what sex stuff have you been reading?" He asked curiously with an impish smirk.

"Um. Like, positions and um, kinks. Stuff like that."

"Kinks?" Harry inquired with a cock of his eyebrow. He had to admit, this conversation was not what he expected in the slightest, but he was certainly enjoying it.

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