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Katherine had just enough time to shower and dress into a set of sexy black lingerie before Harry called her through FaceTime that evening

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Katherine had just enough time to shower and dress into a set of sexy black lingerie before Harry called her through FaceTime that evening. Her heart thumped excitedly in her chest as the butterflies ravished her stomach.

It took nearly four days for Katherine and Harry to be able to connect with each other through video messenger, but after seeing his smiling face once the blurry picture cleared up, it had definitely been worth the wait. She missed him so much.

"Mon bébé," she cooed, her smile wide on her face.

"Mon ange," he replied, his dimples dug deep into his cheeks as he smiled back at her.

He was laying in bed still dressed in a suit, but the shirt was completely unbuttoned, revealing his tattoos and tanned skin.

"God, I miss you," she breathed, unable to take her eyes off of him.

"I miss you too, angel. You have no idea," he told her, his green eyes reflecting the daylight that was shining into the room he was in.

"I have some idea," she countered, smirking at him.

"How was your day?" He asked curiously and it made her feel good that he cared enough to ask, "You were with Christine, yeah?"

"I was. Our plans changed though."

"Changed? How?"

"We were going to go shopping and then go out to lunch, but her mother-in-law's house flooded last night in the massive storm that came across New York State. So I went up to the Catskills with her to help her clean it up," Katherine explained.

"That's very nice of you, mon ange. Catskills is kind of far away, innit?"

"Two and a half hours one way."

"Quite the drive for you."

"It wasn't bad, really. It was nice being with Christine," she told him honestly.

"I can imagine. Did you get all the water cleaned up?"

"We did. Just got home about an hour ago."

"Wow. Working hard," Harry chuckled.

"Mr. Bates helped too."

"You're putting him to work, huh?"

"He volunteered. He was already there. He followed us up in the security Range Rover."

"Did you drive yours?"

"I did. Finally," she said, smiling from ear-to-ear.

She refrained from telling him that Christine heard his x-rated text message read through the speakers. She didn't want to embarrass him. She didn't want him to know that their private conversation had momentarily been breached because of an error in judgment. She now knew better, and wouldn't have his texts read out loud unless she was alone.

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