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That night Katherine fell asleep peacefully in Harry's arms

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That night Katherine fell asleep peacefully in Harry's arms. He had never been an affectionate person, and he had absolutely never cuddled. That just wasn't something he did with anyone. Until Katherine. Katherine liked to cuddle, so Harry found himself adapting to her.

Night after night, after she would fall asleep, he would slowly and carefully move her body to her side of the bed because he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep like that. But then he would lay there watching her sleeping with the moonlight shining down on her until he too found sleep. That was his routine on most nights.

But that night was different. That night there was too much on his mind to allow himself to relax. He couldn't stop thinking about how he made Katherine cry once again, and he hadn't even done anything this time. It was because of the past, because he was a fucking asshole. He had no excuse for it. He honestly hated himself because of it.

'You broke my heart'.

He broke her heart and he could never take that back. That history would always be there. He would always relive that horrible time in his mind and wish he could take back every abhorrent thing he did and said to her.


Harry sat in the waiting room at the hospital with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped in front of him. He stared in a daze down at the dark crimson blood that had dried on his hands. Katherine's blood.

Once the ambulance reached the emergency room and they wheeled her in, the doctor's told him he couldn't go back with her— no matter how much he protested.

So he was shuffled, quite reluctantly, to the waiting room by a nurse.

His stomach felt queasy, like he might throw up. Katherine was bleeding so much. His hands were covered in it from carrying her out of the kitchen to lay her on the couch while they waited for the ambulance.

Soon there were at least a dozen people flowing into his flat, between building personnel, police officers and paramedics. He knew Katherine would hate all the attention, but that didn't matter if it was going to help her... if it was going to save her. He had no idea what was wrong with her. He just knew a person shouldn't lose as much blood as she did.

Harry rode in the ambulance with Katherine to the hospital, holding her hand the whole time. He didn't know what else to do. He didn't want her to be alone. But now she was. Not in the sense that she was completely alone, but that she had no one with her holding her hand. No one was there for her. He wanted to be there for her. But he was banished to the goddamn waiting room. And it was making him go mad.

"Sir?" Harry heard and his head immediately snapped up to see Harris and Bates standing in front of him. They must have followed the ambulance.

"How is she?" Harris asked cautiously and Harry noticed the blood stains on Harris' white shirt that no doubt matched the ones that weren't as visible on Harry's black shirt. He knew they were there though. Her blood was all over him.

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