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Katherine woke up to little kisses on her shoulder blade, snuggled in the arms of her boyfriend of nearly two months

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Katherine woke up to little kisses on her shoulder blade, snuggled in the arms of her boyfriend of nearly two months. It still felt odd for her to think of him that way. Harry was her boyfriend. Mr. Styles was her boyfriend. It almost didn't sound dignified enough of a title for him. Maybe she should call him her manfriend. Or just simply, her lover.

Either way, it still felt surreal waking up in his arms, especially with the sweet gesture of tiny kisses on her warm skin.

"Mm. Good morning," Katherine hummed, not quite able to open her eyes just yet.

"I didn't mean to wake you," he breathed against her skin.

"It's okay," she said through a yawn.

It was still dark out. That much Katherine was aware of. But that wasn't anything new for Harry. He was usually awake before the sun and went to bed long after it set. It made her wonder how he ever had the energy to get through the day – especially when the two of them decided to get a little adventurous with each other.

"Go back to sleep, angel," Harry breathed in her ear before kissing the back of her neck.

"Mm. Maybe I don't wanna," she hummed, bringing her arm back to grip onto his backside as she ground her bottom into the obvious hard-on he had.

"Katherine," he warned darkly in her ear, causing her to giggle.

"What?" She asked, playing dumb as she bit at her lip, moving her butt again.

"As much as I'd love to fuck you until your screaming, I can't this morning. I have a meeting," he told her as he gripped tightly onto her hip to still her when she moved her body again.

"Can't it wait?" She asked, craning her neck to pout her lip out at him.

"I assure you, it cannot," he told her.

"Aw. You're no fun," she giggled as she turned in his arms, only to leave a kiss on his lips.

"If you're a good girl, I'll make it worth your while later on," he enticed, smiling against her mouth.

"When am I not a good girl?" She giggled, pulling back to look at him.

"When you're a bad girl," he answered immediately as a devilish smirk turned up his lips.

"Only when you want me to be," she cooed, leaning in to kiss him again.

"Oh, Katherine. I think there have been plenty of times where you wanted to be," Harry countered with a knowing smirk.

"Touché," she giggled before pressing her lips to his once more.

The two of them had done a lot of exploring in their sex lives over their time together. Now, as a couple, they were trying to find a balance between keeping Harry's urges at bay and sating them at the same time. It was a thin line between the two when it came to a sex addict and it surely opened Katherine's eyes to a whole other world.

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