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When Katherine woke up next to her sleeping boyfriend, a wave of excitement immediately flooded her

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When Katherine woke up next to her sleeping boyfriend, a wave of excitement immediately flooded her. It was a rare occasion that she woke up before him, but she was certain it was because of what day it was that she was up before the sun.

It was Harry's birthday — a birthday Katherine wouldn't have known about if she hadn't asked him while they were in Bora Bora. She truly wondered if he would have let the day go by without even mentioning his birthday if she hadn't asked. She was almost certain that he would have.

It made her sad that he spent so many birthdays alone without someone to make him feel special. She knew he wasn't exactly someone who made himself the center of attention, but she wasn't going to let the day pass without some sort of celebration. She was so excited to celebrate the man she loved. She just hoped that he would allow it.

Katherine glanced at her phone to check the time — 6:52am. She nearly laughed because it was only eight minutes before Harry's alarm was scheduled to go off.

"Mon amour..." She cooed as she curled up to his warm body underneath the covers, "Mon amour, wake up."

She leaned in, kissing his cheek as her hand slid across his bare abdomen, feeling every defined muscle beneath her fingertips.

"Wake up, my love," she breathed before kissing him again.

"Mm," he hummed, his eyes still closed.

"Harry..." She sang his name softly and he hummed again, "It's your birthday."

A split second later, Harry thrust himself on top of her, causing her to screech as he scared the ever-loving shit out of her.

"It's my birthday?" He questioned in an overly-exaggerated faux-sense of excitement as he hovered over her body, smiling down at her.

"Oh my god. You scared the hell out of me!" She laughed, pushing against his chest and he let out a hearty laugh.

"I was trying to be sweet and wake you up nicely and then you made me almost piss myself. Jesus Christ," she hissed as she pressed her hand over her wildly beating heart.

"Sorry, mon ange. I couldn't help it," he chuckled, smirking mischievously at her.

"Mm-hmm," she hummed, pursing her lips at him.

"Oh," he cooed, leaning in to kiss her, "Cheer up, angel. It's my birthday."

"It is your birthday," she replied as an enthusiastic smile made its way back onto her face.

"I've been awake for a while. You were talking in your sleep," Harry told her as he laid down next to her, intertwining his legs with hers before he pulled her into his arms.

"I was not," she immediately protested through a laugh. If she was— oh, god, what did she say?

"You were too," he laughed and she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

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