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Harry woke up with the pain of a hangover wrapping around his brain

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Harry woke up with the pain of a hangover wrapping around his brain. He groaned to himself before pressing his palm to his forehead as all the memories of his shitshow of a night came back to him in living color.

The evening with Katherine was good. Fucking hell, it was amazing. Seeing her in that tight black dress and heels. Her wearing the anal dilator just for him and allowing him to finger-fuck her. Fucking brilliant. And then fucking her on the couch. He was getting hard just thinking about it.

But then the thoughts of fucking her on that couch turned into memories of all the other women he had fucked on that very same couch and he was brought back to memories of how the night had progressed. He should have never brought Katherine to that club. Fucking hell. What was he thinking?

To be honest, he wasn't. He didn't even take a moment to think of the consequences of bringing Katherine to the club he used so frequently to fuel his sexual addiction. He bought the fucking club for that purpose alone. He bought it so he would have a safe space, outside of the grasp of the media, to be able to live his life of deviance and debauchery without consequence.

All that was in his head was taking Katherine out somewhere that paparazzi couldn't get to them, and his club was the first and only thing that came to mind.

She was so angry with him and he couldn't blame her for even a second. Not only those two harpies coming up to them at the table, but Allaynah Hart, his former submissive, coming over making everything astronomically awkward. He knew Katherine was uncomfortable with the words she had said about him being unattainable, about him being the 'white whale' that all the women wanted to catch.

But it was the truth before Katherine. He didn't want anyone in his life before her. All he wanted was to fuck and finish without any of the bullshit of commitment. He didn't understand commitment until Katherine. He didn't feel anything for any women until Katherine. Not even Allaynah who he fucked quite frequently because of her unrelenting desire to be submissive for him.

Now when he thought about his time with Allaynah, he felt an unyielding sense of shame. What they did together was depraved, deviant, disastrous. There was no kink that Allaynah wouldn't do, and they did them all. The things he did to her, he would never even think about doing to or with Katherine.

His tryst with Allaynah was the reason he had been completely celibate for a year. After a session of rope bondage and heavy BDSM that went terribly awry, causing Allaynah to nearly be asphyxiated, Harry knew his life had spiraled into the depths of hell. He ceased all contact with Allaynah and didn't step foot in the club for his deviant deeds for over a year.

And then Katherine, his bright pure angel, came into his life bringing him redemption. She saw a light in him that he had never seen in himself. She made him want to be a better man, and he was for her. For the past six months he had the absolute pleasure of being her boyfriend. Even when he felt like he fell short, he always seemed to be enough for her.

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