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Katherine had been trying to think of things to do to keep herself busy while Harry was away — any way for her to not think about how much she missed him — so she made plans with her cousin Christine mid-week

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Katherine had been trying to think of things to do to keep herself busy while Harry was away — any way for her to not think about how much she missed him — so she made plans with her cousin Christine mid-week. Katherine knew the two of them didn't see each other nearly enough, when at one time, they used to be inseparable. Christine was the closest family and friend that she had, and it meant a lot to both of them to keep that bond.

Other than that, she made a few appointments with her therapist to help occupy her mind in the present. Her earliest one, just two days after Harry had left.

As soon as she arrived at her therapist's office with Mr. Bates in tow, Katherine's phone vibrated against her leg. She quickly fumbled to dislodge it from the pocket of her jeans as she sat down in the waiting room, really hoping it was a text from Harry. He'd been gone for nearly forty-eight hours and she had barely heard from him. Just a simple text to tell her that he had finally arrived in Japan, and one to tell her that he missed her as he was going to bed his first night there.

She knew he was probably extremely busy with all the work that his father left him with, and she was certain he was exhausted from jetlag. So she didn't want to bother him too much. But she missed him — agonizingly so.

When she finally got her phone out, she silently celebrated when she saw that it was Harry who had texted— a photo to be exact. She immediately opened it, finding a picture of him laying in bed. The picture focused exclusively on his body from his thighs up to his chest— completely nude.

"Holy— oh my god," Katherine yelped, hiding the screen of her phone as she began choking on her own saliva. She had not been expecting that! Never in a million years would she have expected that!

'Surprised' did not even begin to explain her reaction. Her whole damn world had seemed to be knocked off its axis. Jesus Lord. To say she was flustered was an understatement.

Harry — the most closed off person she had ever met. Harry — the man who had never been in a relationship before her. Harry — the man who continued to surprise her with each passing day. That Harry sent her a dick pic.

"Are you okay, Miss Mason?" Mr. Bates asked, looking concerned for her well-being as she coughed a few times, trying to dislodge the moisture from her windpipe.

"I'm-I'm fine. Just forgot how to swallow apparently," she quipped, patting her chest as she coughed a few more times, trying to right herself.

Mr. Bates nodded at her before he went back to looking at his own phone, the concern diminishing off his face. Katherine eyed him for a moment, making sure he wasn't paying attention to anything she was doing before she dared turn her phone back over. And when she did, her eyes got a load of the thirstiest of thirst traps her boyfriend had sent her.

She would have never imagined Harry ever snapping a nude of himself, but there he was in-living-color— muscles, tattoos and a very erect penis.

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