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"Angel..." Katherine heard Harry's voice coming from the bedroom as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror applying one last layer of red lipstick to her lips.

She had never worn the shade before, never having a reason to, and certainly never having such a glamorous dress to match it to. She felt like she was Cinderella for the night— if Cinderella was wearing a skimpy red silk dress, red lipstick and six inch Louboutin stilettos.

When she turned toward the doorway, she was immediately met with Harry's gaze as he stared back at her in his black-as-the-night Armani tuxedo.

"Katherine..." He cooed as his eyes dropped down her body and came back up again.

"Do you like it?"

"I am... I don't... I am not a man who becomes speechless very often, Miss Mason, but right now, you've left me without a thought in my mind besides how utterly fucking mouth-watering you look right now," Harry gushed.

Her smile was instant as she felt her cheeks blush rapidly.

"Don't think I can handle anyone else's eyes on you tonight, angel. I'm getting jealous just thinking about it," he commented as he stepped up, placing his hands on her waist before leaving a light kiss on her cheek.

"Now you know how I feel," she giggled, leaning into the kiss.

"I'm only yours, mon ange," he reassured her and it made her smile.

"I'm only yours," she told him as she leaned in to leave a tiny kiss on his lips to show her affection, but ended up leaving her mark on him.

"Lipstick," she said with a smirk before she gently wiped it off his mouth.

"Also, don't know if I can handle not kissing you tonight. That lipstick might be gone sooner than you think," he said, smiling mischievously at her, causing her to giggle.

"At least refrain until after the paparazzi photos," she giggled.

"Mm. I'll try," he cooed, his lips hovering over hers before he quickly moved to kiss her cheek again.

"Thank you."

A moment later, she was reminded of what she had just said— paparazzi photos. There would be paparazzi because of the event and because of who Harry was. Her nerves immediately twisted, causing her to feel uneasy and sick to her stomach.

"What's the matter?"

"This is... this will be our first time out... together," she reminded him.

"Yes," he said evenly.

"People will know about us after this," she added and he nodded.

"How many haters will I have after tonight?" She snickered, thinking about all the women who found Harry attractive. She was sure the list was extensive.

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